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@JanMarvin JanMarvin released this 26 Mar 18:04
· 182 commits to main since this release

Release 1.5 brings the usual bug fixes and a few improvements to vector writing. The release was a bit bumpier than previous releases as the package is now suggested by three CRAN packages and even an import for one. Thanks for your trust in us!

Our beloved dims handler wb_dims() received another round of improvements and is now able to handle the positioning of dims using a new from_dims argument, you guessed it. Additionally, it is possible to use other positioning arguments (below, above, left, right) that can be given integer offsets (wb_dims(from_dims = "A1", right = 2), places the new dimension two columns right to the previous dimension). Quite exited to see if this works as well as I hope!

A feature request has been solved with the new option, which can be used to change the default na.strings, and the page setup feature has been placed on a new foundation. What caused the bumpy release was a revdep failure discovered at the last minute by CRAN: this was caused by us changing how vectors can be positioned. Previously, it was necessary to transpose vectors before writing them to the worksheet with t(vector). Since version 1.5 it is possible to position the vector with dims only. The initial implementation caused a test in one of the CRAN packages to fail, and of course this had to be fixed first.

A lot of time went into various bug fixes, cleanups, and minor improvements here and there. A number of the fixes and features were developed based on user requests and needs. If you find a bug, please let us know!

The release 1.5 is the 17th openxlsx2 release which is available under CRAN. Even though the package is now now semi-stable, it is always a good idea to make regular backups and check output files regularly. A look at the issue tracker and the NEWs is recommended in any case.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.4...v1.5