REST-MVC system for managing pluvial disasters and floods.
Developed with Flask, SQLite, Leaflet, Bootstrap, and Vue.
Initially designed for the city of La Plata (but can also be used in other locations).
- The central point of the maps can be modified from the Leaflet configuration.
The system allows:
- Establishing meeting points where people can gather.
- Setting evacuation routes for the city or specific places.
- Marking flood-prone areas of the city.
- Making complaints and auditing them through regular follow-ups.
- Managing users.
- Modifying the system settings.
The system consists of:
A private section for administration accessible by administrators and operators.
- Whose front-end was developed in HTML, CSS, and Javascript without using Vue.
A public section for system users.
- Whose front-end was developed in HTML, CSS, and Javascript using Vue.
- username:
- password:
- username:
- username:
[email protected]
- password:
- username:
- Subdirectories of the
forms # Module where classes that use the WTForms library are found
helpers # Module where helper functions for various parts of the code are placed
models # Module with the application's business logic and database connection
resources # Module with the application's controllers (web part)
static # Module with static files (CSS, JavaScript)
templates # Module with the templates
db.py # Database instance
__init__.py # Application instance and routing
- Login
- Home
- List of flood-prone zones
- Creation of flood-prone zones
For the first run:
git clone [email protected]:J-4352681/Flask-pluvial-disaster-web-management-system.git
- Access the repository directory:
cd Flask-pluvial-disaster-web-management-system
- Create a Python virtual environment within the repository directory:
python -m venv venv
(the last one of the two) is the name of the virtual environment
- Activate the created virtual environment by executing:
source venv/bin/activate
- Install the dependencies by executing:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open XAMPP/LAMPP and run MySQL and Apache
It is no longer necessary to be in the virtual environment, so exit it and launch the Flask app:
./run.sh venv
- The instructions can be found in