Book-management-system Public
A full-stack web application that allows users to submit and manage their favorite books.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 24, 2024 -
This GitHub repository hosts an Edge AI solution for college campuses, emphasizing vehicle management with detailed movement analysis, optimized parking, and enhanced security measures such as vehi…
Walmart-Sales-Forecasting Public
Explore factors impacting Walmart sales and demand. This repository includes data analysis, visualization, and predictive modeling with Python and SQL.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJun 6, 2024 -
Explore SpaceX Falcon 9 mission data with this repository. We collect data through web scraping and REST APIs, analyze it with major data anaylsis techniques, visualise and derive key insights with…
Global-Trends-Dashboard Public
This repository hosts an interactive platform designed to visualize crucial global metrics using World Bank data. The dashboard offers insightful visual representations, enhancing the understanding…
rest-api-spring-boot-demo Public
Forked from thinkconstructive/rest-api-spring-boot-demoUpdatedDec 15, 2023 -
Explore Customer Churn Analysis and Prediction in this data-driven repository, where we uncover customer churn mysteries through powerful machine learning models and comprehensive data analysis. Jo…
graduate-salary-forecast Public
This repository contains a data-driven project focused on predicting engineering graduate salaries. Leveraging machine learning models and exploratory data analysis, we aim to derive valuable insig…
Cats-Dogs-Classification Public
Web application of a CNN that classifies an image into a cat or a dog. Enabled through Flask Framework of Python, respective HTML files and templates have been written and routed with the main appl…
Stock-analysis Public
Jupyter notebook for analsying Tesla and GameStock stocks. Tools used: Python's yfinance for stock information, Beautiful Soap for web scraping and pandas. Please note that the file has been writte…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 22, 2023