Releases: JeffersonLab/halld_sim
Releases · JeffersonLab/halld_sim
halld_sim 5.0.0
What's Changed
- Update to fix resonance loop to correctly iterate o… by @zabaldwin in #348
- Transition master Branch from JANA1 to JANA2 by @RaiqaRasool in #349
New Contributors
- @zabaldwin made their first contribution in #348
- @RaiqaRasool made their first contribution in #349
Full Changelog: 4.54.0...5.0.0
halld_sim 4.54.0
What's Changed
- check if flux exists in database for BeamUtilities by @jrstevenjlab in #344
- Fix a bug in reac_ini.F: t-dependence for a single-slope distribution by @e-gen in #345
- Nsj cdc mergerandoms by @nsjarvis in #341
- Ksaldan gen amp v2 by @KSaldan in #347
Full Changelog: 4.53.0...4.54.0
halld_sim 4.53.0
What's Changed
- Ecal update may2024 by @staylorjlab in #340
- Add K-matrix amplitudes from Kopf et al. by @denehoffman in #339
Full Changelog: 4.52.0...4.53.0
halld_sim 4.52.0
halld_sim 4.51.0
What's Changed
- write weight to generated HDDM file by @amschertz in #336
- Vector Pseudoscalar Fit Speed Improvement by @kevScheuer in #337
- Add bad channel masking for BCAL in mcsmear by @sdobbs in #335
New Contributors
- @kevScheuer made their first contribution in #337
Full Changelog: 4.50.0...4.51.0
halld_sim 4.50.0
What's Changed
- Ecal libs by @somovalex in #329
- Change energy from MeV to GeV by @somovalex in #330
- modify print in SConscript for el9 by @aaust in #331
Full Changelog: 4.49.0...4.50.0
halld_sim 4.49.0
What's Changed
- Pass seed from ProductionMechanism to BreitWignerGenerator by @s6pepaul in #317
- Gxtwist moller polarimeter by @rjones30 in #322
- Fix hdgeant crash in gmicap rtj by @rjones30 in #323
- added option to print amplitudes by @mashephe in #320
- gen amp v2 by @KSaldan in #324
- feat: add amptools datareader that can perform event selections by @lan13005 in #325
Full Changelog: 4.48.0...4.49.0
halld_sim 4.48.0
What's Changed
- Fix broken rho decays rtj by @rjones30 in #308
- Fix mt run dependent state bug rtj by @rjones30 in #309
- Add PrimEx & SRC targets by @igjaegle in #310
- Evtgen ijaegle by @igjaegle in #311
- correct bug, adding default target mass as proton by @igjaegle in #312
- minor changes to avoid compiler warnings by @aaust in #313
- add option to calculate likelihood and exit without running a fit by @amschertz in #315
Full Changelog: 4.47.0...4.48.0
halld_sim 4.47.0
What's Changed
- Bggen upd 1 by @e-gen in #300
- Fix bug where some FCAL mcsmear parameters were geting overwritten (again). by @sdobbs in #302
- Alma9 container build fixes rtj by @rjones30 in #304
- Evtgen ijaegle by @igjaegle in #303
- Added quasi-free nucleons for the target by @e-gen in #306
- Fixes for alma9 build rtj by @rjones30 in #305
Full Changelog: 4.46.0...4.47.0
halld_sim 4.46.0
What's Changed
- FixedTargetGenerator class by @mashephe in #291
- LowerVertexDelta amplitude class by @amschertz in #292
- Patch fit and fitMPI by @denehoffman in #293
- change lab to CM for calculation of prodPhi by @jrstevenjlab in #294
- updates to FCAL hit smearing by @sdobbs in #296
- fix problem in lightguide logic that caused the factors to not load by @sdobbs in #299
- Update to timting resolution values by @KSaldan in #298
- avoid compiler warnings by @aaust in #295
New Contributors
- @amschertz made their first contribution in #292
- @denehoffman made their first contribution in #293
- @KSaldan made their first contribution in #298
Full Changelog: 4.45.0...4.46.0