$ git clone <link>
$ conda env create -f ./environment.yml
$ conda activate mentor
$ make
Verify the installation:
$ mentor --help
usage: mentor [-h] [--outdir /path/to/outdir] [--outfile outfile] [--multiplex /path/to/multiplex.RData] [--geneset /path/to/geneset.txt]
[--threads threads] [--verbose] [--version] [--distances /path/to/dissimilarity-matrix.tsv] [--clusters clusters]
[--map /path/to/map.txt] [--subcluster] [--increment increment] [--maxsize maxsize] [--heatmaps /path/to/heatmap.txt]
[--reordercols] [--legendtitle legendtitle] [--squish=lower,upper] [--relwidths=dend,heat] [--clusterlabelsize clusterlabelsize]
[--heatmaplabelsize heatmaplabelsize] [--groupcolors "#00000F,#FFFFFF,#000FFF"] [--trackheight height,height,height]
[--highlightindex 0,1,2] [--highlightcolor #34EBDC] [--plotwidth plotwidth] [--plotheight plotheight]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--outdir /path/to/outdir Save output to path (default: None)
--outfile outfile Description to append to filenames (default: None)
--multiplex /path/to/multiplex.RData Path to multiplex network (default: None)
--geneset /path/to/geneset.txt Path to gene set file (default: None)
--threads threads Number of threads to use in calculation (default: based on system)
--verbose, -v Gives output from runs. Default: WARNING; once: INFO; twice: DEBUG (default: 0)
--version Print version and exit (default: False)
--distances /path/to/dissimilarity-matrix.tsv Path to dissimilarity-matrix.tsv (default: None)
--clusters clusters Number of clusters for dendrogram (default: 3)
--map /path/to/map.txt Path to gene symbol to gene ID mapping file (default: None)
--subcluster Subcluster the dendrogram (default: False)
--increment increment Increment subclustering cluster size by this value (default: 5)
--maxsize maxsize Maximum size of clusters for subclustering (default: 40)
--heatmaps /path/to/heatmap.txt Path to heatmap file if including heatmaps for log2FC or effect size (default: None)
--plottype shape Type of dendrogram (either rectangular or polar; default: rectangular)
--reordercols Reorder columns of heatmap with clustering (default: False)
--legendtitle legendtitle Titles to give to legends; for rectangular dendrogram title to give to continuous legend;
for polar dendrogram titles to give to continuous legend and factor legend (default: log2FC)
--squish lower,upper Squish the color scale to LOWER,UPPER bounds (default: None)
--relwidths dend,heat Set relative widths of dendrogram and heatmap to dend,heat
(default: 1,1)
--clusterlabelsize labelsize Size of cluster labels associated with polar dendrogram (default: 2.5)
--heatmaplabelsize heatmaplabelsize Size of the labels associated with the polar dendrogram heatmap (gene names; default: 0.75)
--groupcolors "#00000F,#FFFFFF,#000FFF" Colors for the group blocks in polar dendrogram (default: None)
--trackheight height,height,height Width of the tracks in the polar dendrogram (heatmap1,heatmap2,dendrogram; default: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
--highlightindex 0,1,2 Sector(s) to highlight on polar dendrogram (sector1,sector2,...,sectorN; default: None)
--highlightcolor #34EBDC Color to use for highlighted sectors on polar dendrogram (default: #34EBDC)
--plotwidth plotwidth Width of the dendrogram visualization (default: 30)
--plotheight plotheight Height of the dendrogram/heatmap visualization (default: None)
The geneset.txt
and multiplex.RData
are required to run mentor
to obtain a dissimilarity matrix and dendrogram visualization. The map.txt
and heatmap.txt
are not required to run mentor
The geneset.txt
table should be a tab-separated text file with no header. Three columns should be present for the project name (string), ensembl IDs (string), and weights (numeric). The example below displays a geneset table with five genes.
project_name | ENSG00000008311 | 1 |
project_name | ENSG00000141338 | 1 |
project_name | ENSG00000172350 | 1 |
project_name | ENSG00000042980 | 1 |
project_name | ENSG00000198099 | 1 |
The map.txt
table can be used to assign different labels to the dendrogram branches. The table should also be a tab-separated text file with a header. Two columns should be present for the ensembl ID (string) and associated label (string) that you would like to display in the dendrogram branch labels. The example below displays a mapping table for the same five genes. If you would like to include a heatmap in the visualization then you must ensure that the labels in the map table match the labels in the heatmap table.
ensembl | label |
ENSG00000008311 | AASS |
ENSG00000141338 | ABCA8 |
ENSG00000172350 | ABCG4 |
ENSG00000042980 | ADAM28 |
ENSG00000198099 | ADH4 |
The heatmap.txt
table is required if the user would like to include a heatmap next to the dendrogram. The table should also be a tab-separated text file with a header. Three columns should be present for the label (string), value (numeric), and data source (string). Each unique data source will be presented as a new column in the heatmap. The order of the source columns from left to right in the heatmap will be the same order as their order in the heatmap.txt
table from top to bottom. If you would like to reorder the columns by similarity then specify --reordercols
.The total number of columns is dependent on the type of information that you would like to present in the heatmap. The example below displays a heatmap table for the same five genes where we have bulk RNA-seq and GWAS data sources associated with these genes. You can see that all five genes were implicated in the RNA-seq data source but only three were implicated in the GWAS data source.
label | value | source |
AASS | 1.5 | RNA-seq |
ABCA8 | 2.5 | RNA-seq |
ABCG4 | 0.3 | RNA-seq |
ADAM28 | -1.1 | RNA-seq |
ADH4 | -0.8 | RNA-seq |
AASS | 1 | GWAS |
ABCA8 | 1 | GWAS |
ADH4 | 1 | GWAS |
To run mentor
on a gene set and multiplex network:
mentor \
--geneset </path/tp/geneset.txt> \
--multiplex </path/to/multiplex.RData> \
--outdir </path/to/outdir/>
To run mentor
on a gene set and multiplex and have custom dendrogram labels:
mentor \
--geneset </path/tp/geneset.txt> \
--multiplex </path/to/multiplex.RData> \
--outdir </path/to/outdir/> \
--map </path/to/map.txt/>
To run mentor
on a gene set and multiplex and have custom dendrogram labels and a heatmap:
mentor \
--geneset </path/tp/geneset.txt> \
--multiplex </path/to/multiplex.RData> \
--outdir </path/to/outdir/> \
--map </path/to/map.txt/> \
--heatmaps </path/to/heatmap.txt/>
To customize a dendrogram using a dissimilarity-matrix.tsv
mentor \
--distances </path/to/dissimilarity-matrix.tsv> \
--outdir </path/to/outdir/> \
--clusters <clusters> \
--map </path/to/map.txt> \
--subcluster \
--increment <increment> \
--maxsize <maxsize> \
--heatmaps </path/to/heatmap.txt> \
--squish=<-1,1> \
--relwidths=<1,1> \
--plotwidth <35> \
Derived from the cookiecutter data science project template.