4.7.1 - The Reference Image Update [Patch 1]
Increased the sensitivity of colors HSV sliders
Hide Create Texture type field when only one option is available
Fixed issue with directional loop cuts
Fixed bones not updating when baking animation into model
Fixed event system no longer working with multiple hooks
Fixed custom formats not appearing on the start screen instantly
Fixed GIF encoder confusing black and transparent
Fixed graph editor messing up when no animator selected
Fixed #1839 can delete reference images while properties are open
Fixed missing lang string in reference image dialog
Removed save codec dialog in web app due to not working well with browser downloads
Fixed #1836 unable to paint on mobile after selecting color
Fixed splash art being invisible on mobile
Fixed blend by shortest path toggle in animation controllers not working
Fixed startup issue after adding certain actions to toolbars
Reverted pointer and graphics tablet changes in order to fix touch screen issues
Fixed options not getting added to empty sub menus
Fixed validator not updating on triggers
Fixed viewport context menu not working on touch
Fixed text and number fields not being selectable on some iOS devices
Fixed edge extrusion direction issue
Fixed actions not getting removed from keybinding list when unloading plugins
You can’t perform that action at this time.