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A list of cool projects made in Romania.



🌟 Name Description 🌍
@mishoo/UglifyJS2 JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit ↗️
@IonicaBizau/git-stats 🍀 Local git statistics including GitHub-like contributions calendars.
@IonicaBizau/scrape-it 🔮 A Node.js scraper for humans. ↗️
@Aluxian/Facebook-Messenger-Desktop Bring to your OS X, Windows or Linux desktop. ↗️
@skidding/cosmos DX tool for designing truly encapsulated React components. ↗️
@victorstanciu/dbv Database version control, made easy! ↗️
@skidding/dragdealer Drag-based JavaScript component, embracing endless UI solutions ↗️
@flaviusmatis/simplePagination.js A simple jQuery pagination plugin.
@cthackers/adm-zip A Javascript implementation of zip for nodejs. Allows user to create or extract zip files both in memory or to/from disk
@alessioalex/ClientManager Sample application built with Backbone, RequireJS and Twitter Bootstrap on the client and Node.js (Express.js, Mongoose) on the server.
@ghinda/jotted Environment for showcasing HTML, CSS and JavaScript, with editable source. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/image-to-ascii 💾 A Node.js module that converts images to ASCII art. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/medium-editor-markdo… 📝 A Medium Editor extension to add markdown support. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/cli-github 😸 A fancy GitHub client for command line. ↗️
@stefangabos/Zebra_Datepicker A super-lightweight, highly configurable, cross-browser date picker jQuery plugin. ↗️
@piatra/kreator.js slide tool interface for reveal.js
@Aluxian/electron-superkit ⚡ An Electron starter kit with super powers. ⚡
@IonicaBizau/youtube-api 📹 A Node.JS module, which provides an object oriented wrapper for the YouTube v3 API.
@IonicaBizau/github-stats 📈 Visualize stats about GitHub users and projects in your terminal.
@icflorescu/iisexpress-proxy A simple local proxy for accessing IIS Express from remote machines.
@IonicaBizau/ghcal 📆 See the GitHub contributions calendar of a user in the command line.
@IonicaBizau/web-term 📺 A fullscreen terminal in your browser.
@flaviusmatis/easyModal.js A minimal jQuery modal that works with your CSS.
@skidding/flatris Flatris is demo app for Cosmos, built using React components. ↗️
@ghinda/acornmediaplayer Accessible and easily customizable HTML 5 media player, as a jQuery plugin. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/electronify 👷 The simplest way to build Electron apps.
@Aluxian/nwjs-starter ⚡ NW.js starter project powered by Gulp. ⚡
@ghinda/angular-meditor Simple floating text editor for Angular, inspired by Medium. ↗️
@skidding/aufond A résumé for the modern age ↗️
@skidding/react-component-play… Minimal frame for loading and testing React components in isolation.
@stefangabos/Zebra_Dialog A small, compact, and highly configurable jQuery plugin for creating modal dialog boxes, meant to replace native Java Script “alert” and “confirmation” dialog boxes. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/github-calendar 📊 Embed your GitHub calendar everywhere. ↗️
@skidding/react-component-tree Serialize and reproduce the state of an entire tree of React components.
@mihaisucan/PaintWeb Online painting application ↗️
@IonicaBizau/json2md 📌 A JSON to Markdown converter. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/github-labeller 🐇 Automagically create issue labels in your GitHub projects.
@IonicaBizau/git-stats-importer 📈 Imports your commits from a repository into git-stats history.
@alessioalex/airpair-nodejs-mista… Top 10 Mistakes Node.js Developers Make - Airpair article (sample code) ↗️
@serbanghita/formToObject.js Plain JavaScript method to convert a HTML form (fields and values) to JavaScript (multidimensional) object.
@danburzo/every-street Drawing every street in Romania using OpenStreetMap data, Node.js and SVG ↗️
@IonicaBizau/repository-downloade… 📂 Downloads all your repositories from BitBucket and GitHub locally
@alessioalex/Nodetuts All the files needed for the episodes & some node.js tests of my own ↗️
@IonicaBizau/gif-cli ⭕ Gif animations in your terminal!
@alessioalex/dynroute Node CLI tool for dynamic DNS using Route53
@IonicaBizau/emojic 😂 Emoji in your Node.js command line apps.
@IonicaBizau/github-profile-langu… 📺 Create a nice pie chart with the user's programming languages from their GitHub profile. ↗️
@flaviusmatis/flexibleArea.js A jQuery plugin that dynamically updates textarea's height to fit the content.
@igstan/ajax-file-upload Ajax file upload using pure JavaScript ↗️
@stefangabos/Zebra_Tooltips A lightweight and highly configurable jQuery plugin for creating simple but smart and attractive tooltips. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/namly 📦 A tool for helping you to choose npm package names.
@stefangabos/Zebra_Pin A lightweight and adaptive jQuery plugin for pinning any element to the page or to a container element ↗️
@alessioalex/mastering_express_co… Source code for the book "Mastering Web Application Development with Express" ↗️
@IonicaBizau/node-is-there ❎ A library to check if a file or directory exists in a given path.
@IonicaBizau/idea 💡 A lightweight CLI tool and module for keeping ideas in a safe place quick and easy.
@IonicaBizau/ 📜 A site to provide an easy way to show licenses and their human-readable explanations. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/nodeice 💰 Another PDF invoice generator
@IonicaBizau/node-cli-box 🐀 A library to generate ASCII boxes via NodeJS ↗️
@stefangabos/Zebra_Accordion A tiny (3KB minified) accordion jQuery plugin. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/git-url-parse ✌️ A high level git url parser for common git providers.
@IonicaBizau/gh.js 🚀 Tiny GitHub API wrapper for server and client. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/learning-nodejs 📖 An example-based Node.js tutorial. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/webcam-snow 🐯 An application that uses the web camera and the hand movements changing the snow direction in the page. Happy New Year! :-)
@IonicaBizau/node-color-it 🎨 Flat colors for your Node.js strings.
@eek/rangestepper A jQuery plugin that creates a highly css style-able snappable range input
@stefangabos/Zebra_TransForm A tiny jQuery plugin for replacing checkboxes, radio buttons and select boxes. ↗️
