We are going to make a full functional web application for renting a car. We hope to make this application make things easier for the customer. There are 4 main functions in this app, they are bookings management, user management, driver and feedback management, car management and payment management. We hope to use MERN STACK to develop our project, MERN stack is a JavaScript software stack for building dynamic web applications. Each functions had full crud operations.
- Frontend : React
- Backend : Node js
- IDE: VS code
Other tools
- SonarQube
- Selenium
- Azure Boards
- VS code should be installed.
- node has been installed to the machine.
- Download a zip folder of this project and unzip or clone the repository.
- Open the project in vs code
- Open a new terminal.
- Navigate to api folder -> cd api
- Type ‘yarn install’ and click enter
- After the node modules getting downloaded, type ‘yarn start’ and click enter.
- Navigate to client folder -> cd client
- Type ‘yarn install’ and click enter
- After the node modules getting downloaded, type ‘yarn start’