Releases: Infomaniak/android-SwissTransfer
Releases · Infomaniak/android-SwissTransfer
What's Changed
- fix: Avoid blink of the empty state when we back from a transfer on phones by @tevincent in #432
- chore: New url UserReport by @JorisBodin in #437
- feat: Add QR Code button in Received transfers details screen by @KevinBoulongne in #443
- fix(StatusProgress): Fix a crash occurring because of a division by 0 by @FabianDevel in #444
- fix: Don't send sentry for CancellationException by @sirambd in #446
- feat: Open to NewTransferActivity if a transfer is in progress by @TommyDL-Infomaniak in #434
- chore: Update LargeButton style by @JorisBodin in #447
- chore: Refacto of the EmptyState to be able to use it with resolved strings instead of stringRes by @tevincent in #448
- feat: Open PlayStore when clicking
Give your opinion
in Settings by @KevinBoulongne in #445
Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.0.3
What's Changed
- chore: Bump Libs & Core by @KevinBoulongne in #431
- refactor: Update Mascot light illustrations + Add missing Mascot dark illustrations by @KevinBoulongne in #433
- refactor: Clean code by @KevinBoulongne in #435
- feat: Block transfers originating from a restricted location by @KevinBoulongne in #436
- feat: Update legacy app icon with the swisstransfer logo by @LunarX in #438
- fix: Add missing write permission for API <= 28 by @KevinBoulongne in #439
- fix: Ripple was black instead of White for the download button by @tevincent in #440
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2
What's Changed
- feat: Add a setting item that opens the swisstransfer end-user license agreement EULA by @LunarX in #424
- feat: Hide the number of download on received transfer by @TommyDL-Infomaniak in #427
- feat: Improved upload to avoid problems with api by @sirambd in #426
- feat: Correctly display Transfer date by @KevinBoulongne in #425
- refactor: Use new name of ExpiredFetchTransferException, which is now ExpiredDateFetchTransferException by @KevinBoulongne in #428
- fix: Transfer is deleted without creating a new one in the received tab and we display the empty state when we delete a transfer by @tevincent in #422
- feat: Handle exceeded quota when deeplinking by @KevinBoulongne in #429
- fix: Forward Uri read permission from LaunchActivity to NewTransferActivity by @LouisCAD in #430
- chore: Bump libs by @JorisBodin in #421
New Contributors
- @TommyDL-Infomaniak made their first contribution in #427
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.1
1.0.0 First release 🎉
What's Changed
- [i00] Copyright by @sirambd in #1
- [i00-1] Add github actions by @sirambd in #3
- [i01] core: Navigation by @sirambd in #2
- Define margins and padding to use throughout the app by @LunarX in #4
- Add typography for swiss transfer by @LunarX in #5
- feat: Adaptative NavigationBar for mobile and NavigationRail for Tablet by @sirambd in #6
- debug: Multiple previews for Mobile and Tablet by @sirambd in #7
- feat: Adaptive two pane for Tablet and Mobile by @sirambd in #8
- core: Init new transfer UI screens by @sirambd in #9
- Add palette of colors used inside the app and start using some of them by @LunarX in #10
- core: Share navtype with a compose provider by @sirambd in #13
- Add shapes for the corner radiuses by @LunarX in #11
- Use correct strings and icon values for the bottom nav bar by @LunarX in #12
- Refactor colors to simplify their definition and not do things twice by @LunarX in #14
- Update gradle + kotlin + libs by @sirambd in #15
- feat: Add a custom NavigationSuiteScaffold by @sirambd in #17
- feat: Disable navigation transitions by @sirambd in #18
- Fix adaptative navigation by @sirambd in #19
- Add fab to the sent main screens by @LunarX in #16
- Add the arrow to the empty state new transfer fab by @LunarX in #20
- Use a variable to centralize the icon preview sizes by @LunarX in #21
