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Arrowhead Framework 4.1.2 Quick Setup

Kadosa Koltai edited this page Oct 17, 2019 · 1 revision

Arrowhead Framework Quick Setup

Installing Prerequisites

  1. Install Java 11+
  2. Download the Arrowhead Runtime Quick folder (by cloning the repository, git clone
  3. Install MySQL Server
    1. MySQL Workbench will probably be useful too
    2. Make sure the server listens on port 3306
    3. Have a user named root
    4. Run the create database sql script on the database, included in the folder


To start the Arrowhead Framework components run their JARs, found in the Arrowhead Runtime Quick folder's subfolders.

The working directory should be the JAR's parent directory.

The order matters. The Service Registry should be first.

  1. The Service Registry: java -jar ServiceRegistry.jar
  2. The Authorization: java -jar Authorization.jar
  3. The Event Handler: java -jar EventHandler.jar
  4. The Gatekeeper: java -jar Gatekeeper.jar
  5. The Gateway: java -jar Gateway.jar
  6. The Orchestrator: java -jar Orchestrator.jar

For testing purposes you might add the -d flag, so that the servers start in debug mode, which means they print each received http message in a json format.

It's important to stop the servers before exiting the shell, otherwise they won't start up again, because they try to reserve the same resources.


This setup is for testing purposes only. It's unsafe and insecure. (I commented out the line in OrchestratorService that checked authorization.)


To be expanded as new data comes in

When changing DB username-password, config has to be changed twice, once at the top, once in the log4j settings.