The Brief
Create a CRUD app using Flask, Python, SQL, Html & Css to help Wheelie Wild Campers manage the rental of their fleet of campervans to different users / renters.
The company wants to be able to register / monitor vans. Important information for them to know is -
- Name
- Registration
- Capacity (number of friends renter can have)
- Type of vehicle - budget or luxury
- Contact details for the renter
Be able to assign vans to renters
CRUD actions for vans / renters - remember the user - what would they want to see on each View? What Views should there be?:
- view each van and upcoming renters for that van
- view a renter's details & license
- view all vans and which are available
- Mark renters as holding a license. Unlicensed renters won't be able to rent.
- Handle rental dates & availability
- Add 'budget' to renter to show them budget or luxury vans
- Let the company see all vans currently available
- Sometimes vans are too old to rent - allow to enter the year of the vehicle and calculate the age. only vehicles under 10 years old can be rented out
- Any extra functionality such as do renters need bedding, have they paid, total revenue made this year.