- Refactor new transfer by @sirambd in #22
- Add a scaffold for all the screens that use a top app bar + sticky buttons at the bottom of the screen and some LargeButton component by @LunarX in #23
- Create a swiss transfer bottom sheet component for all bottoms sheets of the app by @LunarX in #24
- Add bottom sheet items component and use them in transfer upload source choice bottom sheet by @LunarX in #25
- Add placeholders settings for the main setting screen by @LunarX in #26
- Add missing de, es, it translations by @LunarX in #28
- Fix LargeButtons by @LunarX in #31
- Add a setting option composable method to easily create a group of mutually exclusive options by @LunarX in #27
- Add transfer types four big buttons by @LunarX in #29
- Add the top app bar components by @LunarX in #33
- Add small buttons components by @LunarX in #34
- Use real wordings and icons for Theme Settings by @tevincent in #30
- core: Add Hilt by @sirambd in #39
- Implement validity period screen by @tevincent in #32
- Implement external settings links by @tevincent in #35
- Add email language settings UI by @tevincent in #36
- Add Downloads limit settings UI by @tevincent in #37
- Implementation app bar by @tevincent in #38
- Fix Sonar lint by @tevincent in #41
- Auto-format drawables code by @KevinBoulongne in #47
- Move
content intoui.utils.ContextExt
by @KevinBoulongne in #44 - Remove unnecessary jump lines by @KevinBoulongne in #43
- Format code by @KevinBoulongne in #46
- Add missing parts in Spain flag by @KevinBoulongne in #53
- Clean Icons & Illustrations code by @KevinBoulongne in #45
- Simplification of Images usage by @KevinBoulongne in #49
- Add some missing commas by @KevinBoulongne in #50
- Rename some Images by @KevinBoulongne in #51
- Add missing copyrights by @KevinBoulongne in #52
- Add empty ReceivedScreen by @tevincent in #42
- Add Theme, ValidityPeriod, DownloadLimit & EmailLanguage settings by @tevincent in #40
- Clean code by @KevinBoulongne in #54
- Remove duplicated
by @KevinBoulongne in #55 - Move SentListScreen to its own file by @KevinBoulongne in #56
- Update strings by @KevinBoulongne in #62
- Revert modification that makes impossible to build by @KevinBoulongne in #58
- Move UploadSourceChoiceBottomSheet to its own file by @KevinBoulongne in #60
- Close NewTransfer activity when clicking on cross by @KevinBoulongne in #59
- Add ImportFilesScreen empty state by @KevinBoulongne in #65
- Display UploadSourceChoiceBottomSheet before navigating to NewTransferScreen by @KevinBoulongne in #63
- Update gitignore by @tevincent in #68
- Fix settings option style by @LunarX in #66
- Fix top app bar by @LunarX in #67
- Update libs by @sirambd in #69
- Use stringResource instead of accessing getString through a context manually by @LunarX in #70
- Hide discovery message when transfer list has at least one item by @LunarX in #71
- Revert "Display UploadSourceChoiceBottomSheet before navigating to NewTransferScreen" by @KevinBoulongne in #73
- Automatically display UploadSourceChoiceBottomSheet when opening ImportFilesScreen by @KevinBoulongne in #72
- Clean code by @KevinBoulongne in #74
- Disable Next button while there is no files in the Transfer by @KevinBoulongne in #61
- Add BrandTopAppBar in all screens & tablet mode by @KevinBoulongne in #57
- core: Pooling all adaptive tablet logic by @sirambd in #78
- Rename Phone/Mobile into SmallWindow & Tablet into LargeWindow by @KevinBoulongne in #75
- Rename
by @KevinBoulongne in #76 - Rename
by @KevinBoulongne in #77 - Simplify contentPadding usage by @LunarX in #79
- Use theme stored in realm by @tevincent in #64
- Provide isDarkMode to easily access it anywhere by @LunarX in #81
- Add basic file picker logic backbone to new transfers by @LunarX in #80
- Fix infomaniak logo on low api by @LunarX in #83
- Create a file tile component by @LunarX in