Tugas Backend Development GDSC
- Node.js
- MySql
- Domain: http://localhost:3000/api/
- Endpoint: http://localhost:3000/api/posts
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/Pokemon-Api.git
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Create/set .env file:
- Run the server:
nodemon npm start
- Test the api with method:
- Get [show all data]: http://localhost:3000/api/posts
- Post [insert data]: http://localhost:3000/api/posts/store
- Patch [update data]: http://localhost:3000/api/posts/update/:id
- Delete [delete data]: http://localhost:3000/api/posts/delete/:id
Example usage Get all data http://localhost:3000/api/posts:
"status": true,
"message": "List Data Posts",
"data": [
"id": 5,
"nama": "Oddish",
"deskripsi_pokemon": "Pokemon berbentuk jamur bunga bangkai",
"elemen": "Racun"
"id": 4,
"nama": "Sandshrew",
"deskripsi_pokemon": "Pokemon berbentuk trenggiling",
"elemen": "Tanah"
"id": 3,
"nama": "Pikachu",
"deskripsi_pokemon": "Pokemon berbentuk kelinci listrik ",
"elemen": "Listrik"
"id": 2,
"nama": "Squirtle",
"deskripsi_pokemon": "Pokemon berbentuk kura-kura dengan canon air",
"elemen": "Air"
"id": 1,
"nama": "Charizzad",
"deskripsi_pokemon": "Pokemon berbentuk naga api",
"elemen": "Api"
Example usage Get data by id http://localhost:3000/api/posts/1:
"status": true,
"message": "Detail Data Post",
"data": {
"id": 1,
"nama": "Charizzad",
"deskripsi_pokemon": "Pokemon berbentuk naga api",
"elemen": "Api"