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WIP: Add update pparams test with guardrail on it own
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Jimbo4350 committed May 13, 2024
1 parent dc44694 commit 0c11a42
Showing 1 changed file with 285 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.UpdatePParam
( hprop_update_pparam
) where

import Cardano.Api as Api
import Cardano.Api.Ledger (EpochInterval (..))
import qualified Cardano.Api.Ledger as L

import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Hash as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Governance as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Governance as Ledger
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Conway.PParams as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Core as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState as L
import Cardano.Testnet

import Prelude

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT)
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty (encodePretty)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe.Strict
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word
import GHC.Exts (IsList (..))
import Lens.Micro
import System.FilePath ((</>))

import Testnet.Components.Configuration
import Testnet.Components.DRep (createVotingTxBody, generateVoteFiles,
retrieveTransactionId, signTx, submitTx)
import Testnet.Components.Query
import Testnet.Components.TestWatchdog
import Testnet.Defaults
import qualified Testnet.Process.Cli as P
import qualified Testnet.Process.Run as H
import qualified Testnet.Property.Util as H
import Testnet.Types

import Hedgehog
import qualified Hedgehog.Extras as H

-- | Execute me with:
-- @DISABLE_RETRIES=1 cabal test cardano-testnet-test --test-options '-p "/Propose And Ratify New Constitution/"'@
hprop_update_pparam :: Property
hprop_update_pparam = H.integrationWorkspace "propose-new-constitution" $ \tempAbsBasePath' -> runWithDefaultWatchdog_ $ do
-- Start a local test net
conf@Conf { tempAbsPath } <- mkConf tempAbsBasePath'
let tempAbsPath' = unTmpAbsPath tempAbsPath
tempBaseAbsPath = makeTmpBaseAbsPath tempAbsPath

work <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ tempAbsPath' </> "work"

-- Generate model for votes
let allVotes :: [(String, Int)]
allVotes = zip (concatMap (uncurry replicate) [(4, "yes"), (3, "no"), (2, "abstain")]) [1..]
annotateShow allVotes

let numVotes :: Int
numVotes = length allVotes
annotateShow numVotes

guardRailScript <- H.note $ work </> "guard-rail-script.plutusV3"
H.writeFile guardRailScript $ Text.unpack plutusV3NonSpendingScript

-- TODO: Update help text for policyid. The script hash is not
-- only useful for minting scripts
-- TODO: Left off here. Use offline execConfig function
constitutionScriptHash <- filter (/= '\n') <$>
H.execCli' execConfig
[ anyEraToString cEra, "transaction"
, "policyid"
, "--script-file", guardRailScript

H.note_ $ "Constitution script hash: " <> constitutionScriptHash

let ceo = ConwayEraOnwardsConway
sbe = conwayEraOnwardsToShelleyBasedEra ceo
era = toCardanoEra sbe
cEra = AnyCardanoEra era
fastTestnetOptions = cardanoDefaultTestnetOptions
{ cardanoEpochLength = 100
, cardanoNodeEra = cEra
, cardanoNumDReps = numVotes
constitution = undefined

alonzoGenesis <- evalEither $ first prettyError defaultAlonzoGenesis
(startTime, shelleyGenesis') <- getDefaultShelleyGenesis fastTestnetOptions
let conwayGenesisWithCommittee =
defaultConwayGenesis { L.cgConstitution = constitution }

{ testnetMagic
, poolNodes
, wallets=wallet0:_wallet1:_
, configurationFile
} <- cardanoTestnet
conf startTime shelleyGenesis'
alonzoGenesis conwayGenesisWithCommittee

PoolNode{poolRuntime} <- H.headM poolNodes
poolSprocket1 <- H.noteShow $ nodeSprocket poolRuntime
execConfig <- H.mkExecConfig tempBaseAbsPath poolSprocket1 testnetMagic
let socketPath = nodeSocketPath poolRuntime

epochStateView <- getEpochStateView configurationFile socketPath

H.note_ $ "Sprocket: " <> show poolSprocket1
H.note_ $ "Abs path: " <> tempAbsBasePath'
H.note_ $ "Socketpath: " <> unFile socketPath
H.note_ $ "Foldblocks config file: " <> unFile configurationFile
gov <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ work </> "governance"

proposalAnchorFile <- H.note $ gov </> "sample-proposal-anchor"
H.writeFile proposalAnchorFile "dummy anchor data"

proposalAnchorDataHash <- H.execCli' execConfig
[ "conway", "governance"
, "hash", "anchor-data", "--file-text", proposalAnchorFile

let stakeVkeyFp = gov </> "stake.vkey"
stakeSKeyFp = gov </> "stake.skey"

$ KeyPair { verificationKey = File stakeVkeyFp
, signingKey = File stakeSKeyFp

-- Attempt a protocol parameters update (witnessed with guard rail script)
let newCommitteeTermLength = 1000
pparamsUpdateFp <- H.note $ work </> "protocol-parameters-upate.action"
void $ H.execCli' execConfig
[ anyEraToString cEra, "governance", "action", "create-protocol-parameters-update"
, "--testnet"
, "--governance-action-deposit", show @Int 2_000_000 -- TODO: retrieve this from conway genesis.
, "--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file", stakeVkeyFp
, "--anchor-url", ""
, "--anchor-data-hash", proposalAnchorDataHash
, "--constitution-script-hash", constitutionScriptHash
, "--committee-term-length", show @Word32 newCommitteeTermLength
, "--out-file", pparamsUpdateFp

updateProposalTxBody <- H.note $ work </> "update-proposal.txbody"
txin4 <- findLargestUtxoForPaymentKey epochStateView sbe wallet0
utxo <- findAllUtxos epochStateView sbe

let utxoJSON1 = encodePretty utxo
H.lbsWriteFile (work </> "utxo1.json") utxoJSON1
H.noteShow_ (work </> "utxo1.json")

let relevantValue = fromMaybe mempty ((\(TxOut _ txVal _ _) -> txOutValueToValue txVal) <$> Map.lookup txin4 utxo)
adaAtInput = L.unCoin $ selectLovelace relevantValue

