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Online/offline analysis display program that reads a configuration file and plots from a ROOT file.

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Panguin generates plots from a ROOT file, either interactively in a GUI window or by writing graphics files in batch mode. Plots are defined in a configuration file and can come from 1D, 2D, or 3D histograms, tree variables, or user-defined macros.


The main prerequisites for building the program are a C++11 compiler and ROOT version 6. Additionally, linking with the Hall A analyzer is supported (but optional) so that analyzer-specific objects in ROOT files can be interpreted, for example the event header branch.

The build system is a standard CMake setup. CMake version 3 is required. In the source directory of Panguin, do

source /path/to/ROOT/bin/ # or "module load root"
export ANALYZER=/path/to/analyzer    # or "module load analyzer". Optional.
cmake -S . -B build 
cmake --build build -j4

After this, you should have a working executable in the build directory. To test, do ./build/panguin -h to show brief usage help.

Usage and command line options

Running without arguments will load the macros/default.cfg macro and run that.

A description of available command line options follows

-f, --config-file <file name>

./build/panguin -f path/to/nameOfAna.cfg

Read the given configuration file.

-r, --run <run number>

./build/panguin -r <number>

Define the run number for which plots should be generated. This run number will be substituted into the file name defined with the protorootfile command in the configuration file to generate the ROOT file name. Example:

panguin -r 1234 -f myconfig.conf

where in myconfig.conf

protorootfile exp_replay_%R.root

will be translated to the ROOT file name exp_replay_1234.root. See later for a full description of protorootfile.

-P, -b, --batch

./build/panguin -P

Switches panguin to batch mode. Instead of showing the generated plots in a GUI window, graphics are written to files. By default, a single PDF file named summaryPlots_<run number>_<configuration name>.pdf is generated, for example summaryPlots_1234_myconfig.pdf. The output file name and file format is configurable; see the description of protoplotfile later.

-v, --verbosity <level>

./build/panguin -v 2

This will run with a verbosity level of N (higher is more noisy).

-R, --root-file <file name>

Directly specify the input ROOT file.

This option will be ignored, and a warning will be printed, if the run number is also specified with -r.

Panguin will attempt to extract the run number from the given ROOT file name using a common pattern (regular expression [0-9]{4,5}[\.], i.e. a 4- or 5-digit number preceded by an underscore and followed by either a dot or an underscore). If the run number cannot be determined in this way, it will be omitted from the generated plots.

-G, --goldenroot-file <file name>

Name of ROOT file with reference plots. If the file is not found, a warning is printed, and no reference plots are generated.

-E, --plot-format <fmt>

Sets the output plot file format. The default is pdf. Also supported are png, gif, jpg, ps and eps. For formats other than pdf, one output file per page is generated, and the file name is generated from the pattern specified by the protoplotpagefile command (see later).

-C, --config-path, --config-dir <path>

Search for configuration files and plot macros in the given directory or directory path (= list of directories separated by colons). The current working directory is always searched. The location where the main configuration file is actually found is automatically added to the search path. Example

panguin -f ../configs/myplots.conf -C ~/panguin/otherconfigs

will search for myplots.conf in ../configs and ~/panguin/otherconfigs/../configs = ~/panguin/configs. If myplots.conf is found in ~/panguin/configs, then the new search path for additional configuration files and macros will be .:~/panguin/configs:~/panguin/otherconfigs.

The contents of the environment variable PANGUIN_CONFIG_PATH are automatically appended to the configuration directory search path (even if --config-dir isn't given on the command line). It is usually more convenient to set this variable instead of using the command line option.

--root-dir <path>

Specifies the search directory or path for ROOT files, similar to --config-dir.

The contents of the environment variable ROOTFILES are automatically appended to this path (even if --root-dir isn't given on the command line).

-O, --plots-dir <dir>

Specifies the directory where summary plots should be written. This directory will be created if it does not exist, permissions allowing. The value specified here will be ignored if protoplotfile or protoplotpagefile are absolute paths.

-I, --images

Save each individual plots as an image file. This option automatically enables batch mode (-P). Summary plots continue to be generated in addition to the individual image files. The image file name patterns can be customized with the protoimagefile and protomacroimagefile commands in the configuration file.

-F, --image-format <fmt>

Define the file format for individual image files. The default is png. See the descrption of --plot-format.

-H, --images-dir <dir>

Like --plots-dir, defines the directory where individual image files are written. The default is the same directory as --plots-dir. The value specified here will be ignored if protoimagefile or protomacroimagefile are absolute paths.

