Manage map entites using EntityLump. Create a config file in configs/mapentities with the name of the map to manage map entities.
- Sourcemod 1.12 (6922 version) or a higher one.
- Clearhandle (include file) -
sm_dump_entitylump <file> - Dumps all map entities data in a file.
- Both key and value are required when you add a keyvalue.
- Use output: 1 if the keyvalue is an output.
"Add Entities"
"key" "classname"
"value" "weapon_ak47"
"key" "origin"
"value" "0 0 0"
"key" "spawnflags"
"value" "1"
"key" "OnPlayerUse"
"value" "!caller:SetAmmoAmount:1:0:-1"
"output" "1"
"key" "classname"
"value" "prop_dynamic"
"key" "origin"
"value" "256 32 16.500"
"key" "model"
"value" "models/props_junk/garbage_metalcan002a.mdl"
- Both key and value are required when you search for a keyvalue.
- Use output: 1 if the keyvalue is an output.
"Delete Entities"
"key" "hammerid"
"value" "44512" // delete the entity with this hammerid
"key" "classname"
"value" "trigger_hurt" // delete all trigger_hurt entities
"key" "classname"
"value" "func_button"
"key" "OnPressed"
"value" "trap1:Close::5:-1" // delete all func_button entities with this output
"output" "1"
- Both key and value are required when you search for a keyvalue.
- Use output: 1 if the keyvalue is an output.
- Both key and value are required when you add a keyvalue.
- Only key is required when you delete a keyvalue
- Both key and value are required when you modify a keyvalue.
- When you modify a keyvalue, you can specify an old_value to change keyvalues only with that value.
- When you modify a keyvalue, you can specify a value_type: add_flags to add flags, substract_flags to substract flags, min to set a minimum value, max to set a maximum value.
"Modify Entities"
"key" "classname"
"value" "trigger_hurt"
"key" "damage"
"value" "5"
"value_type" "min" // set a minimum damage value for all trigger_hurt entities
"key" "hammerid"
"value" "34301"
"key" "OnUseLocked" // delete all OnUseLocked outputs from this entity
"key" "targetname"
"value" "test"
"key" "OnPressed"
"old_value" "track2:Reverse::0:1"
"value" "track2:SetSpeedReal:300:0:-1"
"output" "1"
"key" "OnPressed"
"value" "track2:SetSpeedReal:100:5:-1"
"output" "1"