This a patchbay for JACK used by RaySession and Patchance, usable by other python Qt5 softwares.
This is not a program itself, it is used as a git submodule in RaySession and Patchance. The 'patchbay' folder is linked into the source code of theses projects.
To use it, look how it is implemented: in Raysession:
- src/gui/ray_patchbay_manager
in Patchance:
- src/patchance_patchbay_manager
You will need to add a graphicsview to your window promoting its class with PatchGraphicsView. Inherits the classes PatchbayManager and Callbacker. when all is ready to be instantiate, run PatchbayManager.app_init().
to use it with JACK, connect all the JACK events to the methods decorated with @later_by_batches (no matter the thread)
This module also contains the following widgets:
- canvas options dialog
- Jack server widgets (containing Zoom Widget, samplerate, buffersize, xruns, DSP load and label if JACK not running)
- filter frame (used to search a box with pattern, also containing Audio|Midi filters)
- global context menu
- Port Info Dialog
all theses widgets are optional or heritable.
Just after the QApplication initialization, install the translator for the patchbay (see
and... ask questions ! I won't spend time to document this if nobody else use it ;). Note that the API can change if other programs need it, that's why it is a git submodule and not a python lib (git submodule are always related to a version).