This a prototype for the Privacy Preserving Federated Learning Simulator Framework for Deep Neural Nets (DNN) with Tensorflow and PyTorch.
This is a work in progress.
- This projects depends on NILMTK and NILM Metadata. Please add these projects to your python path.
- Other dependencies are defined in the requirements.txt
This framework goal is to streamline DNN Federated Learning experiments for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Applications. It aims to combine several existing tools in a decoupled manner.
The experimental results use REDD and UKDALE datasets. Please REDD and UKDALE NILMTK h5 files to ./experimets/data folder.
The current example is divided in Training and Evaluation scripts. To train a DPFL model execute the python script:
- ./experiments/fed_model/
To evaluate the trained model execute the python script:
- ./experiments/fed_model/
Appliance names can be switched to fridge, kettle, and microwave. A FL model will be trained with checkpoints happening every "check_point_rate". For example a checkpoint of 10 will save a model every 10 rounds. Each model will be used during evaluation to generate the charts.