@IonicaBizau/typpy ✌️ A better typeof for JavaScript.
@skidding/github-issue-templat… BDD Issue Template for Github (with Chrome Extension)
@ghinda/righttasks Browser extension that puts your Google Tasks in a sidebar in Gmail. ↗️
@serbanghita/jQuery-Chess Chess chessboard and rules made in jQuery
@skidding/chrome-imdb-ratings Chrome extension for displaying IMDB ratings in listings
@eddyb/wiREd web interface for Reverse Engineering and decompilation
@alessioalex/treeIt Convert your JavaScript objects to HTML, no additional hassle and NO
 tags involved.
@alessioalex/is-binary Detects if a file is binary based on its content.
@skidding/cosmos-example Example of loading components and fixtures using Cosmos.
@icflorescu/aspa-express ASPA-Express is an Express/Connect module to use web assets packaged by ASPA
@serbanghita/jQM-dynamic-popup Lightweight jQuery Mobile plugin based on the popup() method that allows creation of dynamic popups.
@flaviusmatis/plugins A collection of javascript plugins
@serbanghita/jquery-plugins jQuery plugins made by Serban
@eek/json-to-jsdoc The official repository for JSON to JSDoc converter.
@igstan/sublime-text-icons Adobe Photoshop utility script to generate Mac OS X document icons for Sublime Text 2
@stefangabos/Zebra_Cookie An extremely small (~500 bytes minified) jQuery plugin for writing, reading and deleting cookies. ↗️
@ghinda/actos-soundmenu Actos SoundMenu plasmoid for the KDE Plasma Desktop, controlling sound volume and music playback. ↗️
@icflorescu/ ↗️
@skidding/play Agnostic frame-skipping animation library
@skidding/react-data-fetch A good-enough data fetching mixin for React components.
@alessioalex/dev-error-handler HTTP error-handling middleware that displays syntax highlighted source code.
@skidding/react-querystring-ro… Bare router for React components, using query string as props.
@ghinda/bizcardmaker ↗️
@tudorconstantin/expense-tracker expense
@ghinda/actos-dashboard KWin script for managing windows, apps and activities, for the KDE Plasma Desktop. ↗️
@alessioalex/try-json-parse Just like JSON.parse(), except that it doesn't throw an error for invalid JSON, it just returns null
@alessioalex/generic-middleware Like Connect/Express middleware, but you can use it for everything.
@igstan/jbig2.js Under development JavaScript implementation of the JBIG2 specification. ↗️
@danburzo/appseeds A toolkit of library-agnostic components for modern JavaScript applications: State Manager, Pub/Sub, Lambda. ↗️
@igstan/conway-js Conway's Game of Life in JavaScript. Sources from a code retreat event ↗️
@alessioalex/get-folder-size Get the size of a folder by recursively iterating through all its sub(files && folders).
@alessioalex/pump-chain A module that glues pump and bubble-stream-error to make life easier when piping streams internally and returning an outer stream.
@alessioalex/app-title Node module that will setup the process.title for your application automagically
@mcorlan/atabsplitter A simple web app for splitting a restaurant bill ↗️
@icflorescu/textdiff-patch Apply lean text diff delta patches created by textdiff-create.
@icflorescu/textdiff-create Create lean text diff deltas.
@adrianolaru/generator-staticsite Creates an Assemble boilerplate project with built-in support for SASS (with Bourbon and Neat), CoffeeScript and an optimized build.
@mihaisucan/mozilla-patch-queue The patch queue I use with mercurial for all the work I do for Mozilla.
@alessioalex/pkg-builder Install your app's NPM packages programatically.
@adrianolaru/gibberish Fake, non-sense, random JavaScript data.
@igstan/jSpec Platform agnostic JavaScript BDD framework
@mcorlan/InfiniteTLChartJS A simple chart with infinite scrollable timeline
@alessioalex/Cls An interface for classical object oriented programming in JavaScript.
@alessioalex/inject-html Node module for injecting HTML code before or after the body tag into the response.
@alessioalex/git-grep Easily search a git repo in a Node streamy way (by shelling out to git-grep(1)).
@alessioalex/LogIt Logging library for Node.js, store independent, inspired by jog and tracer.
@alessioalex/bubble-stream-error Bubble errors from sub-streams to a master stream.
@alessioalex/nice-error Node.js module for making errors loggable / readable / serializable etc.
@mihaisucan/workspace-jetpack Workspace extension as a Jetpack addon. see
@alessioalex/Presentations Presentations
@piatra/dragDrop drag and drop in browser with upload to nodejs server
@piatra/webpayments-marketpl… implementation of a Web Payments marketplace
@alessioalex/git-tree Stream the content of a git tree object by shelling out to git-ls-tree(1)
@skidding/react-animation-loop React mixin for running a callback at 60fps with frame skipping
@skidding/hacker-comments A browser hack for hackers
@igstan/hom.js Higher-order messages in JavaScript using proxies
@alessioalex/git-count-commits Get the total number of commits for a repo and a specific revision by shelling out to git.
@adrianolaru/webpack-config Webpack boilerplate config for projects using react, babel, sass
@alessioalex/npm-dep-chain Get all the NPM dependencies for a module / set of modules (goes down the stack, for all the subdependencies etc)
@alessioalex/git-blame Shelling out to git blame in a streaming Node fashion.
@alessioalex/npm-republicate Replicate an NPM module (along with its deps) from registry A to registry B (by publishing it && its deps).
@alessioalex/parallelize control flow library for parallel async functions; it invokes the callback with the aggregated results or an error
@alessioalex/split-transform-stre… A combination of through2 and split with a straightforward interface.
@victorstanciu/cssloader.js A vanilla JavaScript component for dynamically loading and unloading CSS files
@cthackers/jClass jClass is a Java Script library that allows you to write highly object-oriented style code.
@alessioalex/spawn-to-readstream Make child_process.spawn behave like a read stream, emit error event with full message (and not emit 'end' event wrongfully).
@flienteen/tmd-chrome-extension ↗️
@mihaisucan/Mozilla-Developer-To…… ↗️
@skidding/mode A node.js web framework for real-world applications
@alessioalex/git-authors List all authors that have contributed to a git project in descending order, based on the number of commits.
