LogicMonitor is a SaaS-based performance monitoring platform that provides full visibility into complex, hybrid infrastructures, offering granular performance monitoring and actionable data and insights. logicmonitor_sdk enables you to manage your LogicMonitor account programmatically.
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.118
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+https://github.com/logicmonitor/lm-sdk-python.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
Then import the package:
import logicmonitor_sdk
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import logicmonitor_sdk
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import logicmonitor_sdk
from logicmonitor_sdk.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: LMv1
configuration = logicmonitor_sdk.Configuration()
configuration.company = 'YOUR_COMPANY'
configuration.access_id = 'YOUR_ACCESS_ID'
configuration.access_key = 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = logicmonitor_sdk.LMApi(logicmonitor_sdk.ApiClient(configuration))
body = logicmonitor_sdk.AlertAck() # AlertAck |
id = 'id_example' # str |
# ack alert by id
api_response = api_instance.ack_alert_by_id(body, id)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling LMApi->ack_alert_by_id: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to https://localhost/santaba/rest
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
LMApi | ack_alert_by_id | POST /alert/alerts/{id}/ack | ack alert by id |
LMApi | ack_collector_down_alert_by_id | POST /setting/collector/collectors/{id}/ackdown | ack collector down alert |
LMApi | add_admin | POST /setting/admins | add user |
LMApi | add_alert_note_by_id | POST /alert/alerts/{id}/note | add alert note |
LMApi | add_alert_rule | POST /setting/alert/rules | add alert rule |
LMApi | add_api_token_by_admin_id | POST /setting/admins/{adminId}/apitokens | add api tokens for a user |
LMApi | add_collector | POST /setting/collector/collectors | add collector |
LMApi | add_collector_group | POST /setting/collector/groups | add collector group |
LMApi | add_dashboard | POST /dashboard/dashboards | add dashboard |
LMApi | add_dashboard_group | POST /dashboard/groups | add dashboard group |
LMApi | add_device | POST /device/devices | add a new device |
LMApi | add_device_datasource_instance | POST /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances | add device instance |
LMApi | add_device_datasource_instance_group | POST /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{deviceDsId}/groups | add device datasource instance group |
LMApi | add_device_group | POST /device/groups | add device group |
LMApi | add_device_group_cluster_alert_conf | POST /device/groups/{deviceGroupId}/clusterAlertConf | Add cluster alert configuration |
LMApi | add_device_group_property | POST /device/groups/{gid}/properties | add device group property |
LMApi | add_device_property | POST /device/devices/{deviceId}/properties | add device property |
LMApi | add_escalation_chain | POST /setting/alert/chains | add escalation chain |
LMApi | add_netscan | POST /setting/netscans | add a new netscan |
LMApi | add_ops_note | POST /setting/opsnotes | add opsnote |
LMApi | add_recipient_group | POST /setting/recipientgroups | add recipient group |
LMApi | add_report | POST /report/reports | add report |
LMApi | add_report_group | POST /report/groups | add report group |
LMApi | add_role | POST /setting/roles | add role |
LMApi | add_sdt | POST /sdt/sdts | add SDT |
LMApi | add_website | POST /website/websites | add website |
LMApi | add_website_group | POST /website/groups | add website group |
LMApi | add_widget | POST /dashboard/widgets | add widget |
LMApi | collect_device_config_source_config | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{instanceId}/config/collectNow | collect a config for a device |
LMApi | delete_admin_by_id | DELETE /setting/admins/{id} | delete user |
LMApi | delete_alert_rule_by_id | DELETE /setting/alert/rules/{id} | delete alert rule |
