This project has been merged with
A quick script to scrape and extract state wise Covid Vaccination Center info
- Node.js 14+
npm install
npm start
This should run the script and save output to the data folder.
npm full-cycle
This does a bunch of things
- cleans the raw data folder
- runs the script and scrapping
- zips up the current run to the data-zip folder
npm clean-csv
npm clean-json
Cleans the data directory deleting all data files that the script creates
- ./data-raw/json : raw responses from the api
- ./data-raw/csv : cvc information extracted and formatted as csv files
- ./data-zip : stores compressed copies of a scrapping run (zips the ./data-raw folder after a full run)
Json files
- State level report : allStatesReport_{date provided for scraping}_{time stamp of scrape}.json
- District level report : districtReport_sid-{state id}did-{distirct id}{date provided for scraping}_{time stamp of scrape}.json
CSV files
- State level report : allStatesReport_{date provided for scraping}_{time stamp of scrape}.csv
- District level report : districtReport_sid-{state id}did-{distirct id}{date provided for scraping}_{time stamp of scrape}.csv
- District level aggregated report : allDistrictsReport_{date provided for scraping}_{time stamp of scrape}.csv