Click on the latest tag available in Releases tab, then select the version (Windows, Ubuntu, macOS) that match your specifications.
Or compile the game yourself by following this tutorial.
Run the game and select a region. Available regions: Poland, Iceland, Cyprus, Austria, Turkey, UK & Ireland, Denmark, France, Spain & Portugal, Greece.
In case of a missing network connection or if you prefer not to download live data, you can play in Offline mode using local data. To achieve this, press the Offline button.
After that, control your airspace! Avoid storms and give instructions to airplanes and helicopters to arrive to their airport.
An airplane will disconnect from your frequency when it is inside the arrival airport coverage area (the yellow circle) and if its altitude is below 10.000ft and airspeed below 250 knots.
Be careful! If 2 flying entities are at the same altitude they'll collide!
The blue text indicates the flight data (airspeed, heading, altitude) that you have modified. When you adjust the airspeed, heading, or altitude of an airplane, the corresponding blue text will update to reflect the changes you made. As a result, the airplane's current data will adjust according to these modifications.
Change heading by pressing LSHIFT and move your cursor around.
Change altitude by pressing LALT and UP / DOWN arrow.
Change airspeed by pressing LCTRL and UP / DOWN arrow.
Add a waypoint to an aircraft route by pressing the SPACE key.
Hide / show flights table by pressing R.
Hide / show waypoints by pressing T.
To go back to menu press Enter.
- AIRPLANES.LIVE (Live air traffic)
- RainViewer (Weather API)
- Pixabay (ATC voice sound)
- Pixabay (Loading screen landing sound)