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Conway spec prose: GovernanceActions
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This addresses the GovernanceActions, Voting, and Enactment items in issue #145
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williamdemeo committed Jul 27, 2023
1 parent 40c7098 commit acae025
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196 changes: 169 additions & 27 deletions src/Ledger/GovernanceActions.lagda
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@@ -1,4 +1,25 @@
\section{Governance actions}
\section{Governance actions\protect\footnotemark}
\footnotetext{See also: \href{}{}}
%%\textit{Any Cardano user} will be allowed to submit a \defn{governance action}.
We introduce three distinct bodies that have specific functions in the new governance framework:
a constitutional committee
a group of delegate representatives (henceforth called \defn{DReps})
the stake pool operators (henceforth called \defn{SPOs})
Every governance action must be ratified by at least two of these three bodies using their on-chain \defn{votes}.
The type of action and the state of the governance system determines which bodies must ratify it.
Ratified actions are then \defn{enacted} on-chain, following a set of well-defined rules.
As with stake pools, any Ada holder may register to be a DRep and so choose to represent themselves and/or others.
Also, as with stake pools, Ada holders may instead delegate their voting rights to any other DRep.
Voting rights will be based on the total Ada that is delegated, as a whole number of Lovelace.
The most crucial aspect of this proposal is the notion of ``\textit{one Lovelace = one vote}''.

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,8 +53,53 @@ open import Tactic.Derive.DecEq
open import MyDebugOptions

2ℚ = 1ℚ Data.Rational.+ 1ℚ


Figure~\ref{defs:governance} defines several data types used to represent governance actions including:
\item %%% \defn{identifier} (\AgdaSymbol{:}\,
\AgdaDatatype{GovActionId}---a pair consisting of a transaction id (\AgdaSymbol{:}\,\AgdaDatatype{TxId}) and a natural number (\AgdaSymbol{:}\,\AgdaDatatype{ℕ});
\item %%% \defn{role} (\AgdaSymbol{:}\,
\AgdaDatatype{GovRole}---enumerates the available voter roles: \AgdaInductiveConstructor{CC}, \AgdaInductiveConstructor{DRep}, \AgdaInductiveConstructor{SPO};
\item %%% \defn{voter delegation type} (\AgdaSymbol{:}\,
\AgdaDatatype{VDeleg}---enumerates the available ways to delegate votes: by a credential
(\AgdaInductiveConstructor{credVoter}), abstention (\AgdaInductiveConstructor{abstainRep}), or expressing no confidence (\AgdaInductiveConstructor{noConfidenceRep});
\item %%% \defn{anchor} (\AgdaSymbol{:}\,
\AgdaRecord{Anchor}---an anchor with fields \AgdaField{url} (\AgdaSymbol{:}\,\AgdaDatatype{String}) and a document \AgdaField{hash} (\AgdaSymbol{:}\,\AgdaDatatype{DocHash});
\item %%% \defn{governance action} (\AgdaSymbol{:}\,
\AgdaDatatype{GovAction}---enumerates the available governance actions
(\AgdaInductiveConstructor{NoConfidence}, \AgdaInductiveConstructor{NewCommittee},
\AgdaInductiveConstructor{NewConstitution}, \AgdaInductiveConstructor{TriggerHF},
\AgdaInductiveConstructor{ChangePParams}, \AgdaInductiveConstructor{TreasuryWdrl}, or
The \AgdaDatatype{GovAction} type represents the seven available \defn{governance actions} described in Table~\ref{fig:types-of-governance-actions}.
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 2\tabcolsep) * \real{0.35}}
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 2\tabcolsep) * \real{0.35}}
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 2\tabcolsep) * \real{0.15}}@{}}
\textbf{Action} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Agda type}\\
1. Motion of no-confidence & A motion to create a \defn{state of no-confidence} in the current constitutional committee & \AgdaInductiveConstructor{NoConfidence}\\
2. New constitutional committee and/or threshold and/or term limits & Changes to the members of the constitutional committee and/or to its signature threshold and/or term limits & \AgdaInductiveConstructor{NewCommittee}\\
3. Updates to the Constitution & A modification to the off-chain Constitution, recorded as an on-chain hash of the text document & \AgdaInductiveConstructor{NewConstitution}\\
4. Hard fork\footnotemark &
Initiation triggers a non-backwards compatible upgrade of the network; requires a prior software upgrade & \AgdaInductiveConstructor{TriggerHF} \\
5. Protocol Parameter Changes & Any change to \textit{one or more} updatable protocol parameters, excluding changes to major protocol versions (``hard forks'') & \AgdaInductiveConstructor{ChangePParams}\\
6. Treasury Withdrawals & Movements from the treasury, sub-categorized into small, medium or large withdrawals (based on the amount of Lovelace to be withdrawn). The thresholds for treasury withdrawals are discussed below. & \AgdaInductiveConstructor{TreasuryWdrl} \\
7. Info & An action that has no effect on-chain, other than an on-chain record. & \AgdaInductiveConstructor{Info}\\
\caption{Types of governance actions}
\footnotetext{There are many varying definitions of the term ``hard fork'' in the blockchain industry. Hard forks typically refer
to non-backwards compatible updates of a network. In Cardano, we formalize the definition slightly more by calling any upgrade that
would lead to \emph{more blocks} being validated a ``hard fork'' and force nodes to comply with the new protocol version, effectively
obsoleting nodes that are unable to handle the upgrade.}
GovActionID : Set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,10 +127,15 @@ data GovAction : Set where
ChangePParams : UpdateT → PPHash → GovAction
TreasuryWdrl : (Credential ⇀ Coin) → GovAction
Info : GovAction
\caption{Governance actions}

