Sample demo to create png out of d3js charts in server side by using phantomjs server
How to Use (For Windows)
1:Install phantomJS
2:Download this project zip and extract
3:Open command prompt, navigate to this project directory
4:run command "phantomjs server.js" , this will start the server ,if everything goes well you can see the following message "web server is running on port 9494"
5:post data using "curl -X POST -d @testdata.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:9494"
6: See post params example in testdata.json
7: so if you want to create new charts just make a copy of chart.html , change the code in chartBuilder function, make sure not change function name and not remove added scripts.
8: change the "inFile" in input data to match the new html.file
9: check server.js code line #9 url = 'file:///' + fs.absolute('./'+drawerPayload.inFile); you might have to change
Thanks subramanya2107 for d3js-phantomjs-demo example