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Oleg Shpynov edited this page Oct 26, 2020 · 19 revisions

JBR Genome Browser Documentation


JBR Genome Browser is a general purpose genome browser with integrated semi-supervised peak calling support using SPAN. The browser is optimized to work with large session containing BigWig and BigBed tracks.


See Installation section at JBR home page.

Basic Features

JBR Main Window Example: alt text

Main browser window areas are:

  • Information about current genome range and chromosome
  • Actions toolbar
  • Tracks panel

alt text

Information about current genome range and chromosome:

alt text

This section shows how to create new sessions, save them and load existing ones.

This section shows how to load tracks of different types into JBR.

This section shows how to open desired genome location or gene.

This section shows how to scroll, zoom genome data and select regions.

This section shows basic tracks operations available in track context menu and how to reorder tracks.

This section shows Genes track features.

Advanced Features

This section shows how to use SPAN semi-supervised peak calling in JBR.

This section shows how to do score filtering in a semi-supervised-like way.

This section demonstrates how to check tracks consistency using tracks Overlap metric.