Intro to Open SAAS here...
To get a basic test server working on a single machine, follow the below steps. They can be adapted for multiple nodes and production machines too.
#Make a hive folder and put this in it
rm -rf ~/hive
mkdir ~/hive
cd ~/hive
git clone ssh://[email protected]:7999/os/master.git opensaas
#Setup the node runner service
cd opensaas/services/nodeRunnerService
sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) /usr/local/lib/node_modules
sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) ~/.npm
npm link ../../notoja_modules/dbService #Point npm to the dbService module
npm install #Update any dependencies
#Setup the orchestrator management app
cd ../../applications/orchestratorServiceManagement
sudo npm install -g grunt grunt-cli
npm install #Update any dependencies
grunt build #Perform minification and generate a tar
cp orchestratorServiceManagement.tar.gz ../../services/orchestratorService/apps/ #Copy the output tar to the orchestrator service
#Setup the orchestrator service
cd ../../services/orchestratorService/
npm link ../../notoja_modules/dbService
npm install #Update dependencies for orchestrator service
sudo apt-get install expect #Expect is needed for node.js SSH module
sudo apt-get install openssh-server #OpenSSH is needed to ssh into the node runner service machine and start it.
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
grunt #Start the orchestrator app and monitor any file changes
At this point, follow the on-screen instructions:
Welcome! This seems to be your first time because you have not yet setup your server configuration file. I will ask you a series of questions and automatically create this for you (how nice of me).
1) How many machines would you like to register?: 1
2) OK. What is the location of the dbService (eg. localhost:2001): localhost:2001
4a) What is the IP of machine 1? (eg. localhost): localhost
4b) What is the SSH username of machine 1? (eg. steve): someUser
4c) What is the SSH password of machine 1? (eg. fluffybunnies): somePassword
4d) Where is the nodeRunnerService located in machine 1? (eg. ~/hive/hive-saas/services/nodeRunnerService/server.js): ~/hive/hive-saas/services/nodeRunnerService/server.js
4e) Where is the start port for machine 1? (eg. 3000): 3000
4f) Where is the finish port for machine 1? (eg. 3400): 3400
THANKS! I have made a file called ServerConfiguration.json and I will remember this next time.
and wait 1-2 minutes after competion for the orchestrator management app (web frontend) to come up. This can be accessed at: http://localhost:4000