@cronco/lightsout Discarded code for some small experiment with the lights out logo.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@alexo/wro4j New project location is:
@decebals/pippo Micro Java Web Framework: ↗️
@eugenp/REST-With-Spring The "REST With Spring" Classes: ↗️
@decebals/pf4j Plugin Framework for Java (PF4J)
@vladmihalcea/flexy-pool FlexyPool adds metrics and failover strategies to a given Connection Pool, allowing it to resize on demand.
@vladmihalcea/hibernate-master-cla… Hibernate Master Class is an advance course of one of the most popular JPA implementation
@vladmihalcea/vladmihalcea.wordpre… Source code for ↗️
@rombert/desktop-maven-notifi… Desktop Notifier for Maven
@vladmihalcea/high-performance-jav… The High-Performance Java Persistence book code examples
@rombert/Maven-Recipe--RPM-Pa… Maven Recipe: RPM Package ↗️
@octa-george/Android-GreenDao-Sam… working with data stored in SQLite using greenDao
@rcosnita/eCommerce-RBAC This project intends to provide a security system implementation fully compliant with RBAC standard. This security system is modeled starting from eCommerce applications security requirements.
@MihaiBalint/TimisoaraPublicTrans… An Android App that scrapes public transport information (times/connections) and shows it on your Android. ↗️
@adrcotfas/Goodtime Productivity app for Android ↗️
@devsprint/jersey-netty-contain… Netty based container implementation for Jersey
@cosminstefanxp/Restaurant-Table-Ord… The project consists in an Android application that can be used by employees in a restaurant to handle the clients, their orders and can help them easily find free tables or place orders. This is only a demo application, created mainly for proof of proper user-mobile interaction.
@rombert/gwt-dispatch-sample Sample GWT-dispatch project ↗️
@cosminstefanxp/University-Managemen… The project is a huge one and consists of a university management system, that handles everything from user-management (students/teachers/secretaries), to curriculum management (adding/editing/deleting subjects, teachers, teaching activities), schedule management, exam scheduling, grading system.
@eugenp/java-stackexchange Java Stackexchange 2.1 API
@rombert/Maven-Recipe---GWT-d… Sample code for… ↗️
@vladmihalcea/db-util Db Utilities
@eugenp/selenium selenium
@kovacshuni/koauth-samples Example applications for how to use the KOAuth library.
@aismail/PredatorWS Predator Web Service
@aismail/AndroAR Android Augmented Reality, based on the AndroRemote project
@aismail/mrts Map-Reduce for Time Series
@rombert/projecteuler Solutions for project euler ↗️
@BoldijarPaul/Tic-Tac-Toe-Android-… This is a simple Tic Tac Toe game made using libGDX as a live wallpaper for android.
@alexo/pngtastic Github mirror of pngtastic java open source project (slightly modified - using maven build system instead of ant) ↗️
@devsprint/addressbook REST Service that use Protocol Buffer data representation and Netty as transport.
@octa-george/Android-Twitter-Logi… using twitter4j and gradle
@eugenp/stackexchange2twitte… Tweets the Top Questions from various StackExchange Q&A Sites
@aismail/KinectHacking Boilerplate code for getting started with Kinect on Java and Linux
@gpanther/java-nat-sort Java implementation of the "natural sort" (also known as Alphanum sort) algorithm ↗️
@rcosnita/rdbms-reduce This is a distributed reduce exercise for a scenario when resource ids are stored independently of resource details.
@alexo/diffable Unofficial mirror of diffable project ↗️
@BoldijarPaul/itfest-2015-android-… ITFest 2015 , 7/11/2015 Hackathon , mobile.
@cosminstefanxp/Weazzer An Android weather app, that suggests what type of clothes should be worn, based on the current weather temperature and conditions. The app also has the capability of learning the user's preferences, so if one, for example, wears only a T-Shirt at 15 degrees, the app will make better suggestions next time.
@mihaisoloi/HadoopTDG Hadoop The Definitive Guide
@alexo/SAML-2.0 A mirror of Shibboleth projects svn repository containing SAML 2.0 implementations ↗️
@rombert/email-sender Dependency Injection showcase - Email Sender App ↗️
@alexo/less4java A mirror of the less4java project hosted on google code ↗️
@rombert/Maven-Recipe---Aggre… This project shows how to build a single jar out of all the jar-packaged modules. ↗️
@BoldijarPaul/sda-android-app Aplicatie android cu tabele de dispersie prin liste inlantuite.
@adreghiciu/org.ops4j.pax.sham Pax Sham (OSGi Mocking)
@mihneadb/Pong the classic Pong game
@csoroiu/lambdamatchers This library implements some hamcrest matchers usable with Java 8 and a set of utility functions built on top of them.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@etishor/Metrics.NET The Metrics.NET library provides a way of instrumenting applications with custom metrics (timers, histograms, counters etc) that can be reported in various ways and can provide insights on what is happening inside a running application.
@etishor/CQRSEventSourcingSam… Sample project built to demonstrate CQRS with Event Sourcing with the help of Jonathan Oliver's EventStore, NanoMessageBus, CommonDomain and StorageAccess projects
@RoliSoft/RS-TV-Show-Tracker Keep track of your TV shows with a nice WPF application. ↗️
@etishor/SerializationTests Collection of tests for object serialization with various serialization libraries
@etishor/WCF-Ioc-Nhibernate-S… Sample project demonstrating the usage of NHibernate with IOC in a WCF context
@paratechnical/Seringa Seringa - SQL Injection framework
@myo/Experimental Any Experimental (Not Ready For Release) Software goes here.
@etishor/ConcurrencyUtilities .NET Concurrency Utilities
@Therzok/ForkStalkSharp Stalk the forks for any commits that haven't had pull requests.
@paratechnical/RadixTree Radix Tree Implementation ↗️
@etishor/TestDataGenerator Utility to fill objects with test data
@etishor/NHibernate.Caches.Me… NHibernate Cache provider for Membase
@vnvizitiu/AOP This is a repository of AOP techniques
@chronium/Chronos-VM-2 The new version of the Chronos Virtual Machine.
@Cosmin-Parvulescu/Event.NET A social event planning web application
@timotei/egp_story Experimental Gameplay September Entry - Story Game
@paratechnical/PrefixTreeCSharp Prefix Tree Implementation in C# ↗️
@quitrk/MiniDeskTube YouTube Windows desktop application


