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IATI Tables

IATI Tables transforms IATI data into relational tables.

To access the data please go to the website and for more information on how to use the data please see the documentation site.

How to run the processing job

The processing job is a Python application which downloads the data from the IATI Data Dump, transforms the data into tables, and outputs the data in various formats such as CSV, PostgreSQL and SQLite. It is a batch job, designed to be run on a schedule.


  • postgresql
  • sqlite
  • zip

Install Python requirements

python3 -m venv .ve
source .ve/bin/activate
pip install pip-tools
pip-sync requirements_dev.txt

Set up the PostgreSQL database

Create user iatitables:

sudo -u postgres psql -c "create user iatitables with password 'PASSWORD_CHANGEME'"

Create database iatitables

sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database iatitables encoding utf8 owner iatitables"

Set DATABASE_URL environment variable

export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://iatitables:PASSWORD_CHANGEME@localhost/iatitables"

Configure the processing job

The processing job can be configured using the following environment variables:


  • The postgres database to use for the processing job.


  • The path to output data to. The default is the directory that IATI Tables is run from.


  • The schema to use in the postgres database.


  • By default, IATI Tables will output local files in various formats, e.g. pg_dump, sqlite, and CSV. To additionally upload files to S3, set the environment variable IATI_TABLES_S3_DESTINATION with the path to your S3 bucket, e.g. s3://my_bucket.

Run the processing job

python -c 'import iatidata; iatidata.run_all(processes=6, sample=50, refresh=False)'


  • processes (int, default=5): The number of workers to use for parts of the process which are able to run in parallel.
  • sample (int, default=None): The number of datasets to process. This is useful for local development because processing the entire data dump can take several hours to run. A minimum sample size of 50 is recommended due to needing enough data to dynamically create all required tables (see #10).
  • refresh (bool, default=True): Whether to download the latest data at the start of the processing job. It is useful to set this to False when running locally to avoid re-downloading the data every time the process is run.

How to run linting and formating

isort iatidata/
black iatidata/
flake8 iatidata/
mypy iatidata/

How to run unit tests

python -m pytest iatidata/

How to run the web front-end


  • Node.js v20

Change the working directory:

cd site

Install dependencies:

yarn install

Start the development server:

yarn serve

Or, build and view the site in production mode (http.server is not suitable for actual production):

yarn build
cd site/dist
python3 -m http.server --bind 8000

How to run the documentation

The documentation site is built with Sphinx. To view the live preview locally, run the following command:

sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html