--inspect <file name>

Prints the list of objects in the given ROOT file. No configuration file will be read, and all other options except --verbosity will be ignored. The printout is grouped by histograms, trees, and other objects, if any. If verbosity > 0, details of histograms and the variables contained in the tree(s) will be listed. If a Podd "Run_Data" object (inheriting from THaRunBase) is found, the run metadata will also be printed.

-V, --version

Print program version and exit.

Online monitor

With the watchfile option enabled the GUI will reload the file every few seconds and will redraw the current canvas (for default usage please look at defaultOnline.cfg).

The process to run the online monitor goes as follows: a) Run the ET connected japan output:

cd mainJapanDir
build/qwparity --config prex.conf --add-config online_apar.conf

This will connect to the ET system and analyze events as they come through the ET system. It will update the output file every ~30s. The output file will be placed in the ROOTFILES directory and will have the following pattern: '' prexALL_999999.adaq*.root''. This file can be accessed from the prompt or through panguin. b) Run panguin:

cd mainJapanDir/pangin
build/panguin -r 999999 -f macros/defaultOnline.cfg

The configuration can be changed with whatever you need, but it must have the "watchfile" option set.

Configuration file options

The configuration file consists of two sections, the "prologue" where various global parameters are set, followed by the "page definitions" that define the plots and drawing options for each output page

Most of the commands in the prologue can also be given as command line options, documented earlier. If an option is present both on the command line and in the configuration file, the value from the command line takes precedence, and a warning is printed. Exceptions are --run-number and --config-dir, which can only be specified on the command line, and --root-dir, where the command line and configuration file values are cumulative (command line first). A number of options can only be specified in the configuration file (see below).

Example configuration files can be found in macros/default.cfg and macros/defaultOnline.cfg.

References to environment variables and the home directory shorthand "~" in any command arguments containing file or directory names will be expanded. Example

rootfile $EXP_DIR/rootfiles/testdata.root

will replace $EXP_DIR with the value of that environment variable, if set. (If unset, "$EXP_DIR" is left unchanged.) Similarly, plotsdir ~/panguin/plots will expand to plotsdir /home/user/panguin/plots etc.

Following is the list of options recognized in the prologue.

Configuration file handling

  • include <file name> executes the commands in the given file as part of the current configuration. This is especially useful for defining common options for different configurations, like protorootfile, goldenrootfile, plotFormat etc. If <file name> is not an absolute path, it will be searched for in the same directory as the current file and all directories given with --config-dir and $PANGUIN_CONFIG_PATH, as explained earlier.

Input file selection

  • rootfile <file name> selects the input ROOT file. Equivalent to --root-file.

  • protorootfile <file name pattern> specifies a pattern for the input ROOT file. The file name pattern may contain environment variables, to be be expanded at run time, as well as the placeholder %R, which will be replaced with the run number (given with -r or --run-number). For backward compatibility, the string "XXXXX" (five "X" characters) is equivalent to %R.

    Multiple protorootfile commands may be given. The corresponding patterns will be tried in the order in which they are defined. This enables, for example, finding ROOT files that differ in a common prefix, such as a DAQ configuration. This works well if run numbers are unique, but text parts of the file name may vary.

  • goldenrootfile <file name> selects a ROOT file containing comparison plots (reference spectra) to help spot problems with the current run. Reference plots will be overlaid onto the current spectra with a green hatch pattern. If the specified ROOT file is not found, a warning is printed, and no comparison plots are generated. Equivalent to --goldenroot-file.

  • rootfilespath <directory path> specifies a path for searching for ROOT files (whether specified with rootfile, protorootfile, or goldenrootfile). Equivalent to --root-dir. If both --root-dir and rootfilespath are given, values from both are concatenated. Additionally, the contents of environment variable $ROOTFILES is added to this search path.

Output file options

The following options control the format, location, and names of summary plot output files.

  • plotsdir <directory> sets the directory where the summary plots will be created. Equivalent to --plots-dir.

  • plotFormat <format> option allows you to select the format of the plots (png, gif, pdf). Default is "pdf". Equivalent to --plot-format.

  • protoplotfile <file name pattern> defines the file name for summary plot files in PDF format (i.e. all pages in a single file). The file name may contain a directory component. Any of the following placeholders may be included, which will be replaced as indicated:

    • %R: run number (given with -r or --run-number)
    • %C: main configuration file name (given with -f or --config-file) without any leading directory components and without any file extension (like .cfg).

    The file name should end with ".pdf". If it does not, the existing extension will be removed and replaced with ".pdf". The default is summaryPlots_%R_%C.pdf.

