Welcome to another HubSpot Web Team's coding exercise! 👋
The goal of this exercise is to create a HubSpot theme so we can gauge your proficiency in the following skills:
- Familiarity with the HubSpot CMS and CMS concepts in general
- General resourcefulness and troubleshooting skills
If you are a Web Developer with no experience with any CMS or no contact with the HubSpot CMS, the HubSpot CMS for Developers Course (duration ~2.5 hours) will be quite helpfull! That course is not mandatory for this process but it will help you to familiarise with HubSpot CMS and other CMS concepts.
Make sure you read these instructions carefully before you start. If you have any questions please reach out to your recruiting specialist.
You will need to make sure you have access to a HubSpot Portal or a Developer Sandbox. That's easy!
Managing the source code
- If you are using the HubSpot CMS directly to code and implement your solution just make sure to download all source the files, keep the folder structure and zip them for submission.
- If you are using the CMS CLI strategy, you might be versioning your code using GitHub (or similar tool). Feel free to either provide a zip file or a link to your repository. Also you might want to take a look this CMS Theme Bolierplate to help you boostrap your repo.
The Theme
Review all the requirements on this page.
Create a HubSpot theme from scratch. (note: in production situations we recommend using the boilerplate theme as a starting point, but for this assessment please create one from scratch). The basic folder and file structure should look like this:
- Theme folder
- CSS folder
- At least one css file
- Modules
- At least one module (with html, css, js, fields, meta files)
- Templates
- At least one template file
- Partials folder
- Partials for header and footer
- Fields.json
- Theme.json
- CSS folder
The Homepage
Use the page editor to create a page from your template. Make sure it behaves like the page in the demo gifs. This page should contain the global header and footer plus the Our Mission and Our Team sections (see Team module requirements).
Please make sure to leverage the CMS capabilities for allowing editors to update content.
The Team module should fetch the data from this endpoint.
The image bellow shows the order of the modules and how the content should be displayed but feel free to improve the design and to showcase your CSS skills.
- All work must be your own. Submissions that do not meet this requirement will not be considered.
- Global template partials for header and footer:
- Header must have editable quote.
Editing the global header and changing the quote.
- Drag and drop area:
- Must have two columns with an image module and a rich text module.
- These modules must have default content set inside the template.
Dragging the two column drag and drop area in the page editor.
- Team module:
- Must use repeating groups of fields to allow editors to add and subtract team members.
- Must be at least 3 columns on large screens with at least one media query to change layout to 2 columns on screens below 900 pixels.
- Must fetch the data from this endpoint.
Resizing the browser and triggering the breakpoint where the columns switch from 3 to 2.
- Theme fields:
- The theme must have at least 2 theme fields to control the font and the accent color used in the header and footer.
Editing the theme field that controls the header accent color.
- Write neat, modular code.
- Use modern JavaScript (ES6+), but be wary of browser support (see the FAQ section for a list of browsers we'll check support for).
- Use a pre-processor like SASS or SCSS.
- Use linting/prettify for neater code.
- Anything that improves the experience for the user.
- Create the page with accessibility in mind and use semantic HTML.
- Use the HubSpot themes and the boilerplate to figure out the specifics of techniques and syntax for these challenges.
- You’ll probably want to use the layout.css file from the boilerplate to make your drag and drop area perform as expected.
- You can build this locally or in the Design Tools.
- The subject of the theme is up to you. If you're not a fan of cats, feel free to use any topic you'd like. Creativity is encouraged.
- Checkout the Hubl Documentation to help you with templating.
Fill out the submission.md file before submitting. If you deviated from the instructions or have any feedback, that's the place to put it!
Once complete, email either (a) a zip of your work or (b) a link to your GitHub repository to your recruiting specialist so they can forward it to the web team. Make sure you provide both the source code (your Github repository) and the link of your live page!
Security Note: If you complete this locally, you'll most likely have a hubspot.config.yml, DO NOT SUBMIT THIS OR COMMIT THIS TO GITHUB, it contains secure credentials that should not be shared, ideally your project should contain a .gitignore file that prevents this from being committed.
Please note that the HubSpot CMS for Developers Course offers a similar practicum to this code exercise to give you a HubSpot Academy Certification but this present assessment has some extra requirements and its submission and review are part of totally separeted processes. So please make sure to submit this assessment as explained above.
Please submit your exercise within four (4) days of receiving it. If you need extra time please reach out to your recruiting specialist.
We'll look for compatibility with the following browsers:
- Google Chrome (latest version)
- Apple Safari (latest version)
- Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
- Microsoft Edge (latest version)
The exact color values don't matter, just try to get as close to the mockup as you can. You could also use a Chrome extension such as this color-picker.
Although we expect you to finish the exercise completely, we understand that life happens. If you aren't able to finish on time, focus on the Team Module (its responsive behaviour for the final page viewed and easy of use from a Page Publisher perspective). Please use the submission.md fil to give us some insight as to what requirements your submission is missing and what you would have done.