This repository contains the scripts, the state-of-the-art methods and datasets (links) used to conduct the analysis for the study "How error correction affects PCR deduplication: a survey based on UMI datasets of short reads".
Notes: This repository contains other researchers' source codes and executable software of PCR-deduplication and error-correction on short reads. The copyright of these source codes and programs belongs to the original authors. If you use all or part of them, please remember to cite these works list in Reference.
All the experiments were running on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6 with the CPU model of Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6238R CPU @ 2.20GHz.
Notes: Some PCR-deduplication and error correction methods may yield slightly different deduplication and error correction results by running on different machines or different time.
We take 8 UMI-based single-end sequencing datasets of the accession IDs SRR1543964 - SRR1543971 together with a pair-end sequencing dataset of the accession ID SRR11207257 for the comparative analysis.
For processing datasets SRR1543964 - SRR1543971, run the following scripts
$ python ./src/
For processing pair-end datasets SRR11207257,
$ python ./src/
The pre-processed datasets can be found at OneDrive.
Clone this repository first
git clone
cd Deduplication_ErrorCorrection
Install some deduplication and error-correction tools via Anaconda and pip
pip install git+
conda install bioconda::fastp
conda install bioconda::minirmd
conda install bioconda::cd-hit
conda install bioconda::calib
conda install bioconda::fastuniq
conda install bioconda::bcool
Then, run the following scripts
Notes: please remember to replace the input directories to your owns before running the following scripts.
python ./src/
python ./src/
for error correction by bcool, you need to run the separate script
python ./src/
python ./src/
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Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, suggestions etc regarding this study.