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More Materials[Fabric]

  • This mod adds more(and better) materials to minecraft!


  1. You can download the executable .jar file from the Releases section. NOTE: DO NOT download the -sources or -dev versions
  2. Cut/Copy and paste the .jar file into .minecraft\mods folder
  3. Generate a new world for the ore generation to take place



  • You can obtain steel ingots by smelting iron ingots in a furnace
  • Steel Tools and Armor are more powerful and durable than Iron but less powerful and durable than Diamond


  • Uranium ore generates in once per chunk in veins of 1 to 2 below y=15
  • Each ore drops one to two Uranium
  • Smelting Uranium gives Unstable Uranium


  • Infernium is much more powerful than netherite but it burns in lava
  • You can obtain Infernium by placing Unstable Uranium(Greenish), Steel Ingot(Darker iron ingot) and Gold ingots in the following way: Infernium Crafting recipe
  • You can upgrade your Diamond tools to Infernium by putting them in a smithing table


  • Vibranium shards can be obtained by smelting either Vibranium grass or Vibranium dirt, found in the 'Wakanda' biome
  • You can place nine vibranium shards in the crafting table to obtain Vibranium core

New Steak/Beef

  • 'Fighter's Beef' is a new overpowered food source which can be obtained by surrounding an Infernium Shard with steak. This is incredibly useful in combat, giving the player a wide variety of status effects
  • 'Miner's Beef' is another new food source which can be obtained by surrounding Vibranium core with steak. This is incredibly useful in mining trips, giving the player a smaller range of status effects

Frost Enchantment

  • Added a new frost enchantment, which will slow down attacking mobs and players


  • If you spot any bugs, consider opening an Issue


  • If you have any Ideas, or you need some help, start a discussion!


  • Once you have made your own modifications to the code, run gradlew build(For Windows only, for Mac and Linux, run ./gradlew build)
  • You will find the generated .jar files in build\libs folder


  • As of now, there is no way you can financially sponsor this project. If you have any ideas, start a pull request!


  • Fabric Team: For making an easy-to-use modloader and development environment
  • My friends: For giving me the support that I very much needed
  • You: For even viewing this page. If you liked this project, consider starring this repo



Adds more(and better) materials to Minecraft