LMApi | delete_api_token_by_id | DELETE /setting/admins/{adminId}/apitokens/{apitokenId} | delete apiToken |
LMApi | delete_collector_by_id | DELETE /setting/collector/collectors/{id} | delete collector |
LMApi | delete_collector_group_by_id | DELETE /setting/collector/groups/{id} | delete collector group |
LMApi | delete_dashboard_by_id | DELETE /dashboard/dashboards/{id} | delete dashboard |
LMApi | delete_dashboard_group_by_id | DELETE /dashboard/groups/{id} | delete dashboard group |
LMApi | delete_datasource_by_id | DELETE /setting/datasources/{id} | delete datasource |
LMApi | delete_device_by_id | DELETE /device/devices/{id} | delete a device |
LMApi | delete_device_datasource_instance_by_id | DELETE /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{id} | delete a device instance |
LMApi | delete_device_group_by_id | DELETE /device/groups/{id} | delete device group |
LMApi | delete_device_group_cluster_alert_conf_by_id | DELETE /device/groups/{deviceGroupId}/clusterAlertConf/{id} | Delete cluster alert configuration |
LMApi | delete_device_group_property_by_name | DELETE /device/groups/{gid}/properties/{name} | delete device group property |
LMApi | delete_device_property_by_name | DELETE /device/devices/{deviceId}/properties/{name} | delete device property |
LMApi | delete_escalation_chain_by_id | DELETE /setting/alert/chains/{id} | delete escalation chain |
LMApi | delete_netscan_by_id | DELETE /setting/netscans/{id} | delete a netscan |
LMApi | delete_ops_note_by_id | DELETE /setting/opsnotes/{id} | delete opsnote |
LMApi | delete_recipient_group_by_id | DELETE /setting/recipientgroups/{id} | delete recipient group |
LMApi | delete_report_by_id | DELETE /report/reports/{id} | delete report |
LMApi | delete_report_group_by_id | DELETE /report/groups/{id} | delete report group |
LMApi | delete_role_by_id | DELETE /setting/roles/{id} | delete role |
LMApi | delete_sdt_by_id | DELETE /sdt/sdts/{id} | delete SDT |
LMApi | delete_website_by_id | DELETE /website/websites/{id} | delete website |
LMApi | delete_website_group_by_id | DELETE /website/groups/{id} | delete website group |
LMApi | delete_widget_by_id | DELETE /dashboard/widgets/{id} | delete widget |
LMApi | execute_debug_command | POST /debug | Execute a Collector debug command |
LMApi | generate_report_by_id | POST /report/reports/{id}/executions | run a report |
LMApi | get_admin_by_id | GET /setting/admins/{id} | get user |
LMApi | get_admin_list | GET /setting/admins | get user list |
LMApi | get_alert_by_id | GET /alert/alerts/{id} | get alert |
LMApi | get_alert_list | GET /alert/alerts | get alert list |
LMApi | get_alert_list_by_device_group_id | GET /device/groups/{id}/alerts | get device group alerts |
LMApi | get_alert_list_by_device_id | GET /device/devices/{id}/alerts | get alerts |
LMApi | get_alert_rule_by_id | GET /setting/alert/rules/{id} | get alert rule by id |
LMApi | get_alert_rule_list | GET /setting/alert/rules | get alert rule list |
LMApi | get_all_sdt_list_by_device_id | GET /device/devices/{id}/sdts | get SDTs for a device |
LMApi | get_all_sdt_list_by_website_group_id | GET /website/groups/{id}/sdts | get a list of SDTs for a website group |
LMApi | get_api_token_list | GET /setting/admins/apitokens | get a list of api tokens across users |
LMApi | get_api_token_list_by_admin_id | GET /setting/admins/{adminId}/apitokens | get api tokens for a user |
LMApi | get_associated_device_list_by_data_source_id | GET /setting/datasources/{id}/devices | get devices associated with a datasource |
LMApi | get_audit_log_by_id | GET /setting/accesslogs/{id} | Get audit log by id |
LMApi | get_audit_log_list | GET /setting/accesslogs | Get audit logs |
LMApi | get_aws_external_id | GET /aws/externalId | Get AWS external id |
LMApi | get_collector_by_id | GET /setting/collector/collectors/{id} | get collector |
LMApi | get_collector_group_by_id | GET /setting/collector/groups/{id} | get collector group |
LMApi | get_collector_group_list | GET /setting/collector/groups | get collector group list |
