This is the bot used on the Javacord server.
In this case you are wrong here. Just head over to the Javacord repository.
The example bot is exactly what its name suggests: A bot which is solely used as an example for Javacord. It tries to cover some basic concepts to give you an idea how a bot using Javacord may look like. It is kept simple and has very verbose comments.
This bot however is actually used on our Discord Server and thus may contain a lot of specific features which are most likely not relevant to you. Simplicity also is not a goal for this bot, but you can still use this bot as a reference if you want to.
To build a distribution archive execute ./gradlew distTar
or ./gradlew distZip
- execute
./gradlew installDist
- (optional) store your discord api token in a text file
- execute
build/install/javacord-bot/bin/javacord-bot <token>
orbuild/install/javacord-bot/bin/javacord-bot <path to the file with the token>
- copy the built distribution archive from
to the system where you want to run it - unpack the archive somewhere
- (optional) store your discord api token in a text file
- execute
javacord-bot/bin/javacord-bot <token>
orjavacord-bot/bin/javacord-bot <path to the file with the token>
- build the Dockerfile with
docker build .
- run the generated image. The token has to be provided with the
environment variable