Test adding certificates to a compatible transaction in Shelley era #1083
IOG Hydra / ci/hydra-build:x86_64-linux.required
Mar 7, 2025 in 3s
Build dependency failed
1 failed steps
Failed Steps
Step 2
Running phase: unpackPhase
unpacking source archive /nix/store/fxalia6adkgsl9cldqfvkjj3x3bnk3ph-source-root-cardano-cli-test-cardano-cli-test-root
source root is source-root-cardano-cli-test-cardano-cli-test-root
Running phase: patchPhase
Running phase: buildPhase
patching script interpreter paths in /build/tmp.9cxsh6Hd5e/bin
roundtrip Alonzo addCostModelsToEraBasedProtocolParametersUpdate: OK (1.90s)
✓ Test.Cli.AddCostModels.hprop_roundtrip_Alonzo_addCostModelsToEraBasedProtocolParametersUpdate passed 100 tests.
roundtrip Babbage addCostModelsToEraBasedProtocolParametersUpdate: OK (1.84s)
✓ Test.Cli.AddCostModels.hprop_roundtrip_Babbage_addCostModelsToEraBasedProtocolParametersUpdate passed 100 tests.
roundtrip Conway addCostModelsToEraBasedProtocolParametersUpdate: OK (1.95s)
✓ Test.Cli.AddCostModels.hprop_roundtrip_Conway_addCostModelsToEraBasedProtocolParametersUpdate passed 100 tests.
stake pool certificate hash check wrong metadata fails: OK (0.10s)
✓ Test.Cli.Certificates.StakePool.hprop_stake_pool_certificate_hash_check_wrong_metadata_fails passed 1 test.
stake pool certificate hash check wrong hash fails: OK (0.10s)
✓ Test.Cli.Certificates.StakePool.hprop_stake_pool_certificate_hash_check_wrong_hash_fails passed 1 test.
stake pool certificate hash check right hash works: OK (0.11s)
✓ Test.Cli.Certificates.StakePool.hprop_stake_pool_certificate_hash_check_right_hash_works passed 1 test.
stake pool metadata hash url wrong metadata fails: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.Certificates.StakePool.hprop_stake_pool_metadata_hash_url_wrong_metadata_fails passed 1 test.
stake pool metadata hash url wrong hash fails: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.Certificates.StakePool.hprop_stake_pool_metadata_hash_url_wrong_hash_fails passed 1 test.
stake pool metadata hash url correct hash: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.Certificates.StakePool.hprop_stake_pool_metadata_hash_url_correct_hash passed 1 test.
check node configuration success: OK (0.04s)
✓ Test.Cli.CheckNodeConfiguration.hprop_check_node_configuration_success passed 1 test.
check node configuration failure: OK (0.12s)
✓ Test.Cli.CheckNodeConfiguration.hprop_check_node_configuration_failure passed 1 test.
compatible stake address delegation certificate: OK (0.07s)
✓ Test.Cli.Compatible.StakeAddress.DelegationCertificate.hprop_compatible_stake_address_delegation_certificate passed 1 test.
compatible stake address registration certificate: OK (0.07s)
✓ Test.Cli.Compatible.StakeAddress.RegistrationCertificate.hprop_compatible_stake_address_registration_certificate passed 1 test.
compatible stake pool registration certificate: OK (0.14s)
✓ Test.Cli.Compatible.StakePool.RegistrationCertificate.hprop_compatible_stake_pool_registration_certificate passed 1 test.
compatible conway transaction build cert script wit: OK (0.12s)
✓ Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build.hprop_compatible_conway_transaction_build_cert_script_wit passed 1 test.
compatible shelley create update proposal: OK (0.05s)
✓ Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build.hprop_compatible_shelley_create_update_proposal passed 1 test.
compatible shelley transaction: OK (0.08s)
✓ Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build.hprop_compatible_shelley_transaction passed 1 test.
compatible shelley signed transaction: OK (0.12s)
✓ Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build.hprop_compatible_shelley_signed_transaction passed 1 test.
compatible shelley transaction build with cert: FAIL (0.30s)
✗ Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build.hprop_compatible_shelley_transaction_build_with_cert failed at test/cardano-cli-test/Test/Cli/Compatible/Transaction/Build.hs:319:3
after 1 test.
