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A basic Bug Bounty programs monitoring tool using Discord Bot.
You can check the development process and installation steps of this script on my blog.
Main Features
- Set up a monitoring list with support for adding and removing targets.
- Daily monitoring of targets to get Subdomain count and changes.
- Query specific targets to get Subdomain count, Bug Bounty project platform, and project URL, with support to download all subdomains.
Data Sources
- This monitoring script uses data from the ProjectDiscovery Chaos project page.
- The target query range is based on the data collected from ProjectDiscovery Public BugBounty Programs.
- Create a new Application in the Discord Developer Portal.
- In the Bot page, create a Bot and get the TOKEN.
- You need to check the Message Content Intent in the Privileged Gateway Intents.
- Use this URL format to invite the Bot to your server: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=CLIENT_ID&permissions=PERMISSIONS_INTEGER&scope=bot+applications.commands
- Download the project:
git clone https://github.com/JackJuly/bugbounty-monitor-bot
. - Install dependencies:
pip install discord
. - Run the script:
python ./BountyMonBot.py
: Show this help message.- Displays a list of available commands and their descriptions.
/query <target>
: Query information about a specific target.- Provides details of the target, including subdomains, platform, and last updated time.
: Show the current monitoring targets.- Displays the list of all targets currently being monitored.
/add <target>
: Add a target to the monitoring list.- Adds a target to the monitoring list based on the target name.
/del <target>
: Remove a target from the monitoring list.- Removes a target from the monitoring list by the target name.
: Manually update chaos data.- Fetches and updates the chaos data from the ProjectDiscovery API.
: Show chaos data stats.- Displays statistics about the chaos data, including total programs, new programs, and changes.
: Show new programs.- Lists new programs from the chaos data.
/changes <target>
: Show changes in domains for a specific target.- Displays changes in domains and subdomains for the given target.
/changes_since <target>
: Show changes in domains for a specific target since added to monitor list.- Displays changes in domains and subdomains for the given target since added to monitor list.
- Added the
command, which can manually update data. - Added the
command, which can query new bug bounty programs. - Added the
command, which can query statistical information for Chaos data. - Added the
commands, which can query domain changes for a specific target and list newly added/removed subdomains in detail.
- Query newly added projects
- List specific newly added Subdomains
- Independent subdomain query feature
- JavaScript files Monitoring
This script only implements very BASIC monitoring and query functions. You can customize and add more useful features, and feel free to share them here.