H.noteShow_ adaAtInput
protocolParametersFile <- H.note $ work </> "protocol-parameters.json"
void $ H.execCli' execConfig
[ anyEraToString cEra, "query", "protocol-parameters"
, "--out-file", protocolParametersFile

utxo2 <- findAllUtxos epochStateView sbe
let utxoJSON2 = encodePretty utxo2
H.lbsWriteFile (work </> "utxo2.json") utxoJSON2
H.noteShow_ (work </> "utxo2.json")

void $ H.execCli' execConfig
[ anyEraToString cEra, "transaction", "build-estimate"
, "--shelley-key-witnesses", show @Int 1
, "--total-utxo-value", show @Integer adaAtInput
, "--change-address", Text.unpack $ paymentKeyInfoAddr wallet0
, "--protocol-params-file", protocolParametersFile
, "--tx-in", Text.unpack $ renderTxIn txin4
, "--tx-in-collateral", Text.unpack $ renderTxIn txin4
, "--tx-out", Text.unpack (paymentKeyInfoAddr wallet0) <> "+" <> show @Int 3_000_001
, "--proposal-file", pparamsUpdateFp
, "--proposal-script-file", guardRailScript
, "--proposal-redeemer-value", "0"
, "--proposal-execution-units", "(2000000,20000000)"
, "--out-file", updateProposalTxBody

updateProposalTx <- H.note $ work </> "update-proposal.tx"

signedPParamsProposalTx <- signTx execConfig cEra work updateProposalTx
(File updateProposalTxBody) [SomeKeyPair $ paymentKeyInfoPair wallet0]

void $ H.execCli' execConfig
[ "conway", "transaction", "submit"
, "--tx-file", unFile signedPParamsProposalTx

-- Need to vote on proposal. Drep threshold must be met
governanceActionTxIdPParamUpdate <- retrieveTransactionId execConfig signedPParamsProposalTx

<- H.leftFailM $ findCondition
(maybeExtractGovernanceActionIndex (fromString governanceActionTxIdPParamUpdate))
(EpochNo 5)

governanceActionIndexPParams <- H.nothingFail pparamsPropSubmittedResult

-- Proposal was successfully submitted, now we vote on the proposal and confirm it was ratified
pparamsVoteFiles <- generateVoteFiles execConfig work "pparams-update-vote-files"
governanceActionTxIdPParamUpdate governanceActionIndexPParams
[(defaultDRepKeyPair idx, vote) | (vote, idx) <- allVotes]

-- Submit votes
pparamsVoteTxBodyFp <- createVotingTxBody execConfig epochStateView sbe work "pparams-vote-tx-body"
pparamsVoteFiles wallet0

pparamsVoteTxFp <- signTx execConfig cEra work "signed-vote-tx" pparamsVoteTxBodyFp signingKeys
submitTx execConfig cEra pparamsVoteTxFp

<- H.leftFailM $ findCondition
(checkPParamsUpdated (EpochInterval newCommitteeTermLength))
configurationFile socketPath (EpochNo 10)

H.nothingFail mPParamsUpdate

:: EpochInterval -- ^ The epoch interval to check for in the updated protocol parameters
-> AnyNewEpochState
-> Maybe ()
checkPParamsUpdated committeeTermLength (AnyNewEpochState sbe nes) =
let curCommTermLength :: EpochInterval
curCommTermLength = caseShelleyToBabbageOrConwayEraOnwards
(const $ error "Committee max term length only exists in Conway era onwards")
(const $ nes ^. L.newEpochStateGovStateL . L.cgsCurPParamsL . L.ppCommitteeMaxTermLengthL)
in if curCommTermLength == committeeTermLength
then Just () -- PParams was successfully updated and we terminate the fold.
else Nothing -- PParams was not updated yet, we continue the fold.

:: String -- submitted constitution hash
-> String -- submitted guard rail script hash
-> AnyNewEpochState
-> StateT s IO LedgerStateCondition -- ^ Accumulator at block i and fold status
checkConstitutionWasRatified submittedConstitutionHash submittedGuardRailScriptHash anyNewEpochState =
if filterRatificationState submittedConstitutionHash submittedGuardRailScriptHash anyNewEpochState
then return ConditionMet
else return ConditionNotMet

:: String -- ^ Submitted constitution anchor hash
-> String -- ^ Submitted guard rail script hash
-> AnyNewEpochState
-> Bool
filterRatificationState c guardRailScriptHash (AnyNewEpochState sbe newEpochState) = do
(const $ error "filterRatificationState: Only conway era supported")

(const $ do
-- This is the next ratify state! Not the current constitution!!!
let constitution = newEpochState ^. L.newEpochStateGovStateL . L.cgsConstitutionL
constitutionAnchorHash = Ledger.anchorDataHash $ Ledger.constitutionAnchor constitution
L.ScriptHash constitutionScriptHash = fromMaybe (error "filterRatificationState: consitution does not have a guardrail script")
$ strictMaybeToMaybe $ constitution ^. Ledger.constitutionScriptL
Text.pack c == renderSafeHashAsHex constitutionAnchorHash && L.hashToTextAsHex constitutionScriptHash == Text.pack guardRailScriptHash


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