shrink path: 1:
┏━━ test/cardano-cli-test/Test/Cli/Compatible/Transaction/Build.hs ━━━
230 ┃ hprop_compatible_shelley_transaction_build_with_cert :: Property
231 ┃ hprop_compatible_shelley_transaction_build_with_cert = watchdogProp . propertyOnce $ H.moduleWorkspace "tmp" $ \tempDir -> do
┃ │ Workspace: /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c
232 ┃ refTxBody <- H.noteTempFile tempDir "txbody.reference.json"
┃ │ /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/txbody.reference.json
233 ┃ refOutFile <- H.noteTempFile tempDir "tx.reference.json"
┃ │ /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/tx.reference.json
234 ┃ outFile <- H.noteTempFile tempDir "tx.json"
┃ │ /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/tx.json
235 ┃ let eraName = map toLower . docToString $ pretty ShelleyEra
236 ┃
237 ┃ verKey <- noteTempFile tempDir "stake-verification-key-file"
┃ │ cardano-cli//build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/stake-verification-key-file
238 ┃ signKey <- noteTempFile tempDir "stake-signing-key-file"
┃ │ cardano-cli//build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/stake-signing-key-file
239 ┃
240 ┃ -- prepare required keys
241 ┃ void $
242 ┃ execCardanoCLI
┃ │ ━━━━ command ━━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/1s2scs487viwwrlz9basaj0kgmsh3ria-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli- shelley stake-address key-gen --verification-key-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/stake-verification-key-file --signing-key-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/stake-signing-key-file
243 ┃ [ eraName
244 ┃ , "stake-address"
245 ┃ , "key-gen"
246 ┃ , "--verification-key-file"
247 ┃ , verKey
248 ┃ , "--signing-key-file"
249 ┃ , signKey
250 ┃ ]
251 ┃
252 ┃ H.assertFilesExist [verKey, signKey]
253 ┃
254 ┃ stakeRegCert <- noteTempFile tempDir "stake-registration-certificate"
┃ │ cardano-cli//build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/stake-registration-certificate
255 ┃ void $
256 ┃ execCardanoCLI
┃ │ ━━━━ command ━━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/1s2scs487viwwrlz9basaj0kgmsh3ria-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli- compatible shelley stake-address registration-certificate --stake-verification-key-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/stake-verification-key-file --out-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/stake-registration-certificate
257 ┃ [ "compatible"
258 ┃ , eraName
259 ┃ , "stake-address"
260 ┃ , "registration-certificate"
261 ┃ , "--stake-verification-key-file"
262 ┃ , verKey
263 ┃ , "--out-file"
264 ┃ , stakeRegCert
265 ┃ ]
266 ┃
267 ┃ let args =
268 ┃ [ "--fee"
269 ┃ , "5000000"
270 ┃ , "--tx-in"
271 ┃ , "7a2a25400ae0accdf796ac5be8c2e79a5cac36cbb3ac918886d3acd776fe5fa7#0"
272 ┃ , "--tx-out"
273 ┃ , "2657WMsDfac5TGjRdAHui5w98RLNoEP4vtbFJUezQ5nwAFTWa4MpqD8y59Xgwv5jD+35996998492600000"
274 ┃ , "--certificate-file"
275 ┃ , stakeRegCert
276 ┃ ]
277 ┃ signArgs =
278 ┃ [ "--signing-key-file"
279 ┃ , signKey
280 ┃ ]
281 ┃
282 ┃ -- build reference transaction
283 ┃ void . execCardanoCLI $
┃ │ ━━━━ command ━━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/1s2scs487viwwrlz9basaj0kgmsh3ria-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli- shelley transaction build-raw --fee 5000000 --tx-in 7a2a25400ae0accdf796ac5be8c2e79a5cac36cbb3ac918886d3acd776fe5fa7#0 --tx-out 2657WMsDfac5TGjRdAHui5w98RLNoEP4vtbFJUezQ5nwAFTWa4MpqD8y59Xgwv5jD+35996998492600000 --certificate-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/stake-registration-certificate --out-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/txbody.reference.json
284 ┃ [ eraName
285 ┃ , "transaction"
286 ┃ , "build-raw"
287 ┃ ]
288 ┃ <> args
289 ┃ <> [ "--out-file"
290 ┃ , refTxBody
291 ┃ ]
292 ┃
293 ┃ void . execCardanoCLI $
┃ │ ━━━━ command ━━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/1s2scs487viwwrlz9basaj0kgmsh3ria-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli- shelley transaction sign --signing-key-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/stake-signing-key-file --tx-body-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/txbody.reference.json --out-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/tx.reference.json
