Realistic Full-Body Motion Generation from Sparse Tracking with State Space Model (ACM MM 2024, Oral)
All our experiments were conducted on a single A-100 40G GPU.
The code was tested on python 3.9.19, torch 2.2.1, and mamba-ssm 1.2.0.
Download the human_body_prior lib and body_visualizer lib and put them in this repo. The repo should look like
├── body_visualizer
├──── mesh/
├──── tools/
├──── ...
├── human_body_prior/
├──── body_model/
├──── data/
├──── ...
├── dataset/
├── prepare_data/
└── ...
Please download the AMASS dataset from here(SMPL+H G).
python --support_dir /path/to/your/smplh/dmpls --save_dir ./dataset/AMASS/ --root_dir /path/to/your/amass/dataset
The generated dataset should look like this
├── BioMotionLab_NTroje
├──── train/
├──── test/
├── CMU/
├──── train/
├──── test/
└── MPI_HDM05/
├──── train/
└──── test/
python --model_path /path/to/your/model --timestep_respacing ddim5 --support_dir /path/to/your/smpls/dmpls --dataset_path ./dataset/AMASS/
python --save_dir /path/to/save/your/model --dataset amass --weight_decay 1e-4 --batch_size 128 --lr 3e-4 --latent_dim 128 --save_interval 1 --log_interval 1 --device 0 --input_motion_length 96 --diffusion_steps 1000 --num_workers 4 --motion_nfeat 132 --arch diffusion_DiffMotionUNet --layers 12 --sparse_dim 54 --train_dataset_repeat_times 1000 --lr_anneal_steps 225000 --overwrite
The pretrained weights for MMD can be downloaded from this link.
To test the pretrained model:
python --model_path mmd_pretrained_weights/ --timestep_respacing ddim5 --support_dir /path/to/your/smpls/dmpls --dataset_path ./dataset/AMASS/
To visualize the generated motions, add these commands behind:
--vis --output_dir /path/to/save/your/videos
If you encounter this error during visualization:
ValueError: Cannot use face colors with a smooth mesh
You can fix it by changing the line 88 in your body_visualizer/mesh/
mesh = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(mesh, smooth=False)
If you want to cite our work, please use this:
title={Realistic Full-Body Motion Generation from Sparse Tracking with State Space Model},
author={Dong, Kun and Xue, Jian and Niu, Zehai and Lan, Xing and Lv, Ke and Liu, Qingyuan and Qin, Xiaoyu},
booktitle={ACM Multimedia 2024}
Open an issue or mail me directly in case of any queries or suggestions.