LMApi | get_collector_installer | GET /setting/collector/collectors/{collectorId}/installers/{osAndArch} | get collector installer |
LMApi | get_collector_list | GET /setting/collector/collectors | get collector list |
LMApi | get_dashboard_by_id | GET /dashboard/dashboards/{id} | get dashboard |
LMApi | get_dashboard_group_by_id | GET /dashboard/groups/{id} | get dashboard group |
LMApi | get_dashboard_group_list | GET /dashboard/groups | get dashboard group list |
LMApi | get_dashboard_list | GET /dashboard/dashboards | get dashboard list |
LMApi | get_data_source_overview_graph_by_id | GET /setting/datasources/{dsId}/ographs/{id} | get datasource overview graph by id |
LMApi | get_data_source_overview_graph_list | GET /setting/datasources/{dsId}/ographs | get datasource overview graph list |
LMApi | get_datasource_by_id | GET /setting/datasources/{id} | get datasource by id |
LMApi | get_datasource_list | GET /setting/datasources | get datasource list |
LMApi | get_debug_command_result | GET /debug/{id} | Get the result of a Collector debug command |
LMApi | get_device_by_id | GET /device/devices/{id} | get device by id |
LMApi | get_device_config_source_config_by_id | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{instanceId}/config/{id} | get a config for a device |
LMApi | get_device_config_source_config_list | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{instanceId}/config | get config instances for a configsource |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_by_id | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{id} | get device datasource |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_data_by_id | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{id}/data | get device datasource data |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_instance_alert_setting_by_id | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{instanceId}/alertsettings/{id} | get device instance alert setting |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_instance_alert_setting_list | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{instanceId}/alertsettings | get a list of alert settings for a device |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_instance_by_id | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{id} | get device instance |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_instance_data | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{id}/data | get device instance data |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_instance_graph_data | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{id}/graphs/{graphId}/data | get device instance graph data |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_instance_group_by_id | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{deviceDsId}/groups/{id} | get device datasource instance group |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_instance_group_list | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{deviceDsId}/groups | get device datasource instance group list |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_instance_group_overview_graph_data | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{deviceDsId}/groups/{dsigId}/graphs/{ographId}/data | get device instance group overview graph data |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_instance_list | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances | get device instance list |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_instance_sdt_history | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{id}/historysdts | get device instance SDT history |
LMApi | get_device_datasource_list | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources | get device datasource list |
LMApi | get_device_group_by_id | GET /device/groups/{id} | get device group |
LMApi | get_device_group_cluster_alert_conf_by_id | GET /device/groups/{deviceGroupId}/clusterAlertConf/{id} | Get cluster alert configuration by id |
LMApi | get_device_group_cluster_alert_conf_list | GET /device/groups/{deviceGroupId}/clusterAlertConf | get a list of cluster alert configurations for a device group |
