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Fix mutation behavior of position #131

merged 15 commits into from
Jan 31, 2024
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/ITensorNetworks.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ using IterTools
using KrylovKit: KrylovKit
using LinearAlgebra
using NamedGraphs

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using Observers
using Observers.DataFrames: select!
using Printf
Expand All @@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ using TimerOutputs

using DataGraphs: IsUnderlyingGraph, edge_data_type, vertex_data_type
using Graphs: AbstractEdge, AbstractGraph, Graph, add_edge!
using NamedGraphs: copy_keys_values
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using ITensors:
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/solvers/contract.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function contract_updater(
v = ITensor(true)
projected_operator = projected_operator![]
for j in sites(projected_operator)
v *= projected_operator.psi0[j]
v *= init_state(projected_operator)[j]
vp = contract(projected_operator, v)
return vp, (;)
Expand Down
67 changes: 51 additions & 16 deletions src/treetensornetworks/projttns/abstractprojttn.jl
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@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
abstract type AbstractProjTTN{V} end

#accessors for fields common to all concrete subtypes
environments(p::AbstractProjTTN) = p.environments
operator(p::AbstractProjTTN) = p.operator
underlying_graph(P::AbstractProjTTN) = underlying_graph(operator(P))
pos(P::AbstractProjTTN) = P.pos
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copy(::AbstractProjTTN) = error("Not implemented")

set_nsite(::AbstractProjTTN, nsite) = error("Not implemented")

# silly constructor wrapper
shift_position(::AbstractProjTTN, pos) = error("Not implemented")

make_environment!(::AbstractProjTTN, psi, e) = error("Not implemented")

underlying_graph(P::AbstractProjTTN) = underlying_graph(P.H)

pos(P::AbstractProjTTN) = P.pos
set_environments(p::AbstractProjTTN, environments) = error("Not implemented")
set_environment(p::AbstractProjTTN, edge, environment) = error("Not implemented")
make_environment!(P::AbstractProjTTN, psi, e) = error("Not implemented")
make_environment(P::AbstractProjTTN, psi, e) = error("Not implemented")

Graphs.edgetype(P::AbstractProjTTN) = edgetype(underlying_graph(P))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,7 +49,7 @@ end

environment(P::AbstractProjTTN, edge::Pair) = environment(P, edgetype(P)(edge))
function environment(P::AbstractProjTTN{V}, edge::NamedEdge{V})::ITensor where {V}
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return P.environments[edge]
return environments(P)[edge]

# there has to be a better way to do this...
Expand All @@ -69,9 +74,9 @@ function contract(P::AbstractProjTTN, v::ITensor)::ITensor
itensor_map = Union{ITensor,OneITensor}[] # TODO: will a Hamiltonian TTN tensor ever be a OneITensor?
for s in sites(P)
site_envs = filter(hascommoninds(P.H[s]), environments)
site_envs = filter(hascommoninds(operator(P)[s]), environments)
frst, scnd, rst = _separate_first_two(site_envs)
site_tensors = vcat(frst, scnd, P.H[s], rst)
site_tensors = vcat(frst, scnd, operator(P)[s], rst)
append!(itensor_map, site_tensors)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,9 +108,9 @@ end
(P::AbstractProjTTN)(v::ITensor) = product(P, v)

function Base.eltype(P::AbstractProjTTN)::Type
ElType = eltype(P.H(first(sites(P))))
ElType = eltype(operator(P)(first(sites(P))))
for v in sites(P)
ElType = promote_type(ElType, eltype(P.H[v]))
ElType = promote_type(ElType, eltype(operator(P)[v]))
for e in incident_edges(P)
ElType = promote_type(ElType, eltype(environments(P, e)))
Expand All @@ -121,25 +126,55 @@ function Base.size(P::AbstractProjTTN)::Tuple{Int,Int}
for j in sites(P)
for i in inds(P.H[j])
for i in inds(operator(P)[j])
plev(i) > 0 && (d *= dim(i))
return (d, d)

