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Q1 2025

No due date 11% complete


  • Release UTXO-HD v0.1 this quarter. After releasing this feature, we will need to assist other teams (eg wallet, db-sync) with its integration.


  • Get involved in the early stages of Peras implementation plan, and in writing the statement of work for the following phases.
  • Maintain familiarity with the Peras implementation plan as it evolves.



  • Release UTXO-HD v0.1 this quarter. After releasing this feature, we will need to assist other teams (eg wallet, db-sync) with its integration.


  • Get involved in the early stages of Peras implementation plan, and in writing the statement of work for the following phases.
  • Maintain familiarity with the Peras implementation plan as it evolves.

Cardano Blueprint

  • Gather the requirements for the Consensus' team contribution to the Cardano Blueprint.
  • Identify other possible areas of improvement for our documentation.
    • Depending on the time left in the quarter we can start implementing said documentation improvements.

Agda specification

Provide support integrating the Agda specification of parts of Consensus into our repository (including CI support).

Operation Serenity

  • Incorporate further documentation improvements:
    • Improve the Hard Fork Combinator documentation.
    • Document Consensus API.
    • Provide missing CDDL specs.
  • Simplify the way code handles EBBs.


  • Add support for fast-failure for redundant transactions in the mempool.
  • Provide help in integrating the latest improvements to the KES agent.