LMApi | get_device_group_datasource_alert_setting | GET /device/groups/{deviceGroupId}/datasources/{dsId}/alertsettings | get device group datasource alert setting |
LMApi | get_device_group_datasource_by_id | GET /device/groups/{deviceGroupId}/datasources/{id} | get device group datasource |
LMApi | get_device_group_datasource_list | GET /device/groups/{deviceGroupId}/datasources | get device group datasource list |
LMApi | get_device_group_list | GET /device/groups | get device group list |
LMApi | get_device_group_property_by_name | GET /device/groups/{gid}/properties/{name} | get device group property by name |
LMApi | get_device_group_property_list | GET /device/groups/{gid}/properties | get device group properties |
LMApi | get_device_group_sdt_list | GET /device/groups/{id}/sdts | get device group SDTs |
LMApi | get_device_instance_graph_data_only_by_instance_id | GET /device/devicedatasourceinstances/{instanceId}/graphs/{graphId}/data | get device instance data |
LMApi | get_device_list | GET /device/devices | get device list |
LMApi | get_device_property_by_name | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/properties/{name} | get device property by name |
LMApi | get_device_property_list | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/properties | get device properties |
LMApi | get_escalation_chain_by_id | GET /setting/alert/chains/{id} | get escalation chain by id |
LMApi | get_escalation_chain_list | GET /setting/alert/chains | get escalation chain list |
LMApi | get_immediate_device_list_by_device_group_id | GET /device/groups/{id}/devices | get immediate devices under group |
LMApi | get_immediate_website_list_by_website_group_id | GET /website/groups/{id}/websites | get a list of websites for a group |
LMApi | get_netflow_endpoint_list | GET /device/devices/{id}/endpoints | get netflow endpoint list |
LMApi | get_netflow_flow_list | GET /device/devices/{id}/flows | get netflow flow list |
LMApi | get_netflow_port_list | GET /device/devices/{id}/ports | get netflow port list |
LMApi | get_netscan_by_id | GET /setting/netscans/{id} | get netscan by id |
LMApi | get_netscan_list | GET /setting/netscans | get netscan list |
LMApi | get_ops_note_by_id | GET /setting/opsnotes/{id} | get opsnote by id |
LMApi | get_ops_note_list | GET /setting/opsnotes | get opsnote list |
LMApi | get_recipient_group_by_id | GET /setting/recipientgroups/{id} | get recipient group by id |
LMApi | get_recipient_group_list | GET /setting/recipientgroups | get recipient group List |
LMApi | get_report_by_id | GET /report/reports/{id} | get report by id |
LMApi | get_report_group_by_id | GET /report/groups/{id} | get report group by id |
LMApi | get_report_group_list | GET /report/groups | get report group list |
LMApi | get_report_list | GET /report/reports | get report list |
LMApi | get_role_by_id | GET /setting/roles/{id} | get role by id |
LMApi | get_role_list | GET /setting/roles | get role list |
LMApi | get_sdt_by_id | GET /sdt/sdts/{id} | get SDT by id |
LMApi | get_sdt_history_by_device_data_source_id | GET /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{id}/historysdts | get SDT history for the device dataSource |
LMApi | get_sdt_history_by_device_group_id | GET /device/groups/{id}/historysdts | get SDT history for the group |
LMApi | get_sdt_history_by_device_id | GET /device/devices/{id}/historysdts | get SDT history for the device |
LMApi | get_sdt_list | GET /sdt/sdts | get SDT list |
LMApi | get_site_monitor_check_point_list | GET /website/smcheckpoints | get website checkpoint list |
LMApi | get_top_talkers_graph | GET /device/devices/{id}/topTalkersGraph | get top talkers graph |
LMApi | get_unmonitored_device_list | GET /device/unmonitoreddevices | get unmonitored device list |
LMApi | get_update_reason_list_by_data_source_id | GET /setting/datasources/{id}/updatereasons | get update history for a datasource |
LMApi | get_website_alert_list_by_website_id | GET /website/websites/{id}/alerts | get alerts for a website |