actionWellFormed : GovAction → Bool
actionWellFormed (ChangePParams x _) = ppdWellFormed x
actionWellFormed _ = true
actionWellFormed (ChangePParams x _) = ppdWellFormed x
actionWellFormed _ = true

maximum : ℙ ℚ → ℚ
maximum x = foldl Data.Rational._⊔_ 0ℚ (proj₁ $ finiteness x)
Expand All @@ -85,10 +156,10 @@ module _ (pp : PParams) (ccThreshold' : Maybe ℚ) where
nothing → 2ℚ

pparamThreshold : PParamGroup → ℚ
pparamThreshold NetworkGroup = P5a
pparamThreshold EconomicGroup = P5b
pparamThreshold TechnicalGroup = P5c
pparamThreshold GovernanceGroup = P5d
pparamThreshold NetworkGroup = P5a
pparamThreshold EconomicGroup = P5b
pparamThreshold TechnicalGroup = P5c
pparamThreshold GovernanceGroup = P5d

P5 : UpdateT → ℚ
P5 ppu = maximum $ map pparamThreshold (updateGroups ppu)
Expand All @@ -112,7 +183,48 @@ NeedsHash (TriggerHF _) = GovActionID
NeedsHash (ChangePParams _ _) = GovActionID
NeedsHash (TreasuryWdrl _) = ⊤
NeedsHash Info = ⊤

A governance action is an on-chain event that is triggered by a transaction, and there is a deadline after which
the governance action cannot be enacted.
\defn{Ratification}. An action is said to be \defn{ratified} when it gathers enough votes in its favor (through the rules and parameters that are detailed
\defn{Expiration}. An action that doesn't collect sufficient \AgdaField{yes} votes before its deadline is said to have \defn{expired}.
\defn{Enactment}. An action that has been ratified is said to be \defn{enacted} once it has been activated on the network.

\subsection{Voting and ratification}
A governance action is an on-chain event that is triggered by a transaction. There is a deadline after which
the governance action cannot be enacted.
A governance action is said to be \defn{ratified} when it gathers enough votes in its favor
(through the rules and parameters that are detailed elsewhere [TODO: insert reference]).
A governance action is said to have \defn{expired} if it does not collect sufficient \AgdaField{yes} votes before the deadline.
An action that has been ratified is said to be \defn{enacted} once it has been activated on the network.

The data type \AgdaDatatype{Vote} represents the different voting options: \AgdaInductiveConstructor{yes}, \AgdaInductiveConstructor{no}, or \AgdaInductiveConstructor{abstain}.
Each \AgdaField{vote} is recorded in a \AgdaRecord{GovVote} record along with the following meta-data:
\item \FieldTyped{gid}{GovActionID} (governance action identifier),
\item \FieldTyped{role}{GovRole},
\item \FieldTyped{credential}{Credential},
\item \FieldTyped{anchor}{Maybe~Anchor}.
A \defn{governance action proposal} is recorded in a \AgdaRecord{GovProposal} record which includes fields for
a return address (\FieldTyped{returnAddr}{RwdAddr}), the proposed governance action (\FieldTyped{action}{GovAction}),
a hash of the previous governance action (\FieldTyped{prevAction}{NeedsHash action}), and an anchor. (See Figure~\ref{defs:governance-votes}.)
data Vote : Set where
yes : Vote
no : Vote
Expand All @@ -131,18 +243,44 @@ record GovProposal : Set where
prevAction : NeedsHash action
anchor : Anchor
\caption{Governance action proposals and votes}
\emph{Any Ada holder} can submit a governance action to the chain.
They must provide a deposit of \AgdaBound{govDeposit} Lovelace, which will be returned when the action is finalized (whether it is \defn{ratified} or has \defn{expired}).
The deposit amount will be added to the \defn{deposit pot}, similar to stake key deposits. It will also be counted towards the stake of the reward address it will be paid
back to, to not reduce the submitter's voting power to vote on their own (and competing) actions.
\item A motion of no-confidence is an extreme measure that enables Ada holders to revoke the power that has been granted to the current constitutional committee.
\item A \emph{single} governance action might contain \emph{multiple} protocol parameter updates. Many parameters are inter-connected and might require moving in lockstep.

