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Python implementation of multiple-criteria decision-making algorithms


The mcdm package can be installed from PyPI using pip for Python 3:

$ pip3 install mcdm

Alternatively, you can install the latest version of the mcdm package from its GitHub repository:

$ git clone
$ cd mcdm/
$ pip3 install .

If an old unsupported version of a dependency was already installed on your system and you cannot or do not want to upgrade it, then you can avoid the dependency conflict by installing the mcdm package in a Python 3 virtual environment as follows:

$ python3 -m venv venv/
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip
(venv) $ pip install mcdm

If, for some reason, a future supported version of a dependency contains breaking changes, then you can use the requirements.txt file to install the exact version that was last used to test the mcdm package, e.g.:

$ git clone
$ cd mcdm/
$ python3 -m venv venv/
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) $ pip install .


The following tables include the scoring, weighting, correlation, and normalization methods that are supported by the mcdm package.

Scoring methods

Short Name Full Name References
SAW Simple Additive Weighting [1], [2]
MEW Multiplicative Exponential Weighting [2]
TOPSIS Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution [1]
mTOPSIS Modified Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution [3]

Weighting methods

Short Name Full Name References
MW Mean Weights [4]
EM Entropy Measure [1], [3]
SD Standard Deviation [4]
CRITIC Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation [4]
VIC Variability and Interdependencies of Criteria [5]

Correlation methods

Short Name Full Name References
Pearson Pearson Correlation Coefficients [6]
AbsPearson Absolute Value of the Pearson Correlation Coefficients [6]
dCor Distance Correlation Coefficients [7], [8]

Normalization methods

Short Name Full Name References
Linear1 Linear Normalization (1) [1], [9]
Linear2 Linear Normalization (2) [1], [9]
Linear3 Linear Normalization (3) [1], [9]
Vector Vector Normalization [1], [9]


After importing the mcdm package, you can view its contents using the built-in help function:

>>> import mcdm
>>> help(mcdm)

The contents of its subpackages can be viewed similarly, e.g.:

>>> help(mcdm.weighting)

The mcdm package can compute the ranking of alternatives, which are provided as an array_like object, with its rank function. By default, the rank function is using the SAW scoring method, the MW weighting method, and assumes that the decision matrix contains unnamed alternatives with normalized benefit criteria:

>>> x_matrix = [
...     [0.00, 1.00],
...     [0.25, 0.75],
...     [0.50, 0.50],
...     [0.75, 0.25],
...     [1.00, 0.00],
... ]
>>> mcdm.rank(x_matrix)
[('a1', 0.5), ('a2', 0.5), ('a3', 0.5), ('a4', 0.5), ('a5', 0.5)]

You can select the use of the MEW scoring method, without changing the remaining default selections, as follows:

>>> x_matrix = [
...     [0.00, 1.00],
...     [0.25, 0.75],
...     [0.50, 0.50],
...     [0.75, 0.25],
...     [1.00, 0.00],
... ]
>>> mcdm.rank(x_matrix, s_method="MEW")
[('a3', 0.5000000000000001), ('a2', 0.4330127018922193), ('a4', 0.4330127018922193), ('a1', 0.0), ('a5', 0.0)]

Alternatively, you can use the TOPSIS scoring method with predefined weights as follows:

>>> x_matrix = [
...     [0.00, 1.00],
...     [0.25, 0.75],
...     [0.50, 0.50],
...     [0.75, 0.25],
...     [1.00, 0.00],
... ]
>>> mcdm.rank(x_matrix, w_vector=[0.7, 0.3], s_method="TOPSIS")
[('a5', 0.7), ('a4', 0.6504133360970108), ('a3', 0.5), ('a2', 0.3495866639029891), ('a1', 0.3)]

You can also use the TOPSIS scoring method with a mixture of benefit and cost criteria as follows:

>>> x_matrix = [
...     [0.00, 1.00],
...     [0.25, 0.75],
...     [0.50, 0.50],
...     [0.75, 0.25],
...     [1.00, 0.00],
... ]
>>> mcdm.rank(x_matrix, is_benefit_x=[True, False], s_method="TOPSIS")
[('a5', 1.0), ('a4', 0.75), ('a3', 0.5), ('a2', 0.25000000000000006), ('a1', 0.0)]

Alternatively, you can use the TOPSIS scoring method, the SD weighting method, and the Vector normalization method with named alternatives as follows:

>>> x_matrix = [
...     [4,  5, 10],
...     [3, 10,  6],
...     [3, 20,  2],
...     [2, 15,  5],
... ]
>>> alt_names = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
>>> mcdm.rank(x_matrix, alt_names=alt_names, n_method="Vector", w_method="SD", s_method="TOPSIS")
[('A', 0.5623140105790617), ('D', 0.472563994792934), ('C', 0.4474283120076966), ('B', 0.43874437587505694)]

Similarly, you can use the SAW scoring method, the CRITIC weighting method, and the Linear2 normalization method with named alternatives as follows:

>>> x_matrix = [
...     [4,  5, 10],
...     [3, 10,  6],
...     [3, 20,  2],
...     [2, 15,  5],
... ]
>>> alt_names = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
>>> mcdm.rank(x_matrix, alt_names=alt_names, n_method="Linear2", w_method="CRITIC", s_method="SAW")
[('C', 0.5864039798997854), ('A', 0.5363555775174913), ('B', 0.42272592958624855), ('D', 0.41815995516110754)]

Furthermore, you can use the mTOPSIS scoring method, the EM weighting method, and the Linear3 normalization method with named alternatives as follows:

>>> x_matrix = [
...     [4,  5, 10],
...     [3, 10,  6],
...     [3, 20,  2],
...     [2, 15,  5],
... ]
>>> alt_names = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
>>> mcdm.rank(x_matrix, alt_names=alt_names, n_method="Linear3", w_method="EM", s_method="mTOPSIS")
[('A', 0.5671982017516887), ('D', 0.4737709007480381), ('B', 0.44023602515388915), ('C', 0.43979056725587967)]

In addition, you can use the MEW scoring method, the VIC weighting method, and the Linear1 normalization method with named alternatives as follows:

>>> x_matrix = [
...     [4,  5, 10],
...     [3, 10,  6],
...     [3, 20,  2],
...     [2, 15,  5],
... ]
>>> alt_names = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
>>> mcdm.rank(x_matrix, alt_names=alt_names, n_method="Linear1", w_method="VIC", s_method="MEW")
[('A', 0.596199006150288), ('B', 0.5926510141687035), ('D', 0.5816528401371021), ('C', 0.507066254464828)]

Finally, you can use the load function of the mcdm package to load a decision matrix from a text file (e.g., the example09.tsv file), and then compute the ranking of its alternatives using the MEW scoring method and the VIC weighting method as follows:

>>> x_matrix, alt_names = mcdm.load("./mcdm/tests/data/example09.tsv", delimiter="\t", skiprows=1, labeled_rows=True)
>>> mcdm.rank(x_matrix, alt_names=alt_names, w_method="VIC", s_method="MEW")
[('COORD.PRoPHET', 0.47540101629920883), ('DF.PRoPHET', 0.4720540449389032), ('CnR.LTS', 0.38076976314696165), ('SimBetTS.L8', 0.3800058193419937), ('SimBetTS.L16', 0.3799920328578032), ('CnR.DestEnc', 0.37944808013507936), ('LSF-SnW.L16', 0.37739981242275067), ('DF.DestEnc', 0.3737879965369727), ('COORD.DestEnc', 0.3735362169300779), ('SimBetTS.L4', 0.372439515643607), ('LSF-SnW.L8', 0.3689450285406012), ('DF.LTS', 0.36604297140966213), ('COORD.LTS', 0.36532018876831296), ('LSF-SnW.L4', 0.34498575401083065), ('CnF.PRoPHET', 0.344899433667112), ('CnF.DestEnc', 0.34080904510687654), ('CnF.LTS', 0.33682425293123014), ('SnF.L8', 0.3338134560941729), ('SnF.L4', 0.3310799577048607), ('CnR.PRoPHET', 0.3283706628162786), ('SnF.L2', 0.3282710142810222), ('SnF.L16', 0.325965295985982), ('SimBetTS.L2', 0.3198197170434966), ('LSF-SnW.L2', 0.28336307866897725), ('CnR.Enc', 0.25388909503755097), ('DF.Enc', 0.19642752820544426), ('COORD.Enc', 0.18527125018989776), ('Epidemic', 0.17618218317052287), ('Direct', 0.14463684900589485), ('EBR.L16', 0.14427544773753895), ('SnW.L16', 0.14419569083973272), ('EBR.L2', 0.139576851541699), ('SnW.L2', 0.1393465080643217), ('SnW.L8', 0.13728835719879856), ('EBR.L8', 0.13728300706136987), ('EBR.L4', 0.13654721879934206), ('SnW.L4', 0.1364251455180083), ('CnF.Enc', 0.11713353969310777)]


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