Opensnap brings the Aero Snap feature to Openbox.
Known bugs you just have to work around:
- No "unsnapping" feature (see end of this file for workaround)
- opensnap doesn't detect screen layout changes (just restart opensnap)
The goal was to make it work with every EWMH compliant window manager.
With the default configuration, you'll need wmctrl as a runtime dependency.
On most debian systems you should be able to install it by:
sudo apt-get install wmctrl
If you want to build opensnap from source make sure you have these as well:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libx11-dev libgtk-3-dev
If you want to install opensnap from source first make sure you have git installed. (Or fetch a zip file:
Fetch via git:
git clone
Fetch via zip:
Make sure you have all prerequisits:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libx11-dev libgtk-3-dev wmctrl
And finally build and install it:
cd opensnap*
sudo make install
And now start opensnap with
opensnap --deamon
if you want it to deamonize.
By default opensnap stores its configuration files in /etc/opensnap if you've run make install
If you want to customize these, you should copy the global configuration to your user directory.
mkdir -p ~/.config/opensnap
cp /etc/opensnap/* ~/.config/opensnap/
You can now edit the configuration files in ~/.config/opensnap/
. Make sure to restart opensnap for it to see the new configuration directory.
This should tell you all you need to know:
opensnap --help
Copy the sample configs to ~/.config/opensnap/.
As of now opensnap does not support unsnapping (see #4). You can find a workaround here: lawl#4 (comment)
Do note however that this does not perfect unsnapping. I.e. your cursor possition and the window you are dragging might get displaced a bit on unsnapping. But it does work well enough for daily use.