LMApi | get_website_by_id | GET /website/websites/{id} | get website by id |
LMApi | get_website_checkpoint_data_by_id | GET /website/websites/{srvId}/checkpoints/{checkId}/data | get data for a website checkpoint |
LMApi | get_website_data_by_graph_name | GET /website/websites/{id}/graphs/{graphName}/data | get website data by graph name |
LMApi | get_website_graph_data | GET /website/websites/{websiteId}/checkpoints/{checkpointId}/graphs/{graphName}/data | get website graph data |
LMApi | get_website_group_by_id | GET /website/groups/{id} | get website group |
LMApi | get_website_group_list | GET /website/groups | get website group list |
LMApi | get_website_list | GET /website/websites | get website list |
LMApi | get_website_property_list_by_website_id | GET /website/websites/{id}/properties | get a list of properties for a website |
LMApi | get_website_sdt_list_by_website_id | GET /website/websites/{id}/sdts | get a list of SDTs for a website |
LMApi | get_widget_by_id | GET /dashboard/widgets/{id} | get widget by id |
LMApi | get_widget_data_by_id | GET /dashboard/widgets/{id}/data | get widget data |
LMApi | get_widget_list | GET /dashboard/widgets | get widget list |
LMApi | get_widget_list_by_dashboard_id | GET /dashboard/dashboards/{id}/widgets | get widget list by DashboardId |
LMApi | import_batch_job | POST /setting/batchjobs/importxml | import batch job via xml |
LMApi | import_config_source | POST /setting/configsources/importxml | import config source via xml |
LMApi | import_data_source | POST /setting/datasources/importxml | import datasource via xml |
LMApi | import_event_source | POST /setting/eventsources/importxml | import eventsource via xml |
LMApi | patch_admin_by_id | PATCH /setting/admins/{id} | update user |
LMApi | patch_alert_rule_by_id | PATCH /setting/alert/rules/{id} | update alert rule |
LMApi | patch_api_token_by_admin_id | PATCH /setting/admins/{adminId}/apitokens/{apitokenId} | update api tokens for a user |
LMApi | patch_collector_by_id | PATCH /setting/collector/collectors/{id} | update collector |
LMApi | patch_collector_group_by_id | PATCH /setting/collector/groups/{id} | update collector group |
LMApi | patch_dashboard_by_id | PATCH /dashboard/dashboards/{id} | update dashboard |
LMApi | patch_dashboard_group_by_id | PATCH /dashboard/groups/{id} | update dashboard group |
LMApi | patch_device | PATCH /device/devices/{id} | update a device |
LMApi | patch_device_datasource_instance_alert_setting_by_id | PATCH /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{instanceId}/alertsettings/{id} | update device instance alert setting |
LMApi | patch_device_datasource_instance_by_id | PATCH /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{id} | update device instance |
LMApi | patch_device_datasource_instance_group_by_id | PATCH /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{deviceDsId}/groups/{id} | update device datasource instance group |
LMApi | patch_device_group_by_id | PATCH /device/groups/{id} | update device group |
LMApi | patch_device_group_cluster_alert_conf_by_id | PATCH /device/groups/{deviceGroupId}/clusterAlertConf/{id} | Update cluster alert configuration |
LMApi | patch_device_group_datasource_alert_setting | PATCH /device/groups/{deviceGroupId}/datasources/{dsId}/alertsettings | update device group datasource alert setting |
LMApi | patch_device_group_property_by_name | PATCH /device/groups/{gid}/properties/{name} | update device group property |
LMApi | patch_device_property_by_name | PATCH /device/devices/{deviceId}/properties/{name} | update device property |
LMApi | patch_escalation_chain_by_id | PATCH /setting/alert/chains/{id} | update escalation chain |
LMApi | patch_netscan | PATCH /setting/netscans/{id} | update a netscan |
LMApi | patch_ops_note_by_id | PATCH /setting/opsnotes/{id} | update opsnote |
LMApi | patch_recipient_group_by_id | PATCH /setting/recipientgroups/{id} | update recipient group |
LMApi | patch_report_by_id | PATCH /report/reports/{id} | update report |
