ShortLinker Backend enables registered users to create and manage shortened links. Users can deactivate links, view statistics for each link, and set expiration durations, including one-time use. The application, based on AWS serverless technologies, ensures efficient link management with minimal setup.
- Install the latest Node.js (documentation)
- Install serverless framework globally:
npm install -g serverless
- Install AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) (documentation)
- Create AWS Account (documentation)
- Create an administrative user (documentation)
- Configure AWS CLI (documentation)
- Open terminal in the project main folder
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Deploy project to AWS:
sls deploy
- For remove all services from AWS:
sls remove
(POST) /auth/sign-up
- users register(POST) /auth/sign-in
- users login
(POST) /links/create-new-link
- create link by the user(GET) /links/list
- list all links created by the user(GET) /links/{linkMarker}
- redirect to original link(PATCH) /links/deactivate/{linkID}
- deactivate a link (by user request) by id(GET) /links/deactivate
- deactivate links (by cron) that are expired