- Be able to infer basic missing data to create a more complete data set.
- Functioning application that can take in data and infer data type and select best method for data inference.
Clone from git using:
git clone https://github.com/IainMcl/Inference.git
Create an environment as described blow then install requirements.
On work machine using conda environment Infer
. Activate using:
activate Infer
conda create -n <ENV_NAME>
activate <ENV_NAME>
conda install --yes --file requirments.txt
If new packages are installed run:
conda list -e > requirements.txt
virtualenv <ENV_NAME>
# change to env dir and run activate
# change back to project dir
pip install -r requirments.txt
# Or using venv
python -m venv <ENV_NAME>
If new packages are installed run:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Run the file manage.py
and follow instructions either choosing the gui or
work within the terminal.