LMApi | patch_report_group_by_id | PATCH /report/groups/{id} | update report group |
LMApi | patch_role_by_id | PATCH /setting/roles/{id} | update role |
LMApi | patch_sdt_by_id | PATCH /sdt/sdts/{id} | update SDT |
LMApi | patch_website_by_id | PATCH /website/websites/{id} | update website |
LMApi | patch_website_group_by_id | PATCH /website/groups/{id} | update website group |
LMApi | patch_widget_by_id | PATCH /dashboard/widgets/{id} | update widget |
LMApi | schedule_auto_discovery_by_device_id | POST /device/devices/{id}/scheduleAutoDiscovery | schedule active discovery for a device |
LMApi | update_admin_by_id | PUT /setting/admins/{id} | update user |
LMApi | update_alert_rule_by_id | PUT /setting/alert/rules/{id} | update alert rule |
LMApi | update_api_token_by_admin_id | PUT /setting/admins/{adminId}/apitokens/{apitokenId} | update api tokens for a user |
LMApi | update_collector_by_id | PUT /setting/collector/collectors/{id} | update collector |
LMApi | update_collector_group_by_id | PUT /setting/collector/groups/{id} | update collector group |
LMApi | update_dashboard_by_id | PUT /dashboard/dashboards/{id} | update dashboard |
LMApi | update_dashboard_group_by_id | PUT /dashboard/groups/{id} | update dashboard group |
LMApi | update_device | PUT /device/devices/{id} | update a device |
LMApi | update_device_datasource_instance_alert_setting_by_id | PUT /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{instanceId}/alertsettings/{id} | update device instance alert setting |
LMApi | update_device_datasource_instance_by_id | PUT /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{hdsId}/instances/{id} | update device instance |
LMApi | update_device_datasource_instance_group_by_id | PUT /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{deviceDsId}/groups/{id} | update device datasource instance group |
LMApi | update_device_group_by_id | PUT /device/groups/{id} | update device group |
LMApi | update_device_group_cluster_alert_conf_by_id | PUT /device/groups/{deviceGroupId}/clusterAlertConf/{id} | Update cluster alert configuration |
LMApi | update_device_group_datasource_alert_setting | PUT /device/groups/{deviceGroupId}/datasources/{dsId}/alertsettings | update device group datasource alert setting |
LMApi | update_device_group_property_by_name | PUT /device/groups/{gid}/properties/{name} | update device group property |
LMApi | update_device_property_by_name | PUT /device/devices/{deviceId}/properties/{name} | update device property |
LMApi | update_escalation_chain_by_id | PUT /setting/alert/chains/{id} | update escalation chain |
LMApi | update_netscan | PUT /setting/netscans/{id} | update a netscan |
LMApi | update_ops_note_by_id | PUT /setting/opsnotes/{id} | update opsnote |
LMApi | update_recipient_group_by_id | PUT /setting/recipientgroups/{id} | update recipient group |
LMApi | update_report_by_id | PUT /report/reports/{id} | update report |
LMApi | update_report_group_by_id | PUT /report/groups/{id} | update report group |
LMApi | update_role_by_id | PUT /setting/roles/{id} | update role |
LMApi | update_sdt_by_id | PUT /sdt/sdts/{id} | update SDT |
LMApi | update_website_by_id | PUT /website/websites/{id} | update website |
LMApi | update_website_group_by_id | PUT /website/groups/{id} | update website group |
LMApi | update_widget_by_id | PUT /dashboard/widgets/{id} | update widget |
- APIToken
- AccessLogPaginationResponse
- AckCollectorDown
- Admin
- AdminPaginationResponse
- Alert
- AlertAck
- AlertFilters
- AlertPaginationResponse
- AlertRule
- AlertRulePaginationResponse
- AlertTrendsMetric
- ApiTokenPaginationResponse
- Assignment
- AuditLog
- Authentication
- AutoDiscoveryConfiguration
- AutoDiscoveryFilter
- AutoDiscoveryMethod
- AutomaticUpgradeInfo
- AwsAccountTestResult
- AwsExternalId
- AzureAccountTestResult
- BatchJobExecutionItem
- BigNumberData
- BigNumberDataPoint
- BigNumberInfo
- BigNumberItem
- CellData
- Chain
- Collector
- CollectorAttribute
- CollectorBase
- CollectorGroup
- CollectorGroupPaginationResponse
- CollectorPaginationResponse
