3.4.0 - The Paint Tool Update
Added Rectangle/Circle paint tool
Added texture selection and copy/paste tool
Added mirror paint option
Sketchfab uploader now supports animations
Added glTF export format
Added Camera Angle Presets
Added mute toggle for animation channels
New Transform Space selector
Added length modes to GIF Recorder
Extended Paint Bucket color mode: Global Colors and Connected Colors
Added support for more palette formats: ACT, ACO, ASE
Removed .bbpalette export in favor of more common .gpl palette format
Added two new palette presets
Unlocked animations for Free format
Added buttons to scale tool to scale around element pivot or selection center
Keybindings are now displayed in description tooltips
Restyled toolbar select widget
Added new Skin Mode templates: Evocation Fang, Hoglin, Piglin, Chest, Bell, Blaze
Base grid is now hidden in Paint mode
Removed noise brush option
Added Shading toggle to the view menu
New icon for Move tool
Added new settings category “Interface”
Added Developer submenu
Added more event hooks
Updated to Electron 8.0.2
Updated to Three.JS 114
Various performance improvements
GIF recorder renders black colors as transparent
Exported GIFs have a black outline
Drag handler extensions are case sensitive
Drag handlers don’t read binary files correctly
Number Sliders use cube grid resolution by default
Confirm button in pop-up color pickers is offset
Transform gizmo visually messes up after using rescale gizmo
Cannot use phantom model template in Skin Mode
UV mapping issue when generating templates
#508 Gif Compression
#517 Project Resolution for 2nd Template Textures
#521 Nothing is rendering.
#524 When opening a .bbmodel with multiple textures, assigned textures are reset
#527 Saved as text background box doesn’t scale depending on name length
#528 Setting cull face to None causes it to immediately reset when UV editor is closed
You can’t perform that action at this time.