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@DanielPintilei/Cake Yummy syntax theme for Atom, Brackets, Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code ↗️
@DanielPintilei/cake-atom-syntax Yummy syntax theme for Atom ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@harababurel/homework collection of lab projects and homework for university


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@clawoo/AsteroidsCocos2D-x An Asteroids game implemented in Cocos2D-x
@clawoo/BreakoutCocos2D-x [:arrow_upper_right:](Porting of the How To Create A Breakout Game with Box2D and Cocos2D Tutorial by Ray Wenderlich to Cocos2D-x)
@clawoo/CuteAPultCocos2D-x A Cocos2D-x port of the How To Make a Catapult Shooting Game tutorial by Gustavo Ambrozio
@catalinionita/Ecryptfs-Tools-for-A… User space tools and libraries that enable ecryptfs functionality in Android
@clawoo/SimpleGameCocos2D-x A porting of the popular Cocos2D tutorial by Ray Wenderlich to Cocos2D-x
@clawoo/TileBasedGameCocos2D… A porting of the Cocos2D tutorial by Ray Wenderlich to Cocos2D-x
@clawoo/PongCocos2D-x A Cocos2D-x implementation of the classic game of Pong
@clawoo/SimpleGamePart3Cocos… A porting of the popular Cocos2D tutorial Part 3 by Ray Wenderlich to Cocos2D-x
@clawoo/SimpleGamePart2Cocos… A porting of the popular Cocos2D tutorial Part 2 by Ray Wenderlich to Cocos2D-x
@bogdanm/eLuaBrain 32-bit autonomous computer based on eLua ↗️
@vpalos/loomiere High-performance pseudo-streaming server.
@lexmazter/dellstreak5-kernel-3… New kernel for Dell Streak 5, based on CAF MSM 3.4
@vpalos/lua-ttyrant A Lua binding for the TokyoTyrant (C) API.
@virtosubogdan/ProiectPRC1 laboratory project,c ↗️
@AndreiDuma/arch-battery Battery status utility for Fujitsu Esprimo Mobile v6555 & Arch Linux.
@clawoo/TileBasedGamePart2Co… A porting of the Cocos2D tutorial part 2 by Ray Wenderlich to Cocos2D-x
@razvand/snippets Snippets, scripts, config files ↗️
@razvand/osss Open Source Summer School
@dapetcu21/dsra Dead Simple Remote Audio - Real-time audio streaming / remote speakers
@clawoo/CCRenderTextureCocos… Create Dynamic Textures with CCRenderTexture in Cocos2D-x sample project
@clawoo/TileBasedGamePart3Co… A porting of the Cocos2D tutorial by to Cocos2D-x. Work on progress.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@rodan/ds3231 arduino library for DS3231 RTC ↗️
@jaruba/PowderNPAPI (deprecated) Peerflix interface for the browser. (npapi plugin)
@cprogrammer1994/Python-ComputeShader OpenGL 4.3 required
@rodan/ds3234 arduino library for DS3234 RTC ↗️
@cprogrammer1994/ModernGL modern OpenGL binding for Python ↗️
@phaser/phOS A small OS for me to play and test ideas
@xfurry/ScriptDev2_2010 Old SD2 scripts from Spidernet
@rusucosmin/cplusplus my cpp files for different problems or contests
@xfurry/custom_sd2 [:arrow_upper_right:](Read README file before you modify anything!)
@alzwded/AltTabber A multi monitor friendly alternative for Windows (r) 7's Alt-Tab that's also cool for heavy keyboard users
@mihaibivol/Xapian-Testing Testing repo for Xapian Dynamic Snippets
@rusucosmin/Hai-la-Olimpiada Some of the problems and sources discussed
@rodan/honeywell_hsc_ssc_i2… avr library for honeywell hsc and ssc series pressure sensors (i2c version)


