The purpose of this program is to provide simple order automation for fidelity investments using the selenium API. Fidelity doesn't provide an API for trading, so this is my workaround for automation.
Currently this is work-in-progress with only support for creating simple buy/sell orders.
usage: [-T TICKER] [-q QUANTITY] [-b | -s] [-S | -D] [-m | -l]
[-p PRICE] [-d | -g] [-h]
A program for creating fidelity orders.
Required arguments:
-T TICKER, --ticker TICKER
Define order ticker
-q QUANTITY, --quantity QUANTITY
Set order quantity [-1 to select all]
-b, --buy Sets order to buy
-s, --sell Sets order to sell
-S, --shares Sets order to shares
-D, --dollars Sets order to dollars
Optional arguments:
-m, --market Sets order to market [default]
-l, --limit Sets order to limit
-p PRICE, --price PRICE
Sets limit price
-d, --day Sets limit order to day
-g, --gtc Sets limit order to good-till-cancelled
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
Config file should look like this:
account = {
"user": "your_username",
"pass": "your_password",
"id": "account_number"
And configure the chrome webdriver to include the proper path
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=cfg.chrome_options, executable_path='PATH_TO_CHROMEDRIVER')