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Setup LogonTracer with SSL

Shusei Tomonaga edited this page Nov 13, 2023 · 2 revisions

1. Install Docker Compose
2. Clone LogonTracer Github repository
3. Customize docker-compose.yml
4. Create Compose Network
5. Get Your SSL Certificate
6. Start Docker Compose
7. Accessing the Web GUI
8. Note

LogonTracer does not encrypt communications by default settings. If you want to encrypt communication, please use Docker Compose which Nginx.

Docker Composeのインストール

Install Docker Compose

If you do not have Docker Compose, please check this page and install it.

Clone LogonTracer github repository

$ git clone
$ cd LogonTracer\docker-compose-with-nginx

Customize docker-compose.yml

Modify docker-compose.yml if needed.

Set the IP Address of Server

If you use other than localhost, change to IP address etc.

  - LTHOSTNAME=localhost

Performance Tuning for Neo4j

Performance tuning of Neo4j (used memory size) may improve the performance of LogonTracer.

- NEO4J_dbms_memory_heap_max__size=4G
- NEO4J_dbms_memory_heap_initial__size=2G
- NEO4j_dbms_memory_pagecache_size=20G

See more details: Neo4j Web

Create Compose Network

$ docker network create neo4j-network

Get Your SSL Certificate

The following describes how to create a self-signed SSL certificate. If you can buy an SSL certificate, consider other options.

Command for creating a self-signed SSL certificate

$ openssl req -new -days 365 -x509 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.crt

Set Your SSL Certificate

$ cp server.key LogonTracer/docker-compose-with-nginx/nginx/
$ cp server.crt LogonTracer/docker-compose-with-nginx/nginx/
$ cp server.key LogonTracer/docker-compose-with-nginx/neo4j/certificates/bolt/
$ cp server.crt LogonTracer/docker-compose-with-nginx/neo4j/certificates/bolt/

Start Docker Compose

$ docker compose build
$ docker compose up -d

Accessing the Web GUI

Access https://[LogonTracer_Server]/ via Web browser. Please make sure to enable JavaScript on your browser.


Login with the default account (neo4j:password) from the Web GUI.
Login GUI


If you are using a self-signed SSL certificate, it will be rejected by your web browser. Please set your web browser to allow SSL certificates as HTTPS.

  • Import self-signed SSL certificate for Web browser.


  • Allow SSL certificate from web browser warning messages.

    1. Access to https://[LogonTracer_Server]/ and allow the SSL certificate.

    2. Access to https://[LogonTracer_Server]:7678/ and allow the SSL certificate.

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