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@badu/SparkComponents Missing Spark Components on Flex SDK 4.6.0 ↗️
@cosmindolha/ParticleDesigner Particle Designer for the Starling framework (ActionScript 3)
@cipriancaba/flash-console flash-console fork from


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@rif/spark Emergency web server
@rif/lov3lyme Photo contest website
@gpanther/js-geolocation A client-side geolocation service ↗️
@rif/cache2go Simple go object caching library with expiration capabilities
@rif/gmail2go Simple gmail multiple account mail notification command line
@adrg/xdg Go implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification
@adrg/sysinfo Provides system information
@adrg/libvlc-go Golang bindings for libvlc
@adrg/youtube-go Search Youtube and get video information


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@haskell-ro/haskell-workshop "Tweλve days of functional programming" Workshop @ ROSEdu Summer Workshops
@spyked/negotiator automated negotiator with bounded rational agents
@spyked/writer-monkey Markov text generator written in Haskell


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@luadns/dns Example DNS repository ↗️
@seastorm/test-code-samples Various pieces of code (often unfinished) that can be useful


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@sebyddd/SDVersion 📱 Lightweight Cocoa library for detecting the running device's model and screen size.
@rolandleth/LTHPasscodeViewContr… iOS 7 style Passcode Lock
@bpoplauschi/BPForms Dynamic forms for iPhone/iPad - iOS 6, 7 and later
@sebyddd/SDFeedParser 🚀 The easiest and most effective way to parse your Wordpress blog's feed on iOS.
@sebyddd/SDRecordButton 📹 A handy UIButton subclass, meant to be used as a recording button.
@alexbumbu/ABMenuTableViewCell Highly customizable, yet simple to use, solution for UITableViewCell right menu, shown by ''swipe to delete' gesture.
@rolandleth/LTHMonthYearPickerVi… Simple to use month & year picker view
@cyupa/JenkinsCI-iOS A Jenkins job setup for your XCode project.
@adig/RemoteImageView Easy to use, fast and configurable replacement for UIImageView that takes care of loading remote pictures
@lucianboboc/LBCollectionModel Sample project which implements the "Load more" option using a bottom spinner (UIActivityIndicatorView).
@vladubogdan/GameDevHelperAPI-Coc… This repository contains the code and example projects for loading files generated by SpriteHelper and LevelHelper in Cocos2d.
@sebyddd/SDRoundedButton 🔮 Simple Objective-C implementation of UIButton class with extra features.
@lucianboboc/LBCache LBCache is an asynchronous image cache framework for iOS
@idancali/picky-ios The Picky iOS SDK allows your iOS app to easily perform searches against a Picky search engine.
@vadeara/wsdl2objc This is wsdl2objc google.code fork added blocks and fixing delegates methods.
@lucianboboc/LBLocation LBLocation class will help you get the user location very easy and make forward and reverse geocoding.
@vladubogdan/GameDevHelperAPI-Spr… GameDevHelperAPI-SpriteKit
@adig/UIView-RevealAnimati… UIView category that allows creating mask reveal animations
@MihaiDamian/Cube-transition-exam… A sample app that demos the use of UIViews as OpenGL textures for implementing custom view controller transitions
@MihaiDamian/Box2DTutorial A tutorial on using Box2D in a UIKit based app
@sebyddd/Funicle :bowtie: Fun animated small dots that follow your finger.
@lucianboboc/AudioVideoTest Sample project which uses AVFoundation framework classes to play,record a sound, vibrate, play and edit a movie.
@alexbumbu/ABDataSourceControll… Simple Objective-C and Swift implementation for getting rid of your UITableView & UICollectionView delegate and data source code from your UIViewController and share it between UIViewControllers.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@trizen/youtube-viewer A lightweight application for searching and streaming videos from YouTube. ↗️
@trizen/obmenu-generator A fast menu generator for the Openbox Window Manager. ↗️
@trizen/sidef A modern object-oriented programming language, implemented in Perl. ↗️
@trizen/alsi A command-line system information tool for Arch Linux. ↗️
@trizen/trizen Lightweight AUR Package Manager ↗️
@trizen/menutray A simple GTK+ application menu tray. ↗️
@trizen/perl-scripts Some day-to-day Perl scripts which prove some ideas or implement some useful practicability. ↗️
@stefansbv/sqitch-gui GUI for Sqitch - Simple SQL change management
@stefansbv/Tpda3 Tiny Perl Database Application with Perl Tk (and experimental wxPerl) front-end. ↗️
@raulmatei/Mojolicious-Plugin-E… Mojolicious Plugin for sending emails
@trizen/obbrowser A simple script for Openbox which recursively browses the filesystem through pipe menus (with icons) ↗️
@trizen/clyrics An extensible lyrics fetcher, with daemon support for cmus and mocp. ↗️
@stefansbv/qdepo Query deposit for database to spreadsheet data export
@trizen/language-benchmarks A simple benchmark system for compiled and interpreted languages.
@stefansbv/Tpda3-Devel Generate Tpda3 applications.
@stefansbv/tpda3-notar Tpda3 Application - Notar (lang: Romanian)
@stefansbv/delicios A cooking recipes web application built with Dancer2 and Bootstrap3.
@stefansbv/perl-business-ro-cif Validate Romanian CIF
@slaash/scripts RubyScripts


