This project is a final project for the Dicoding course "Belajar Machine Learning untuk Pemula". It aims to classify images of rock, paper, and scissors gestures using machine learning techniques.
- Utilizes deep learning for image classification.
- Dataset includes images of rock, paper, and scissors.
- Implemented using TensorFlow and Keras.
- Dataset collection and preprocessing.
- Model architecture design.
- Model training and evaluation.
- Validation of the model accuracy.
The model uses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture, which is ideal for image classification:
- Input Layer: Accepts images of rock, paper, or scissors.
- Convolutional Layers: These layers apply various filters to detect important features like edges and shapes in the image.
- Pooling Layers: Reduce the spatial dimensions of the image, improving efficiency and reducing computational load.
- Fully Connected Layers: These layers perform the final classification based on the learned features.
- Output Layer: Predicts one of the three classes: rock, paper, or scissors.
- The model achieved a validation accuracy of 95%.
- The model is not capable of correctly predicting real-world data, as it was trained on a limited dataset of images.