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Benzine usage webapplication

This application is used for keeping track of the refueling and distance driven (By car).
With the data given about distance and refueling the application will create statistics which will tell if you have used more fuel then you have refueled.
Its primary used for when you are using someone elses car and want to keep track globally.

Technical overview

The "benzine-verbruik" repository has a full MEAN stack application seperated into 2 folders.
The folders are categorized as frontend (web) and backend (api).
Both have there own gitignore and env file. The reason is to keep it structured, clean and uncluttered.
This has to be done with future changes in mind like implement nestjs in the current api.
The api uses rest for the same reason as stated above.


The installation is rather simple since this project has been dockerized.
Before starting the application you have to install all modules.
This is done be running this command in both the web & api folder.

npm install

After that you have to create an ENV file based on the example in both the web & api folder.
Without the env file the api will not work and the web will not function properly.

For using linting and formatting run:

npm install

Inside the parent folder of api and web.


To run the project you have to navigate into the "docker" folder.
Once navigated run the command:

docker compose up

This will create all containers used for this project.
To quit the serves use CTRL + C.
If needed use:

docker compose down

To remove all containers.
This will also delete all data from the database!
This is done on purpose for faster clean environments for developing.


A standard test account is created when starting the project:

This is set in the mongodb-init.js file. This is located in the docker folder.

Below are the credentials needed by the application.
There have to be 2 env files in both folders (web & api).




There are a few commands for linting and formatting within the project.
Be sure to be in the parent folder of api and web.

  • Use the command npm run eslint for linting the whole project.
  • Use the command npm run format for formatting the whole project.


Be sure to have a mongo database setup on you're own server or from mongo atlas.
If you want to deploy this on you're server u have to follow these steps.

Without docker


  • Navigate into the web folder
  • Run npm run build --prod
  • Upload "dist/benzine-prod" of the web folder to you're server
  • Configure you're nginx or apache


  • Install Node and PM2
  • Copy the api folder to the server
  • Run the api with pm2 start
  • Configure you're nginx or apache

Don't forget to add and update the ENV file!

With docker

U can be lazy and just copy everything and use docker compose up but I strongly advice against it.
Every release has a docker image of the frontend and backend separately that can be used.





Now you can put these images in a swarm by a stack.yml file or run them manually/docker compose.
Be sure to include the environment variables and a mongodb instance for the backend.


This readme is a form of documentation for the project ofcourse, but there is more!
The api uses swagger as documentation tool for all the endpoints, this can be found on localhost:port/api-docs when the api is running.
The angular webapplication doesn't contain any documentation yet this will be added in the future.


A hobby project to track car and fuel usage when borrowing.







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