- ColorThreshold
- ColumnHeader
- Counter
- CustomFlexibleVirtualDataSourceEx
- CustomGraph
- CustomVirtualDataPoint
- Dashboard
- DashboardData
- DashboardGroup
- DashboardGroupPaginationResponse
- DashboardPaginationResponse
- DataPoint
- DataSource
- DataSourceAttribute
- DataSourceOverviewGraph
- DataSourceUpdateReasonsPaginationResponse
- DatasourceOverviewGraphPaginationResponse
- DatasourcePaginationResponse
- DaysUntilAlert
- Debug
- Device
- DeviceClusterAlertConfig
- DeviceClusterAlertConfigPaginationResponse
- DeviceDataSource
- DeviceDataSourceAssociated
- DeviceDataSourceAssociatedInstance
- DeviceDataSourceAssociatedPaginationResponse
- DeviceDataSourceData
- DeviceDataSourceInstance
- DeviceDataSourceInstanceAlertSetting
- DeviceDataSourceInstanceAlertSettingPaginationResponse
- DeviceDataSourceInstanceConfig
- DeviceDataSourceInstanceConfigAlert
- DeviceDataSourceInstanceConfigDiff
- DeviceDataSourceInstanceData
- DeviceDataSourceInstanceGroup
- DeviceDataSourceSDTHistoryPaginationResponse
- DeviceDatasourceGraph
- DeviceDatasourceInstanceConfigPaginationResponse
- DeviceDatasourceInstanceGroupPaginationResponse
- DeviceDatasourceInstancePaginationResponse
- DeviceDatasourcePaginationResponse
- DeviceGroup
- DeviceGroupAlertThresholdInfo
- DeviceGroupDataSource
- DeviceGroupDataSourceAlertConfig
- DeviceGroupDataSourceDataPointConfig
- DeviceGroupDatasourcePaginationResponse
- DeviceGroupPaginationResponse
- DeviceGroupSDTHistoryPaginationResponse
- DevicePaginationResponse
- DeviceSDTHistoryPaginationResponse
- DynamicColumn
- DynamicTableWidgetColumn
- DynamicTableWidgetRow
- EC2NetscanPolicyCredential
- Ec2DDR
- EndpointPaginationResponse
- EntityProperty
- ErrorResponse
- EscalatingChain
- EscalationChainPaginationResponse
- ExcludeDuplicateIps
- FlowRecordPaginationResponse
- GaugeDataPoint
- GcpAccountTestResult
- GenerateReportRequest
- GenerateReportResult
- GlobMatchToggle
- GraphDisplay
- GraphLine
- GraphOpsNoteScope
- GraphPlotLine
- GraphVirtualDataPoint
- HostInventoryMetric
- InheritanceProp
- ItemData
- LinkedWmiClass
- LocationData
- Macro
- MapItemInfo
- Metric
- NMapNetscanPolicyCredential
- NOCItemBase
- NameAndValue
- NetFlowRecord
- NetScanSchedule
- NetflowDataBase
- NetflowEndpoint
- NetflowFilters
- NetflowPort
- Netscan
- NetscanPaginationResponse
- NetscanPorts
- NextUpgradeInfo
- OnetimeUpgradeInfo
- OpsNote
- OpsNotePaginationResponse
- OpsNoteScope
- OpsNoteTagBase
- OverviewGraphDataPoint
- PerfmonCounter
- Period
- PieChartData
- PieChartDataPoint
- PieChartInfo
- PieChartItem
- PointSource
- PortPaginationResponse
- Privilege
- PropertyMatchRule
- PropertyPaginationResponse
- RawDataValues
- Recipient
- RecipientGroup
- RecipientGroupPaginationResponse
- ReportBase
- ReportGroup
- ReportGroupPaginationResponse
- ReportPaginationResponse
- ReportRecipient
- ResultItem
- Role
- RolePaginationResponse
- RowData
- SDTHistory
- SDTPaginationResponse
- ScriptERIDiscoveryAttributeV2
- SiteMonitorCheckPointPaginationResponse
- SiteMonitorCheckpoint
- SlaMetric
- StatsDGraph
- StatsDGraphDisplay
- StatsDMetricDefinition
- TableWidgetColumn
- TableWidgetDataPoint
- TableWidgetForecastConfiguration
- TableWidgetInstanceCell
- TableWidgetRow
- TreeNode
- UnmonitoredDevicePaginationResponse
- UnmonitoredDevices
- UpdateReason
- UserFilter
- VirtualDataPoint
- WebCheckStep
- WebResource
- Website
- WebsiteCheckPoint
- WebsiteCheckpointRawData
- WebsiteCollectorInfo
- WebsiteGroup
- WebsiteGroupData
- WebsiteGroupPaginationResponse
- WebsiteItemConfig
- WebsiteLocation
- WebsitePaginationResponse
- Widget
- WidgetData
- WidgetPaginationResponse
- WidgetToken
- WidgetTokenInheritance
- AWSNetscan
- AggragateCollectorAttribute
- AlertForecastingReport
- AlertReport
- AlertSlaReport
- AlertThresholdReport
- AlertTrendsReport
- AlertWidget
- AlertWidgetData
- AuditLogReport
- AwsAutoScalingServiceLimitsCollectorAttribute
- AwsBillingCollectorAttribute
- AwsBillingReportCollectorAttribute
- AwsBillingReportDiscoveryMethod
- AwsClassicElbServiceLimitsCollectorAttribute
