cargo install --git
Look at the help menu, then run with the flags/arguments you want!
Note: You may want to install a graphical client! You can find these in src/clients, or as a release.
catnetd participant -l3
Look at the help menu, then run with the flags/arguments you want!
catnetd registrar -l3
During development of CATnet, you may wish these flags:
, enables all levels of logging. Please note that trace and info logging are disabled in release builds.
Pretend the other people working on this code base are insane, have a shotgun, and know where you live. As such, please follow WORKFLOW.MD
Here is a link to our whitepaper document.
Thank you for even considering contributing to this project. At this time, we will NOT be merging pull requests that are linked to issues that themselves are linked to a certain project. We are, however, eternally greatfull for bug fixes.