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@scribu/wp-posts-to-posts Efficient many-to-many connections between posts, pages, custom post types, users. ↗️
@tzyganu/UMC1.9 New Ultimate Module Creator for Magento 1.7 +
@scribu/wp-scb-framework Utilities for speeding up WordPress plugin and theme development ↗️
@tzyganu/Switcher Configurable products switcher
@c10b10/wp-cli-deploy A WP-Cli command that allows you to deploy the local database or uploads directory to a remote server using ssh.
@avenirer/CodeIgniter-MY_Model Base model (MY_Model) for the Codeigniter framework.
@tabacitu/BackpackForLaravel Admin panels the right way in Laravel. Needs Backpack\Base to be installed. ↗️
@scribu/wp-phptidy Automatically format PHP code to meet the WordPress Coding Standards ↗️
@scribu/wp-query-multiple-ta… WordPress plugin for allowing advanced taxonomy queries. ↗️
@filipcte/jobberbase Jobberbase is open-source job board software
@tzyganu/Magento2SampleModule This is where I would put a Magento 2.0 Sample CRUD module if I had one.
@ionutvmi/master-login-system An advanced login system build upon bootstrap with lots of features built in.
@tzyganu/stock-filter Magento Stock Filter
@avenirer/MY_Upload An addition to the CI_Upload, that allows for multiple files upload.
@avenirer/codeigniter-matches-… Codeigniter Matches is a PHP CLI script that allows you to write controllers, models and views faster.
@tzyganu/rule-products Create magento product pages based on rules
@avenirer/CodeIgniter-multilan… A multi-language site created in CodeIgniter 3
@scribu/wp-term-management-t… A WordPress plugin to help with taxonomy term management ↗️
@ionutvmi/master-comments-syst… A simple php/mysql comment system meant to be easy to implement.
@petrepatrasc/blizzard-starcraft-a… A PHP 5.3+ wrapper for the Starcraft 2 API, stand-alone or as a Symfony 2 Bundle ↗️
@tzyganu/MagentoTranslationTo… EasylifeTranslation
@radutopala/skype-bot-php PHP CLI/Library for the Skype Bot API
@tzyganu/GridEnhancer Magento Grid Enhancer
@tzyganu/CmsRewrites Small Magento extension that allows you to generate rewrites rules for cms pages for different stores
@scribu/wp-lib-posts-to-post… Library code for Posts 2 Posts ↗️
@scribu/wp-smart-archives-re… WordPress plugin to create post archive pages ↗️
@scribu/wp-category-checklis… Preserves the category hierarchy on the post editing screen ↗️
@scribu/wp-proper-network-ac… A WordPress plugin to fix network activation on multisite installs ↗️
@avenirer/CodeIgniter-Image-na… Codeigniter image library for automatic crop and/or resize of images
@scribu/wp-smarter-navigatio… A WordPress plugin that generates previous & next post links based on referrer. ↗️
@avenirer/Assetor Codeigniter library for working with css/less/js assets (unifies files in one file, minifies files)
@scribu/wp-scb-framework-exa… Example plugin using scbFramework ↗️
@tzyganu/EasylifeTag A small magento extension that turns your tags urls from 'tag/product/list/tagId/10' to 'tag/tag-here'
@cosmin-harangus/ZeTwig The module was merged into ZfcTwig. Further development will be done there.
@nightsh/kcfinder KCFinder fork, possible project adoption from Pavel Tzonkov -
@radutopala/TSSAutomailerBundle Swiftmailer Spool for Doctrine packaged into a Symfony2 Bundle ↗️
@vlad-ghita/selectbox_link_field… Field for chained selectboxes for SymphonyCMS backend.
@scribu/wp-hyper-admins Give even more power to super-admins ↗️
@scribu/wp-press-this-reload… An enhanced version of the PressThis bookmarklet in WordPress ↗️
@necenzurat/2parale 🚀 Super-simple, minimum abstraction 2Parale API wrapper.
@avenirer/CI-configuration-ver… Controller that helps you verify the correct configuration/installment of a CodeIgniter Framework
@scribu/wp-custom-field-taxo… Convert custom field values to taxonomy terms ↗️
@Mayhem93/Simblog Simblog aims to be one of the most easy-to-use and lightweight blogging platforms. It emphasizes user experience, workflow, and ease of use without neglecting usability and extensibility. It will take full advantage of what HTML5 and CSS3 have to offer without delving too deeply into experimental features.
@avenirer/CodeIgniter-Postal CodeIgniter message library
@tzyganu/m2-breadcrumbs Magento 2 page breadcrumbs
@scribu/wp-user-management-t… Allows super-admins to quickly add users to a particular blog in a multisite installation. ↗️
@ionutvmi/master_autoindex a nice autoindex witch will allow you to run a download site very easily, it also has plugins
@vimishor/dokuwiki-openshift-q… Dokuwiki quickstart for RedHat's OpenShift ↗️
@petrepatrasc/ScrumManagerWeb Cross platform open-source application for managing Scrum meetings
@avenirer/CodeIgniter-Rat CodeIgniter logger library
@scribu/wp-filter-plugins ↗️
@vlad-ghita/url_field Specialized field for cool URLs in Symphony
@tzyganu/ProductRelationsImpo… Magento Product relations import tool
@avenirer/CI-breadcrumb-librar… Breadcrumb generating library for CodeIgniter ↗️
@ionutvmi/wap_phpmyadmin wap phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web from your mobile phone.
@scribu/wp-comment-autogrow ↗️
@AndreiAvadanei/SYDO SYDO aims to protect your data that is stored in SQL Databases with a built-in interface for SQL functions (for now MySQL), that helps you to store and manage your data in a safer manner.
@vlad-ghita/multilingual_url_fie… Multilingual version of URL field for Symphony CMS
@vlad-ghita/lang_romanian Romanian Translation for Symphony 2.x
@vlad-ghita/entry_nav Fast navigation between entries in a section for Symphony CMS
@vlad-ghita/symphony-resources A Symhpony install bundling the Resources facilities.
@vlad-ghita/multilingual_entry_u… Multilingual version of Entry URL field ↗️
@cosmin-harangus/ZeBaseApp Contains a slightly more organized structure of a Zend Framework 2 Application along with most(if not all) ZeModules incorporated ↗️
@lucianmarin/wp-andrea Andrea, a blue WP theme designed by me. ↗️
@lucianmarin/wp-journalist The Journalist
@vlad-ghita/duration_field Duration field for Symphony CMS.
@avenirer/Tusker This is a simple task manager developed using CodeIgniter 3.x
@palcu/vms Volunteer Management System ↗️
@scribu/wp-filter-email-noti… ↗️
@crlcu/scheduler Manage cron jobs from a web interface ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@ionelmc/django-redisboard Redis monitoring and inspection tool in django admin. ↗️
@ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibra… Enhanced cookiecutter template for Python libraries.
@ionelmc/python-hunter Hunter is a flexible code tracing toolkit.
@ionelmc/python-manhole Debugging manhole for python applications. ↗️
@ionelmc/django-prefetch Generic model related data prefetch framework for Django. ↗️
@ionelmc/pytest-benchmark py.test fixture for benchmarking code
@ionelmc/python-fields A totally different take on container boilerplate.
@ionelmc/python-redis-lock Lock context manager implemented via redis SET NX EX and BLPOP. ↗️
@danielhrisca/asammdf Fast Python parser and editor for MDF and MF4 files ↗️
@ionelmc/django-monkey-team Django middleware and userscript that displays debug tracebacks on production sites (where you would have DEBUG = False) only to developers. ↗️
@viorels/mtgox-trader BitCoin MTGox trading library
@ionelmc/python-aspectlib An aspect-oriented programming, monkey-patch and decorators library. It is useful when changing behavior in existing code is desired. It includes tools for debugging and testing: simple mock/record and a complete capture/replay framework.
@LucianU/bud A Django project template with automation
@ionelmc/django-admin-customi… Django admin customizing interface ↗️
@ionelmc/python-remote-pdb Remote vanilla PDB (over TCP sockets).
@LucianU/django-startproject No longer maintained. Instead, try, which uses Vagrant + Ansible to automate a lot more things.
@ionelmc/projectskel Project skeleton for python 2.7 projects with fabric and virtualenv. It's intended for django projects but can be customized for other types of projects.
@ionelmc/python-lazy-object-p… A fast and thorough lazy object proxy.
@mgax/SpaghettiFS Git-backed FUSE filesystem
@ionelmc/python-tblib Traceback fiddling library. Allows you to pickle tracebacks.
@ionelmc/django-uwsgi-cache uWSGI Django cache backend. ↗️
@ionelmc/python-nameless Sample project. Use… to make your own project.
@ionelmc/django-admin-utils Utility code for easier django admin development ↗️
@mgax/tinymail IMAP mail client for the Mac
@ionelmc/nose-timelimit Nose plugin that allows you automatically skip tests that are too slow. ↗️
@ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibra… This has been merged into… - use that instead!
@mgax/MagicFolder ↗️
@mgax/PyKit Python GUI on Mac using WebKit
@mgax/airship ↗️
@ibz/glot generate svg maps, kml, speed and elevation profiles from gpx or columbus v-900 csv files
@ionelmc/django-easyfilters Fork of…
@mgax/kv Simple key-value store backed by sqlite
@mihneagiurgea/fuxia Distributed Sudoku Generator
@ionelmc/python-signalfd CFFI bindings for signalfd.
@ionelmc/python-mongoql-conv Library to convert those MongoDB queries to something else, like a python expresion, a function or a django query (Q) object tree
@ionelmc/django-secdownload-s… Django storage backend that can be used to serve files via lighttpd's mod_secdownload module. ↗️
@ionelmc/django-customfields Couple of custom model fields for django: CachedManyToManyField and InheritedField ↗️
@mgax/dexonline-scrabble DEXonline dicționar de scrabble ↗️
@mgax/civic-site code that powers
@mgax/mkfacturi Invoice generator
@mihneagiurgea/pysandbox Personal python coding sandbox
@madalinoprea/ro.moprea.vplay Boxee app for ↗️
@cmin764/xhosts Hosts file editor with web support
@alexei/django-template-exte… Additional Django template tags and filters
@alexei/backdrop Configuration system for Python
@ionelmc/django-badbrowser Browser detection (including browser upgrade notices) for Django ↗️
@alexef/packagekit-python-co… Example source code using PackageKit GI gobject-introspection from Python
@madalinoprea/django-rest-tutorial Tutorial to present REST Api implementation in Django ith Django Pistons ↗️
@mgax/hoover ↗️
@ibz/liberatio liberate data from various services: flickr, gowalla, instagram,, path, twitpic, twitter
@mgax/agripay ↗️
@mgax/beancount An implementation of the Ledger data architecture in Python, by Martin Blais ↗️
@ibz/zhtools Chinese language related tools
@mgax/MentionGraphs uberVU hack day project - graph of mentions
@cmin764/coliw Brings CLI to web by executing high level mash-up commands for common services.
@avoinea/naaya.openmeetings Open meetings for naaya
@ionelmc/pylint-fields Pylint plugin for python-fields
@mgax/hgPatcher Repackaging of Mercurial's patch code