- AwsCloudWatchCollectorAttribute
- AwsDynamodbCollectorAttribute
- AwsEC2ReservedInstanceCollectorAttribute
- AwsEC2ReservedInstanceCoverageCollectorAttribute
- AwsEC2ReservedInstanceCoverageDiscoveryMethod
- AwsEC2ReservedInstanceDiscoveryMethod
- AwsEC2ScheduledEventsCollectorAttribute
- AwsEc2ServiceLimitsCollectorAttribute
- AwsEcsServiceDetailsCollectorAttribute
- AwsEcsServiceDiscoveryMethod
- AwsElastiCacheDiscoveryMethod
- AwsLBTargetGroupDiscoveryMethod
- AwsRedShiftDiscoveryMethod
- AwsS3CollectorAttribute
- AwsServiceLimitsFromTrustedAdvisorCollectorAttribute
- AwsServiceRegionDiscoveryMethod
- AwsSesServiceLimitsCollectorAttribute
- AwsSqsCollectorAttribute
- AzureBillingCollectorAttribute
- AzureBillingDiscoveryMethod
- AzureInsightsCollectorAttribute
- AzureNetscan
- AzureNetworkServiceLimitsCollectorAttribute
- AzureRedisCacheDiscoveryMethod
- AzureResourceHealthCollectorAttribute
- AzureServiceRegionDiscoveryMethod
- AzureStorageServiceLimitsCollectorAttribute
- AzureSubscriptionDiscoveryMethod
- AzureVMServiceLimitsCollectorAttribute
- BasicAuthentication
- BatchJobWidget
- BatchJobWidgetData
- BatchScriptCollectorAttribute
- BigNumberWidget
- BigNumberWidgetData
- CIMAutoDiscoveryMethod
- CIMCollectorAttribute
- CloudWatchAutoDiscoveryMethod
- CollectorAutoDiscoveryMethod
- CollectorSDT
- CustomReport
- CustomerGraphWidget
- DNSCollectorAttribute
- DashboardReport
- DataPumpCollectorAttribute
- DataSourceInstanceSDT
- DeviceBatchJobSDT
- DeviceClusterAlertDefSDT
- DeviceDataSourceInstanceGroupSDT
- DeviceDataSourceSDT
- DeviceEventSourceSDT
- DeviceGroupSDT
- DeviceNOCItem
- DeviceSDT
- DeviceSLAWidget
- DeviceSLAWidgetData
- DeviceStatus
- DummyAutoDiscoveryMethod
- DynamicTableWidget
- DynamicTableWidgetData
- EC2AutoDiscoveryMethod
- EC2ScheduledEventAutoDiscoveryMethod
- ESXAutoDiscoveryMethod
- ESXCollectorAttribute
- Ec2Netscan
- FlashWidget
- GCPNetscan
- GaugeWidget
- GaugeWidgetData
- GcpAppEngineDiscoveryMethod
- GcpBillingCollectorAttributeV2
- GcpBillingDiscoveryMethod
- GcpComputeServiceLimitsCollectorAttributeV2
- GcpStackDriverCollectorAttributeV2
- GoogleMapWidget
- GoogleMapWidgetData
- GraphPlot
- GroupNetFlowRecord
- HostCpuReport
- HostGroupInventoryReport
- HostInventoryReport
- HostMetricsReport
- HtmlWidget
- HttpAutoDiscoveryMethod
- IPMIAutoDiscoveryMethod
- IPMICollectorAttribute
- InterfBandwidthReport
- InternalCollectorAttribute
- JDBCAutoDiscoveryMethod
- JDBCCollectorAttribute
- JMXAutoDiscoveryMethod
- JMXCollectorAttribute
- MemcachedCollectorAttribute
- MongoAutoDiscoveryMethod
- MongoCollectorAttribute
- NMapNetscan
- NOCWidget
- NOCWidgetData
- NTLMAuthentication
- NetAppAutoDiscoveryMethod
- NetAppCollectorAttribute
- NetflowApplication
- NetflowBandwidth
- NetflowGraphWidget
- NetflowGroupGraphWidget
- NetflowGroupWidget
- NetflowGroupWidgetData
- NetflowQoSReportTableRow
- NetflowReport
- NetflowWidget
- NetflowWidgetData
- NormalGraphWidget
- OpsNoteDeviceGroupScope
- OpsNoteDeviceScope
- OpsNoteGroupAllScope
- OpsNoteWebsiteGroupScope
- OpsNoteWebsiteScope
- OverviewGraphWidget
- PDHAutoDiscoveryMethod
- PerfmonCollectorAttribute
- PieChartWidget
- PieChartWidgetData
- PingCheck
- PingCollectorAttribute
- PortAutoDiscoveryMethod
- RoleReport
- SDKScriptCollectorAttribute
- SDKScriptDiscoveryMethod
- SLAReport
- SNMPAutoDiscoveryMethod
- SNMPCollectorAttribute
- ScriptAutoDiscoveryMethod
- ScriptCollectorAttribute
- ScriptNetscan
- ServiceAlert
- ServiceSDT
- StatsDWidget
- TCPCollectorAttribute
- TableWidget
- TableWidgetData
- TextWidget
- UDPCollectorAttribute
- UserReport
- WMIAutoDiscoveryMethod
- WMICollectorAttribute
- WebCheck
- WebPageCollectorAttribute
- WebsiteCheckpointSDT
- WebsiteGraphWidget
- WebsiteGroupSDT
- WebsiteIndividualsStatusWidget
- WebsiteNOCItem
- WebsiteOverallStatusWidget
- WebsiteOverviewReport
- WebsiteOverviewWidget
- WebsiteSDT
- WebsiteSLAReport
- WebsiteSLAWidget
- WebsiteSLAWidgetData
- XENAutoDiscoveryMethod
- XENCollectorAttribute
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header