294 ┃ [ eraName
295 ┃ , "transaction"
296 ┃ , "sign"
297 ┃ ]
298 ┃ <> signArgs
299 ┃ <> [ "--tx-body-file"
300 ┃ , refTxBody
301 ┃ , "--out-file"
302 ┃ , refOutFile
303 ┃ ]
304 ┃
305 ┃ -- build tested compatible transaction
306 ┃ void $
307 ┃ execCardanoCLI $
┃ │ ━━━━ command ━━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/1s2scs487viwwrlz9basaj0kgmsh3ria-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli- compatible shelley transaction signed-transaction --fee 5000000 --tx-in 7a2a25400ae0accdf796ac5be8c2e79a5cac36cbb3ac918886d3acd776fe5fa7#0 --tx-out 2657WMsDfac5TGjRdAHui5w98RLNoEP4vtbFJUezQ5nwAFTWa4MpqD8y59Xgwv5jD+35996998492600000 --certificate-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/stake-registration-certificate --signing-key-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/stake-signing-key-file --out-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/tx.json
308 ┃ [ "compatible"
309 ┃ , eraName
310 ┃ , "transaction"
311 ┃ , "signed-transaction"
312 ┃ ]
313 ┃ <> args
314 ┃ <> signArgs
315 ┃ <> [ "--out-file"
316 ┃ , outFile
317 ┃ ]
318 ┃
319 ┃ assertTxFilesEqual refOutFile outFile
┃ │ ━━━━ command ━━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/1s2scs487viwwrlz9basaj0kgmsh3ria-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli- debug transaction view --tx-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/tx.reference.json
┃ │ ━━━━ command ━━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/1s2scs487viwwrlz9basaj0kgmsh3ria-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli- debug transaction view --tx-file /build/tmp-Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build-test-ccfa93d939cc890c/tx.json
┃ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
┃ │ ━━━ Failed (- lhs) (+ rhs) ━━━
┃ │ Object
┃ │ fromList [
┃ │ ( "auxiliary scripts" , Null )
┃ │ , (
┃ │ "certificates"
┃ │ - , Array
┃ │ - [ Object
┃ │ - (fromList
┃ │ - [ ( "stake address registration"
┃ │ - , Object
┃ │ - (fromList
┃ │ - [ ( "keyHash"
┃ │ - , String "ab87147ee3c381de98124ec49f8697d2a11227f90a239410c3316b7b"
┃ │ - )
┃ │ - ])
┃ │ - )
┃ │ - ])
┃ │ - ]
┃ │ + Null
┃ │ )
┃ │ , ( "collateral inputs" , Null )
┃ │ , ( "era" , String "Shelley" )
┃ │ , ( "fee" , String "5000000 Lovelace" )
┃ │ , ( "inputs"
┃ │ , Array
┃ │ [ String
┃ │ "7a2a25400ae0accdf796ac5be8c2e79a5cac36cbb3ac918886d3acd776fe5fa7#0"
┃ │ ]
┃ │ )
┃ │ , ( "metadata" , Null )
┃ │ , ( "mint" , Null )
┃ │ , ( "outputs"
┃ │ , Array
┃ │ [ Object
┃ │ (fromList
┃ │ [ ( "address"
┃ │ , String
┃ │ "2657WMsDfac5TGjRdAHui5w98RLNoEP4vtbFJUezQ5nwAFTWa4MpqD8y59Xgwv5jD"
┃ │ )
┃ │ , ( "address era" , String "Byron" )
┃ │ , ( "amount"
┃ │ , Object (fromList [ ( "lovelace" , Number 3.59969984926e16 ) ])
┃ │ )
┃ │ ])
┃ │ ]
┃ │ )
┃ │ , ( "reference inputs" , Null )
┃ │ , ( "required signers (payment key hashes needed for scripts)"
┃ │ , Null
┃ │ )
┃ │ , ( "return collateral" , Null )
┃ │ , ( "total collateral" , Null )
┃ │ , ( "update proposal" , Null )
┃ │ , ( "validity range"
┃ │ , Object
┃ │ (fromList [ ( "lower bound" , Null ) , ( "upper bound" , Null ) ])
┃ │ )
┃ │ , ( "withdrawals" , Null )
┃ │ , (
┃ │ "witnesses"
┃ │ , Array [
┃ │ Object
┃ │ fromList [
┃ │ ( "key"
┃ │ , String
┃ │ "VKey (VerKeyEd25519DSIGN \"928cdf5d06d1d9e3ec87257c00998dec0e564004929ffa38aeb128a9ce901bc3\")"
┃ │ )
┃ │ , (
┃ │ "signature"
┃ │ , String
┃ │ - "SignedDSIGN (SigEd25519DSIGN \"c202385f6084d2af9ee98d35b11902a3d8a47659a89be475db6ce0c80d160ec40f03ddaba24d7c6150e564cd15fa7b9905c4603019d5fe85bbb4afd6dabc8d09\")"
┃ │ + "SignedDSIGN (SigEd25519DSIGN \"5f43a8efe40a5f81663462ceb80ebe748bd4edb0c4c189fcb7b6e832e3f75b14680559324665985b880e2bbddda77793954def0f9e1512d9cdc5e08d1f09140e\")"
┃ │ )
┃ │ ]
┃ │ ]
┃ │ )
┃ │ ]
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 15922015932091195867 9499333755644009817) "1:" Test.Cli.Compatible.Transaction.Build.hprop_compatible_shelley_transaction_build_with_cert
Use "--pattern '$NF ~ /compatible shelley transaction build with cert/' --hedgehog-replay '1: Seed 15922015932091195867 9499333755644009817'" to reproduce from the command-line.