function position(
P::AbstractProjTTN{V}, psi::TTN{V}, pos::Union{Vector{<:V},NamedEdge{V}}
P::AbstractProjTTN{V}, psi::AbstractTTN{V}, pos::Union{Vector{<:V},NamedEdge{V}}
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) where {V}
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P = shift_position(P, pos)
P = invalidate_environments(P)
P = make_environments(P, psi)
return P

function position!(
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P::AbstractProjTTN{V}, psi::AbstractTTN{V}, pos::Union{Vector{<:V},NamedEdge{V}}
) where {V}
# shift position
P = shift_position(P, pos)
# invalidate environments corresponding to internal edges
for e in internal_edges(P)
unset!(P.environments, e)
# make all environments surrounding new position
make_environments!(P, psi)
return P

function invalidate_environments(P::AbstractProjTTN)
ie = internal_edges(P)
newenvskeys = filter(!in(ie), keys(P.environments))
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P = set_environments(P, getindices(P.environments, newenvskeys))
return P

function invalidate_environment(P::AbstractProjTTN, e::NamedEdge)
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newenvskeys = filter(!isequal(e), keys(environments(P)))
P = set_environments(P, getindices(environments(P), newenvskeys))
return P

function make_environments(P::AbstractProjTTN, psi::AbstractTTN)
for e in incident_edges(P)
make_environment!(P, psi, e)
P = make_environment(P, psi, e)
return P

function make_environments!(P::AbstractProjTTN, psi::AbstractTTN)
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for e in incident_edges(P)
make_environment!(P, psi, e)
74 changes: 60 additions & 14 deletions src/treetensornetworks/projttns/projttn.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ProjTTN
struct ProjTTN{V} <: AbstractProjTTN{V}
pos::Union{Vector{<:V},NamedEdge{V}} # TODO: cleanest way to specify effective Hamiltonian position?
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function ProjTTN(H::TTN)
return ProjTTN(vertices(H), H, Dictionary{edgetype(H),ITensor}())
function ProjTTN(operator::TTN)
return ProjTTN(vertices(operator), operator, Dictionary{edgetype(operator),ITensor}())

copy(P::ProjTTN) = ProjTTN(P.pos, copy(P.H), copy(P.environments))
copy(P::ProjTTN) = ProjTTN(pos(P), copy(operator(P)), copy_keys_values(environments(P)))
unsafe_copy(P::ProjTTN) = ProjTTN(pos(P), copy(operator(P)), copy(environments(P)))

# trivial if we choose to specify position as above; only kept to allow using alongside
# ProjMPO
Expand All @@ -20,38 +21,83 @@ function set_nsite(P::ProjTTN, nsite)

function shift_position(P::ProjTTN, pos)
return ProjTTN(pos, P.H, P.environments)
return ProjTTN(pos, operator(P), environments(P))

