Scripts and functions for processing LCLS data using MATLAB to make Molecular Movies
IS CALLED BY: none CALLS: GetExpFina, fetch_timepoints, rdCSPADTS, goodshotsonly, getXRayWavelength, generatePedestal, image2rad, AnalysisFunc, universalmaskmaker
- the big boss function that organizes everything
- "photonimg_xxxx_unbinned_tot" summed from "photonimg_xxxx_unbinned", taken from AnalysisFunc (output as "photon_img")
- then creates "photonimg_xxxx_unbinned_avg" by: "photonimg_xxxx_unbinned_tot" / "N_xxxxshots_counter" * "goodPixels" then subtracting a weighted vacuum
IS CALLED BY: LargeRun CALLS: radialAverage
- provides additional experimental parameters to radialAverage
- takes "photonimg_xxxx_unbinned_avg" (from LargeRun) as input, provides "I_xxxx_unbinned" (output as I_q from radialAverage) as output
IS CALLED BY: image2rad CALLS: physicalQ, constructIq
- uses "images" (photon counts at each pixel, input as "photon_avg") to create a radial average I_q (output from constructIq)
IS CALLED BY: radialAverage CALLS: none
- uses detector geometry to convert physical space to q space
IS CALLED BY: radialAverage CALLS: none
- uses "image", aka "iFlat", which is an array of photon counts at each pixel
- then applies corrections to provide I_q to radialAverage
IS CALLED BY: LargeRun CALLS: rdCSPADdataXPP, CSPADtoMS, photon_map_hybrid
- only input is from "in_struc"
- applies common mode and gain corrections (to masks)
IS CALLED BY: AnalysisFunc CALLS: none
- uses hybrid photon counting method (a minimum ADU threshold)
- then time bins data to produce "binned_img"