A CLI tool to improve general awareness.
This tool fetches questions from The Trivia API and renders them to the user according to its structure and working.
The Trivia API provides ten main categories and three difficulty levels.
The categories are divided into
- lighter categories
music, science, general_knowledge, sport_and_leisure, food_and_drink - heavier categories
society_and_culture, arts_and_literature, film_and_tv, history, geography
The API divides questions into 'easy', 'medium' and 'hard' difficulty levels.
Conceptual divisions to help achieve the desired balance of catagories and difficulties.
Consists of five questions. -
Consists of three subparts.
Two subparts will consist of questions of heavier categories and one subpart will consist of questions of lighter categories.
All questions from the three subparts of a round will be shuffled together. -
Consists of three rounds.
The three rounds will be of easy, medium, and hard difficulty level accordingly.