Use -p '/compatible shelley transaction build with cert/' to rerun this test only.
create cardano: OK (0.07s)
✓ Test.Cli.CreateCardano.hprop_create_cardano passed 1 test.
create testnet data minimal: OK (0.08s)
✓ Test.Cli.CreateTestnetData.hprop_create_testnet_data_minimal passed 1 test.
create testnet data create nonegative supply: OK (0.38s)
✓ Test.Cli.CreateTestnetData.hprop_create_testnet_data_create_nonegative_supply passed 1 test.
create testnet data transient stake delegators: OK (0.08s)
✓ Test.Cli.CreateTestnetData.hprop_create_testnet_data_transient_stake_delegators passed 1 test.
drep metadata hash url wrong hash fails: OK (0.02s)
✓ Test.Cli.DRepMetadata.hprop_drep_metadata_hash_url_wrong_hash_fails passed 1 test.
drep metadata hash url correct hash: OK (0.02s)
✓ Test.Cli.DRepMetadata.hprop_drep_metadata_hash_url_correct_hash passed 1 test.
createVRFSigningKeyFilePermissions: OK (0.02s)
✓ Test.Cli.FilePermissions.hprop_createVRFSigningKeyFilePermissions passed 1 test.
governance committee checks wrong hash fails: OK (0.06s)
✓ Test.Cli.Governance.Committee.hprop_governance_committee_checks_wrong_hash_fails passed 1 test.
governance committee checks right hash works: OK (0.05s)
✓ Test.Cli.Governance.Committee.hprop_governance_committee_checks_right_hash_works passed 1 test.
governance drep registration certificate script hash: OK (0.08s)
✓ Test.Cli.Governance.DRep.hprop_governance_drep_registration_certificate_script_hash passed 1 test.
governance drep update certificate vkey file: OK (0.16s)
✓ Test.Cli.Governance.DRep.hprop_governance_drep_update_certificate_vkey_file passed 1 test.
golden governance drep registration certificate vkey file wrong hash fails: OK (0.05s)
✓ Test.Cli.Governance.DRep.hprop_golden_governance_drep_registration_certificate_vkey_file_wrong_hash_fails passed 1 test.
golden governance drep registration certificate vkey file: OK (0.05s)
✓ Test.Cli.Governance.DRep.hprop_golden_governance_drep_registration_certificate_vkey_file passed 1 test.
golden governance drep update certificate vkey file wrong hash fails: OK (0.05s)
✓ Test.Cli.Governance.DRep.hprop_golden_governance_drep_update_certificate_vkey_file_wrong_hash_fails passed 1 test.
golden governance drep update certificate vkey file: OK (0.05s)
✓ Test.Cli.Governance.DRep.hprop_golden_governance_drep_update_certificate_vkey_file passed 1 test.
governance committee key hash: OK (0.11s)
✓ Test.Cli.Governance.Hash.hprop_governance_committee_key_hash passed 1 test.
governance vote create wrong hash fails: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.Governance.Vote.hprop_governance_vote_create_wrong_hash_fails passed 1 test.
governance vote create right hash works: OK (0.02s)
✓ Test.Cli.Governance.Vote.hprop_governance_vote_create_right_hash_works passed 1 test.
generate anchor data hash from file: OK (0.02s)
✓ Test.Cli.Hash.hprop_generate_anchor_data_hash_from_file passed 1 test.
