Website -
The Idea of DaanCorona is simple. It is an online platform for buying coupons from India's largely undigitized small & medium businesses. To help out these non-essential local businesses with liquid capital, consumers can buy a gift card now and redeem it later, when the circumstances have reasonably improved. Finally, a better alternative to donations!
The backend API is built using python's framework Django taking advantage of the Django Rest Framework. This api fetches data from a sqlite database. Both the Android App as well as the Website use endpoints from this api for all applications ranging from user authentication using JWT to database get/post requests.
The website frontend is based on React.js framework, which enables real time functionality and is integrated with Django based backend. The wesbite along with the backend api are temporarily hosted at
The mobile app is built using Android Studio, the official Integrated Development Environment for developing mobile apps for the Android Operating System. It uses Java as the programmimg language and XML as the markup language. The app utilises Google Maps API and several other libraries for an enhanced user interface. The android app can be downloaded from