_ = +-0-commutativeMonoid
unquoteDecl DecEq-GovRole = derive-DecEq ((quote GovRole , DecEq-GovRole) ∷ [])
unquoteDecl DecEq-Vote = derive-DecEq ((quote Vote , DecEq-Vote) ∷ [])
unquoteDecl DecEq-VDeleg = derive-DecEq ((quote VDeleg , DecEq-VDeleg) ∷ [])
\caption{Governance actions and votes}

See Section~\ref{sec:ratification} for more on the ratification process.

\defn{Enactment} of a governance action is carried out as an \defn{enact transition}
which requires an \defn{enact environment} (\AgdaSymbol{:}\,\AgdaRecord{EnactEnv}), an \defn{enact state}
(\AgdaSymbol{:}\,\AgdaRecord{EnactState}) representing the existing state (prior to enactment), the voted on
governance action (that achieved enough votes to enact), and the state that results from enacting the given
governance action (\AgdaSymbol{:}\,\AgdaRecord{EnactState}). (See Figure~\ref{fig:enactment-types}.)

The \AgdaRecord{EnactEnv} record type represents the environment for enacting a governance action. %; the type has only one field, \FieldTyped{gid}{GovActionID}.

The \AgdaRecord{EnactState} record type represents the state for enacting a governance action.
It contains various fields such as \AgdaField{cc} (constitutional committee), \AgdaField{constitution},
\AgdaField{pv} (protocol version), \AgdaField{pparams} (protocol parameters), \AgdaField{withdrawals}
(withdrawals from treasury), and \AgdaField{treasury} (treasury balance).
HashProtected : Set → Set
Expand All @@ -160,6 +298,9 @@ record EnactState : Set where
withdrawals : Credential ⇀ Coin
treasury : Coin
\caption{Enactment types}
open EnactState

Expand All @@ -178,25 +319,24 @@ private variable

_ = +-0-monoid

_⊢_⇀⦇_,ENACT⦈_ : EnactEnv → EnactState → GovAction → EnactState → Set
data _⊢_⇀⦇_,ENACT⦈_ where

Enact-NoConf : ⟦ gid ⟧ᵉ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ NoConfidence ,ENACT⦈ record s { cc = nothing , gid }
Enact-NewComm : ⟦ gid ⟧ᵉ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ NewCommittee new rem q ,ENACT⦈ let
The data type \verb!_⊢_⇀⦇_,ENACT⦈_! defines the transition relation for enacting a governance action.
It represents how the \AgdaBound{EnactState} changes when a specific governance action is enacted.
(See Figure~\ref{fig:enact-transition-system}.)

data _⊢_⇀⦇_,ENACT⦈_ : EnactEnv → EnactState → GovAction → EnactState → Set where
Enact-NoConf : ⟦ gid ⟧ᵉ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ NoConfidence ,ENACT⦈ record s { cc = nothing , gid }
Enact-NewComm : ⟦ gid ⟧ᵉ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ NewCommittee new rem q ,ENACT⦈ let
old = maybe proj₁ ∅ᵐ (proj₁ ( s))
in record s { cc = just ((new ∪ᵐˡ old) ∣ rem ᶜ , q) , gid }
Enact-NewConst : ⟦ gid ⟧ᵉ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ NewConstitution dh ,ENACT⦈ record s { constitution = dh , gid }
Enact-HF : ⟦ gid ⟧ᵉ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ TriggerHF v ,ENACT⦈ record s { pv = v , gid }
Enact-PParams :
⟦ gid ⟧ᵉ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ ChangePParams up h ,ENACT⦈ record s { pparams = applyUpdate (proj₁ (s .pparams)) up , gid }
Enact-NewConst : ⟦ gid ⟧ᵉ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ NewConstitution dh ,ENACT⦈ record s { constitution = dh , gid }
Enact-HF : ⟦ gid ⟧ᵉ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ TriggerHF v ,ENACT⦈ record s { pv = v , gid }
Enact-PParams : ⟦ gid ⟧ᵉ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ ChangePParams up h ,ENACT⦈
record s { pparams = applyUpdate (proj₁ (s .pparams)) up , gid }
Enact-Wdrl :
let newWdrls = Σᵐᵛ[ x ← wdrl ᶠᵐ ] x
in newWdrls ≤ s .treasury
Expand All @@ -207,4 +347,6 @@ data _⊢_⇀⦇_,ENACT⦈_ where
Enact-Info : ⟦ gid ⟧ᵉ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ Info ,ENACT⦈ s
\caption{ENACT transition system}
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/Ledger/PDF.lagda
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,12 +66,15 @@


%% -- DEFINITIONS ----------------------------------------------------
%% -- DEFINITIONS -----------------------------------------------------------
%% Set the desired typeface of defined terms here and, at the
%% first occurrence of such a term, enclose it in `\defn{...}`.
\newcommand{\defn}[1]{\textit{#1}} % defined terms are typeset in italics
%% \newcommand{\defn}[1]{\textbf{#1}} % defined terms are typeset in bold

%% -- For typesetting an Agda field name along with its type -----------------


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