check anchor data hash from file: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.Hash.hprop_check_anchor_data_hash_from_file passed 1 test.
check anchor data hash from file fails: OK (0.02s)
✓ Test.Cli.Hash.hprop_check_anchor_data_hash_from_file_fails passed 1 test.
generate anchor data hash from file uri: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.Hash.hprop_generate_anchor_data_hash_from_file_uri passed 1 test.
check anchor data hash from http uri: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.Hash.hprop_check_anchor_data_hash_from_http_uri passed 1 test.
check anchor data hash from ipfs uri: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.Hash.hprop_check_anchor_data_hash_from_ipfs_uri passed 1 test.
convertITNKeys: OK (0.06s)
✓ Test.Cli.ITN.hprop_convertITNKeys passed 1 test.
convertITNExtendedSigningKey: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.ITN.hprop_convertITNExtendedSigningKey passed 1 test.
convertITNBIP32SigningKey: OK (0.04s)
✓ Test.Cli.ITN.hprop_convertITNBIP32SigningKey passed 1 test.
golden bech32Decode: OK
✓ Test.Cli.ITN.hprop_golden_bech32Decode passed 1 test.
json roundtrip delegations and rewards: OK (0.15s)
✓ Test.Cli.Json.hprop_json_roundtrip_delegations_and_rewards passed 100 tests.
roundtrip kes period info output JSON: OK (0.04s)
✓ Test.Cli.Json.hprop_roundtrip_kes_period_info_output_JSON passed 100 tests.
monad warning: OK
✓ Test.Cli.MonadWarning.hprop_monad_warning passed 100 tests.
integral reader: OK (0.01s)
✓ Test.Cli.Parser.hprop_integral_reader passed 100 tests.
integral pair reader positive: OK (0.02s)
✓ Test.Cli.Parser.hprop_integral_pair_reader_positive passed 100 tests.
integral pair reader negative: OK
✓ Test.Cli.Parser.hprop_integral_pair_reader_negative passed 1 test.
buildShelleyPaymentAddress: OK (0.06s)
✓ Test.Cli.Pioneers.Exercise1.hprop_buildShelleyPaymentAddress passed 1 test.
buildShelleyStakeAddress: OK (0.08s)
✓ Test.Cli.Pioneers.Exercise1.hprop_buildShelleyStakeAddress passed 1 test.
createTransaction: OK (0.09s)
✓ Test.Cli.Pioneers.Exercise2.hprop_createTransaction passed 1 test.
createOperationalCertificate: OK (0.10s)
✓ Test.Cli.Pioneers.Exercise3.hprop_createOperationalCertificate passed 1 test.
createStakeAddressRegistrationCertificate: OK (0.07s)
✓ Test.Cli.Pioneers.Exercise4.hprop_createStakeAddressRegistrationCertificate passed 1 test.
createLegacyZeroTxOutTransaction: OK (0.09s)
✓ Test.Cli.Pioneers.Exercise5.hprop_createLegacyZeroTxOutTransaction passed 1 test.
createZeroLovelaceTxOutTransaction: OK (0.09s)
✓ Test.Cli.Pioneers.Exercise6.hprop_createZeroLovelaceTxOutTransaction passed 1 test.
readFromPipe: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.Pipes.hprop_readFromPipe passed 10 tests.
hash trip: OK (0.16s)
✓ Test.Cli.Run.Hash.hprop_hash_trip passed 1 test.
percentage: OK
✓ Test.Cli.Run.Query.hprop_percentage passed 1 test.
conway transaction build one voter many votes: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.Transaction.Build.hprop_conway_transaction_build_one_voter_many_votes passed 1 test.
conway transaction build raw negative txout: OK (0.04s)
✓ Test.Cli.Transaction.Build.hprop_conway_transaction_build_raw_negative_txout passed 1 test.
conway transaction build raw negative bits positive total txout: OK (0.03s)
✓ Test.Cli.Transaction.Build.hprop_conway_transaction_build_raw_negative_bits_positive_total_txout passed 1 test.
verification key drep: OK (0.04s)
✓ Test.Cli.VerificationKey.hprop_verification_key_drep passed 1 test.
verification key committee hot: OK (0.05s)
✓ Test.Cli.VerificationKey.hprop_verification_key_committee_hot passed 1 test.
verification key committee cold: OK (0.04s)
✓ Test.Cli.VerificationKey.hprop_verification_key_committee_cold passed 1 test.
1 out of 69 tests failed (1.95s)