function make_environment!(P::ProjTTN{V}, psi::TTN{V}, e::NamedEdge{V})::ITensor where {V}
set_environments(p::ProjTTN, environments) = ProjTTN(pos(p), operator(p), environments)
function set_environment(p::ProjTTN, edge, env)
newenvs = merge(environments(p), Dictionary((edge,), (env,)))
return ProjTTN(pos(p), operator(p), newenvs)
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set_environment!(p::ProjTTN, edge, env) = set!(environments(p), edge, env)
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function make_environment!(
P::ProjTTN{V}, state::AbstractTTN{V}, e::NamedEdge{V}
)::ITensor where {V}
# invalidate environment for opposite edge direction if necessary
reverse(e) ∈ incident_edges(P) || unset!(P.environments, reverse(e))
reverse(e) ∈ incident_edges(P) || unset!(environments(P), reverse(e))
# do nothing if valid environment already present
if haskey(P.environments, e)
if haskey(environments(P), e)
env = environment(P, e)
if is_leaf(underlying_graph(P), src(e))
# leaves are easy
env = psi[src(e)] * P.H[src(e)] * dag(prime(psi[src(e)]))
env = state[src(e)] * operator(H)[src(e)] * dag(prime(state[src(e)]))
# construct by contracting neighbors
neighbor_envs = ITensor[]
for n in setdiff(neighbors(underlying_graph(P), src(e)), [dst(e)])
push!(neighbor_envs, make_environment!(P, psi, edgetype(P)(n, src(e))))
push!(neighbor_envs, make_environment!(P, state, edgetype(P)(n, src(e))))
# manually heuristic for contraction order: two environments, site tensors, then
# other environments
frst, scnd, rst = _separate_first_two(neighbor_envs)
itensor_map = vcat(psi[src(e)], frst, scnd, P.H[src(e)], dag(prime(psi[src(e)])), rst)
itensor_map = vcat(
state[src(e)], frst, scnd, operator(H)[src(e)], dag(prime(state[src(e)])), rst
# TODO: actually use optimal contraction sequence here
env = reduce(*, itensor_map)
# cache
set!(P.environments, e, env)
set!(environments(P), e, env)
hascommoninds(environment(P, e), psi[src(e)]),
hascommoninds(environment(P, e), state[src(e)]),
"Something went wrong, probably re-orthogonalized this edge in the same direction twice!"
return env

function make_environment(
P::ProjTTN{V}, state::AbstractTTN{V}, e::NamedEdge{V}
)::ProjTTN{V} where {V}
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# invalidate environment for opposite edge direction if necessary
reverse(e) ∈ incident_edges(P) || (P = invalidate_environment(P, reverse(e)))
# do nothing if valid environment already present
if !haskey(environments(P), e)
if is_leaf(underlying_graph(P), src(e))
# leaves are easy
env = state[src(e)] * operator(P)[src(e)] * dag(prime(state[src(e)]))
# construct by contracting neighbors
neighbor_envs = ITensor[]
for n in setdiff(neighbors(underlying_graph(P), src(e)), [dst(e)])
P = make_environment(P, state, edgetype(P)(n, src(e)))
push!(neighbor_envs, environment(P, edgetype(P)(n, src(e))))
# manually heuristic for contraction order: two environments, site tensors, then
# other environments
frst, scnd, rst = _separate_first_two(neighbor_envs)
itensor_map = vcat(
state[src(e)], frst, scnd, operator(P)[src(e)], dag(prime(state[src(e)])), rst
# TODO: actually use optimal contraction sequence here
env = reduce(*, itensor_map)
P = set_environment(P, e, env)
hascommoninds(environment(P, e), state[src(e)]),
"Something went wrong, probably re-orthogonalized this edge in the same direction twice!"
return P
85 changes: 71 additions & 14 deletions src/treetensornetworks/projttns/projttn_apply.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,57 +1,114 @@
struct ProjTTNApply{V} <: AbstractProjTTN{V}
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function ProjTTNApply(psi0::TTN, H::TTN)
return ProjTTNApply(vertextype(H)[], psi0, H, Dictionary{edgetype(H),ITensor}())
init_state(p::ProjTTNApply) = p.init_state

function ProjTTNApply(init_state::AbstractTTN, operator::AbstractTTN)
return ProjTTNApply(
vertextype(operator)[], init_state, operator, Dictionary{edgetype(operator),ITensor}()

function copy(P::ProjTTNApply)
return ProjTTNApply(P.pos, copy(P.psi0), copy(P.H), copy(P.environments))
return ProjTTNApply(
pos(P), copy(init_state(P)), copy(operator(P)), copy_keys_values(environments(P))

function unsafe_copy(P::ProjTTNApply)
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return ProjTTNApply(P.pos, copy(init_state(P)), copy(operator(P)), copy(environments(P)))
function set_nsite(P::ProjTTNApply, nsite)
return P

function shift_position(P::ProjTTNApply, pos)
return ProjTTNApply(pos, P.psi0, P.H, P.environments)
return ProjTTNApply(pos, init_state(P), operator(P), environments(P))

