The use of vertices specified from the cursor's coordinates clicks to dynamically generate and configure a mesh, rigidbody2D, color, and 2D collider.
Requires Unity3D (tested with 2018.x, but should also work with 2017.x & 5.x)
├── _Materials
| └── Line color.mat - The color of the line drawn when displaying the current shape (before creation).
├── _Scenes
| └── Main.unity - The project's main scene
└── Scripts
├── GameManager.cs - The main code of creation and interaction.
└── Traingulator.cs - Generates triangles from polygon vertecies.
To run the project, open _Scenes/Main.unity and click on the play button.
Click anywhere on the screen and draw a shape using multiples left mouse button clicks, once done click on the right mouse button to generate the shape and enjoy the physics! (Be creative).