Project powered by ImOverlord
Team members: - ImOverlord (Thibault-Alexandre FAURE) - Arnaud (Martient) Leherpeur - BillowBone (Joseph MASO) - PierreMillereux
The Vik project is a Facebook Messenger chatbot for the "Hack Ton Hub" event organised by Epitech
-hey: Activates the bot and/or say hey back
setting: show bot setting for user
Epitech: shows settings for Epitech
card: gives you and a Vik a card to play battle
card score: shows score
{schedule, planner, agenda} : shows planner
{schedule, planner, agenda} add : makes it possible to add event to planner
{schedule, planner, agenda} week : Shows week planner
{schedule, planner, agenda} (day of week) : shows planner for that day
-weather now: Display weather at now.
-weather today: Display day weather
-weather (day select): Display weather for this day and min and max °C.
To use weather, you need to share your location first
Bots sends a message 1h and 5m before event
At 7am Vik sends today's weather forecast + today's planner
- You need to run the bot:
Facebook Developer with AppSecret, PageAccessToken, ValidationToken, AppId
OpenWeatherMap API key
Wunderground API key