  • protoplotpagefile <file name pattern> defines the file name for summary plot files in non-PDF format, for which one file is generated per page. The following placeholders are supported

    • %R: run number (given with -r or --run-number)
    • %C: main configuration file name (given with -f or --config-file) without any leading directory components and without any file extension (like .cfg).
    • %P: The current page number.
    • %E: The selected plotFormat.

    The file name pattern should always end with ".%E", otherwise the extension corresponding to the current format will be subsituted automatically. The default is summaryPlots_%R_page%P_%C.%E.

Image file options

These options control the format, location, and names of individual image files

  • imagesdir <directory> Like plotsdir except for image file. If plotsdir is given but imagesdir is not, imagedir is set to plotsdir. Equivalent to --images-dir.

  • imageFormat <format> Like plotFormat except for images. Defaults is "png". Equivalent to --image-format.

  • protoimagefile <file name pattern> File name pattern for image files generated from histograms or tree variables. Supports the following placeholders

    • %R: run number (given with -r or --run-number)
    • %C: main configuration file name (given with -f or --config-file) without any leading directory components and without any file extension (like .cfg).
    • %V: The histogram or tree variable name.
    • %P: The current page number.
    • %D: The current pad number within the page canvas. The combination of page number and pad number uniquely identifies an image for a given configuration.
    • %F: The selected imageFormat.

    This pattern should always end with ".%F", similar to protoplotpagefile. The default is hydra_%R_%V_%C.%F.

  • protomacroimagefile <file name pattern> Like protoimagefile except that this pattern is used for images generated from user macros.

    The %V placeholder is replaced with the name of the macro minus any directory component and extension. For example, if the user macro is mymacros/TreeDraw.C+(arguments), %V would be replaced with "TreeDraw".

    Like protoimagefile, this pattern should always end with ".%F". The default is hydra_%R_page%P_pad%D_%C.%F.

watchfile option

See online monitor above.

Non-standard GUI color

  • guicolor followed by the string of a color like (white, red, blue) allows you to set the border color of the gui

Histogram binning options

  • 2DbinsX or 2DbinsY followed by a number; for 2D histograms this option allows you to set the number of bins (default ROOT is 40 bins)


  • definecut followed by a string (with no spaces and no quotation marks); this allows you to group any number of cuts (using the standard TTree cut syntax) and give it a simple name to be used later.

Page definitions

  • newpage <N> <M> creates a new page with N columns and M rows, corresponding to NxM drawing pads on a ROOT canvas.

    This command must always be the first command for a new page. The first newpage command in the configuration file ends the prologue and starts the page definition part of the file. Prologue commands are no longer accepted after newpage. A page definition ends with the next newpage command or with the end of the file.

  • title followed by any number of strings (spaces can be included) allows you to set the page title

Plot definitions

Within each page, a plot is defined by simply stating one or more variable names followed by drawing options. Panguin will search the input ROOT file for histograms and branch names in TTrees for a match with these names.

The number of plot definitions should match the number of drawing pads of the page defined by the preceding newpage command.

The following syntax is regocnized for histogram and tree variables

  • var1D will make a 1D histogram of var1D (if found in any of the TTrees). If the variable matches a histogram name (1D, 2D or 3D), the histogram will be drawn.
  • var1:var2 draw a 2D histogram from given tree variables
  • var1:var2 CodaEventNumber>10 same as above with the extra cut based on variables available in the TTree

Any of the above plot definitions may optionally include any combination of the following modifiers

  • -drawopt <options> set draw options for histograms and tree variables, like TH1::Draw(options)
  • -title "<string>" set plot title, enclosed in double quotes. This is separate from the page title described in the previous section.
  • -tree <name> select TTree from which to get tree variable
  • -grid set "grid" option
  • -logx, -logy, -logz" draw with log x,y,z axis
  • -nostat disable stats box
  • -noshowgolden don't draw "golden" histogram even if goldenrootfile is defined

Additionally, any plots based on tree variables may include a cut name defined with definecut to select a subset of tree entries.

For plots generated by macros, use this syntax:

  • macro someMacro.C This must create only a single plot. The macro code may be compiled by adding a "+" or "++" after the file name eextension, e.g. someMacro.C+. (In this case, don't forget to add all necessary #include statements in the macro.) Arbitrary arguments may be given to the macro, e.g. someMacro.C(1,"myresult").

This command does not take additional options. It is assumed that details of the plot layout are defined within the macro. If the macro modifies global parameters such as the color palette, font sizes, etc., it should save the prior state and restore it before exiting.


Online/offline analysis display program that reads a configuration file and plots from a ROOT file.


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