function set_environments(p::ProjTTNApply, environments)
return ProjTTNApply(pos(p), init_state(p), operator(p), environments)

function set_environment(p::ProjTTNApply, edge, env)
newenv = merge(p.environments, Dictionary((edge,), (env,)))
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return ProjTTNApply(pos(p), init_state(p), operator(p), newenv)

set_environment!(p::ProjTTNApply, edge, env) = set!(environments(P), edge, env)

function make_environment!(
P::ProjTTNApply{V}, psi::TTN{V}, e::NamedEdge{V}
P::ProjTTNApply{V}, state::AbstractTTN{V}, e::NamedEdge{V}
)::ITensor where {V}
# invalidate environment for opposite edge direction if necessary
reverse(e) ∈ incident_edges(P) || unset!(P.environments, reverse(e))
reverse(e) ∈ incident_edges(P) || unset!(environments(P), reverse(e))
# do nothing if valid environment already present
if haskey(P.environments, e)
if haskey(environments(P), e)
env = environment(P, e)
if is_leaf(underlying_graph(P), src(e))
# leaves are easy
env = P.psi0[src(e)] * P.H[src(e)] * dag(psi[src(e)])
env = init_state(P)[src(e)] * operator(P)[src(e)] * dag(state[src(e)])
# construct by contracting neighbors
neighbor_envs = ITensor[]
for n in setdiff(neighbors(underlying_graph(P), src(e)), [dst(e)])
push!(neighbor_envs, make_environment!(P, psi, edgetype(P)(n, src(e))))
push!(neighbor_envs, make_environment!(P, state, edgetype(P)(n, src(e))))
# manually heuristic for contraction order: two environments, site tensors, then
# other environments
frst, scnd, rst = _separate_first_two(neighbor_envs)
itensor_map = vcat(P.psi0[src(e)], frst, scnd, P.H[src(e)], dag(psi[src(e)]), rst)
itensor_map = vcat(
init_state(P)[src(e)], frst, scnd, operator(P)[src(e)], dag(state[src(e)]), rst
) # no prime here in comparison to the same routine for Projttn
# TODO: actually use optimal contraction sequence here
env = reduce(*, itensor_map)
# cache
set!(P.environments, e, env)
set_environment!(P, e, env)
hascommoninds(environment(P, e), psi[src(e)]),
hascommoninds(environment(P, e), state[src(e)]),
"Something went wrong, probably re-orthogonalized this edge in the same direction twice!"
return env

function make_environment(
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P::ProjTTNApply{V}, state::AbstractTTN{V}, e::NamedEdge{V}
)::ProjTTNApply{V} where {V}
# invalidate environment for opposite edge direction if necessary
reverse(e) ∈ incident_edges(P) || (P = invalidate_environment(P, reverse(e)))
# do nothing if valid environment already present
if !haskey(environments(P), e)
if is_leaf(underlying_graph(P), src(e))
# leaves are easy
env = init_state(P)[src(e)] * operator(P)[src(e)] * dag(state[src(e)])
# construct by contracting neighbors
neighbor_envs = ITensor[]
for n in setdiff(neighbors(underlying_graph(P), src(e)), [dst(e)])
P = make_environment(P, state, edgetype(P)(n, src(e)))
push!(neighbor_envs, environment(P, edgetype(P)(n, src(e))))
# manually heuristic for contraction order: two environments, site tensors, then
# other environments
frst, scnd, rst = _separate_first_two(neighbor_envs)
itensor_map = vcat(
init_state(P)[src(e)], frst, scnd, operator(P)[src(e)], dag(state[src(e)]), rst
) # no prime here in comparison to the same routine for Projttn
# TODO: actually use optimal contraction sequence here
env = reduce(*, itensor_map)
P = set_environment(P, e, env)
hascommoninds(environment(P, e), state[src(e)]),
"Something went wrong, probably re-orthogonalized this edge in the same direction twice!"
return P