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A work-in-progress attempt at building a code editor focused on front-end development using Rust, Svelte and Tauri.


To setup and run the project: clone, change directory into base folder and then

npm install
npm run tauri dev


  • Basic functionality: file tree, edit and save files, syntax highlighting, editors with tabs for multiple open files, preview web pages.
  • Clean-up code: improve structure, add comments, use more global stores and events.
  • Sync workflow between HTML, CSS and JavaScript: sync scrolling on web page and HTML, simple navigation between elements and their CSS selectors (idea: click button to add selector and styles for element).
  • Add more front-end specific features to IDE.
  • Multiple themes, user config.
  • Improve performance: line-by-line syntax highlighting (idea: highlight current line as user types), threading.

Example Video



Pre-release 0.0.1, you can find it here!