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@vitalie/webshot Captures a web page as a screenshot.
@ihoka/viewtastic Presenter plugin for Ruby on Rails
@viseztrance/rails-sitemap A simple ruby on rails sitemap generator
@andreimaxim/guard-unicorn Guard::Unicorn automatically restarts the Unicorn server using Guard.
@ducknorris/rack-env-notifier Middleware that displays a custom notification for every html page. Designed to work both in production and in development. ↗️
@maria/foregit An interface between Foreman and Git
@mess110/ki Tiny REST JSON ORM framework
@viseztrance/website_screenshot Takes screenshots of websites
@shuriu/nrb Ninja Ruby scripts with easy persistence for your experimenting needs.
@cristianbica/rails-bootstrap-boil… Template rails app with bootstrap, devise, cancan
@ihoka/friendly-attributes Extend your ActiveRecord models with attributes dynamically, without any schema migrations. ↗️
@mtarnovan/romanianvalidators Collection of validations for Cod Numeric Personal (CNP), Cod de identificare fiscală (CIF) and IBAN (only Romanian format, as published by Romanian National Bank
@TBD/motion-sparkinspecto… Use SparkInspector in RubyMotion apps
@icebreaker/rbGLox ruby-opengl and ruby-glfw wrapper suitable for rapid prototyping
@zmack/ruby-things Random ruby things
@TBD/smarty info noise sweeper
@ihoka/encoding-dot-com Ruby library to wrap the API
@shuriu/basher Small CLI text game that tests your typing speed.
@TBD/alfred-extensions TBD's Alfred App Extensions ↗️
@mtarnovan/geocode_service Provides a minimalistic web service to map IPs to countries
@cristianbica/active_job-query ActiveJob Query API
@arielpontes/xbuddies First xbuddies Rails app attempt
@chalmagean/git_feature Converts an issue title or ticket number to a pipeable branch name
@avo-hq/avo Admin panel Rails framework that saves your time ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@zakkor/ricem A lightweight, automatic Linux dotfile manager
@zakkor/rust-sfml-rocket Rocket is a little game written in Rust, using the Rust-SFML library


🌟 Name Description 🌍


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@imq/linuximq Pseudo-driver for the intermediate queue device.
@noxtras/bashserver Bash web server with the use of netcat. It supports file downloads, it servers static html, PHP, Python and binary files with arguments (GET). It checks for 404 errors and it keeps a server log.
@iugamarian/raspberrypisetup Setup scripts to personalize Raspbian and Arch for my needs


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@alexbumbu/ABDataSourceControll… Simple Objective-C and Swift implementation for getting rid of your UITableView & UICollectionView delegate and data source code from your UIViewController and share it between UIViewControllers.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@nlp-unibuc/nlp-unibuc-website Source code for generating our static website.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@Bogdanp/browser-connect.vim Live browser interaction for VIM.
@mihaifm/vimpanel A modern side panel for Vim
@mihaifm/bufstop Fast and efficient buffer switching for Vim
@Bogdanp/rbrepl.vim VIM plugin that allows you to run a Ruby REPL inside a VIM buffer.
@Bogdanp/quicksilver.vim Quicksilver is a VIM plugin whose purpose is to quicken the process of opening files from inside VIM.
@Bogdanp/pyrepl.vim VIM plugin that provides a way to run a Python REPL inside a VIM buffer. ↗️
@talek/obvious-resize A plugin for easy resizing of Vim windows.
@catalinciurea/perl-nextmethod Vim plugin which offers [m, [M, ]m and ]M mappings for perl
@saintandy/dotfiles My dotfiles for mac
@printesoi/dotfiles My personal dotfiles
@mihaifm/bck Enhanced searching for Vim


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@chipco/map-maker-shapes AutoHotKey script designed to automate adding building shapes on Google Map Maker


🌟 Name Description 🌍
@gedaiu/DSWS A WebServer written in D2
@gedaiu/crate.d a D MVC framework
@gedaiu/vibe.dav A library that adds DAV support to vibe.d
@TiberiuGal/memcached4d memcached client for the d programming language

Language agnostic

🌟 Name Description 🌍
@vxern/romanian A comprehensive list of resources to learn the Romanian language
@vimishor/cnp-spec Personal Identification Number (C.N.P.) Specification

😋 How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

💖 Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like 🚀

  • PayPal—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. 🍵

  • Support me on Patreon—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).

  • Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6

Thanks! ❤️

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📜 License

MIT © Ionică Bizău